
Many people helped me with this book. Without their assistance, I would still be on the third chapter. Larry Brown (U.S. Navy), John Guthrie (American Institutes for Research), Randal Hanford (Boeing, University of Washington), Bill Higgins (IBM), and Rich Slywczak (NASA) provided valuable technical feedback on many different chapters. Others providing useful suggestions or corrections include Nathan Abramson (ATG), Wayne Bethea (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab—JHU/ APL), Lien Duong (JHU/APL), Bob Evans (JHU/APL), Lis Immer (JHU/APL), Makato Ishii (Casa Real), Tyler Jewell (BEA), Jim Mayfield (JHU/APL), Matt McGinty (New Atlanta), Paul McNamee (JHU/APL), Karl Moss (Macromedia), and Jim Stafford (Capita). I hope I learned from their advice. Mary Lou “Eagle Eyes” Nohr spotted my errant commas, awkward sentences, typographical errors, and grammatical inconsistencies. She improved the result immensely. Vanessa Moore designed the book layout and produced the final version; she did a great job despite my many last-minute changes. Greg Doench of Prentice Hall believed in the concept from the beginning and encouraged me to write the book. Mike Alread persuaded Sun Microsystems Press to believe in it also. Thanks to all.

Most of all, thanks to B.J., Lindsay, and Nathan for their patience and encouragement. God has blessed me with a great family.

About the Author

Marty Hall is president of, a small company that provides training courses and consulting services related to server-side Java technology. He also teaches Java and Web programming in the Johns Hopkins University part-time graduate program in Computer Science, where he directs the Distributed Computing and Web Technology concentration areas. Marty is the author of Core Web Programming and Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages, both from Sun Microsystems Press and Prentice Hall. You can reach Marty at [email protected]; you can find out about his onsite training courses at

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