Day 18 – facilitating a half-day team meeting

Today is a follow-up day, yet also a continuation of last week's team meeting. As the facilitator you need to remember what went well, and areas of improvement from last week's meeting. Conduct yourself accordingly.

The following is a checklist of what you will need to facilitate the half-day team meeting and a guide to what order you should run the day.

Items you will need before beginning the meeting include:

  • A boardroom style or U style room
  • Flip chart and markers for the facilitator
  • Masking tape in order to post charts
  • Notepads
  • Pens and pencils
  • Fun gifts for participation, appropriate behavior, and so on

Now that you have all those in place, use the following steps to facilitate the flow of the day:

  1. Opening remarks
  2. Delegate or find a volunteer to take notes, gather notes, and type up highlights of the day
  3. Conduct a review of the last meeting and what went well, with a focus on what you need to do better today to get to a 10
  4. An open floor session for comments and questions from the last meeting
  5. Progress reports from the groups formed in last meeting, followed by applause
  6. Introduce the values exercise, asking the participants to complete the form, and then collect to summarize the findings and distribute to all
  7. Introduce the strengths and areas of improvement exercise
  8. Provide instructions and circulate forms
  9. Have a short break in which to review, reflect, and come back to discuss
  10. Debrief your findings, remembering to be positive, thankful, and seeking support in areas of improvement
  11. Ask each participant to define their plan of action based on their findings
  12. Ask the team if they would like to share the end result with each other; if so, collect and circulate copies to all, but if not, at least get copies for yourself in order to know your team better
  13. Introduce the dream exercise, providing blank paper, and allowing 20 minutes of free-flow writing
  14. Instruct the team to group, categorize, and prioritize their dreams on a separate piece of paper
  15. Allow time for a few volunteer presentations followed by open discussion
  16. Ask the team to write out a draft vision statement of where they see the team in three to five years
  17. Collect the lists of dreams, then group, categorize, and prioritize sheets, and draft vision statements to summarize and distribute to all
  18. Give a summary of the day
  19. Explain the next steps of summarizing and circulating findings in time for the next meeting on day 23
  20. Set goals for the next meeting
  21. Closing remarks
  22. Evaluation feedback form from participants with a 0-10 rating, highlighting what went well /delta—what can we do better next time to get to a 10

Following these steps will ensure you have had a successful half-day meeting.

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