Day 29 – monitoring and measure your progress

Today you must complete what you started yesterday—share the highlights of the meeting and put out a draft agenda for the next meeting where you will share what you learned today.

Are you doing what you set out to do? If so, are you rewarding yourself for your accomplishments? If not, are you revising your plan?

Knowing how you're doing will motivate you to keep going and to make the necessary adjustments along the way. You will find the two charts in this chapter extremely helpful to monitor your actions and behaviors, as they both allow you to view your progress in a quick and simple layout.

Soar chart

Here's the way Soar charts work. You take the goal categories that you identified on day 21, and on the Soar chart you write each category name in the column under the title "Goals."

Then, on the line beside each category, write out the goals for each time period.

Although the chart shows time periods of years one, three, five and long-term, you may use whatever time periods you prefer, but be specific with your dates.

You can use a 6 month period for your short range goals. Use January 1 as the beginning of a new year and use your birthday as the beginning of a new age. Use the three and five-year columns for your medium range goals and "long term" for your retirement and life goals.

The beauty of a Soar chart is that it summarizes all the expectations and dreams that you intend to turn into reality. Your completed Soar chart reminds you of what is truly important in your life. It reinforces your expectations and gives you a boost in down times. It helps you in your visualization process. It is your roadmap to your future, but with specific dates or ages.

Use this chart daily and you will be placing your goals as a top of mind activity allowing you to visualize their accomplishment.

You are projecting your mind into a time of happiness and success by visualizing goal accomplishment. It's easy, fun, and rewarding.

Your thoughts of today are your tomorrow.

Soar chart

Monthly Monitor Chart

The Monthly Monitor Chart provides you with a method to monitor your daily behaviors and activities.

Across the top of the chart are the numbers 1 to 31. These are for each day of the month. You can see today's date, so you can start today; you do not have to wait until the first of the month. There is no use procrastinating, do it now!

Down the side of the chart is a list of daily activities. First is the Goal Review with a line for am, noon, and pm. The idea is to review your goals from your Soar chart in the morning when you wake up, at midday, and before going to bed at night.

If you reviewed your goals in the morning, give yourself a check mark in the column under that day's date. If not, leave it blank. As you know, it takes 21 consecutive days to make something a habit.

Well, this works for the accomplishments of goals also. However, we are human and we have a tough time doing things for 21 consecutive days, so the trick here is to get at least 25 check marks over a 31 day period to make it a habit, a discipline, a reality.

Now let me ask you some questions. If you were to review your goals three times a day for the next 31 days, what do you think would happen to your life?

Do you think you would become more focused?

Would you manage your time better and get more out of each day?

Would you be more action-oriented?

Would you eventually realize your dreams and live the life you so desire?

The next section, under activities, contains daily affirmations that should also be reviewed and put into action daily. The first one is "I recognize and praise." Did you take the time today to look at the good that you do? Did you build yourself up or did you beat yourself up?

Recognition and praise is the number one motivating factor in the workplace, yet most of us work in an environment of criticism.

Why? It is quite simple. What do most people do to themselves all day long? What have you been doing to yourself all day—praising yourself or criticizing yourself with negative self-talk where you lower your self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-respect?

What we do, or give, to ourselves is what we do, or give, to others. You can only give away what you have inside to give. So, who has to change?

By taking the time to recognize and praise yourself, without it going to your head, you will be realizing the good that you do and like yourself more. In turn, you will see the good in others and be able to also recognize and praise them.

So, first give yourself a check mark if you recognized and praised yourself today. Did you also recognize and praise others? If so, give yourself a double check mark. If not, leave it blank.

Do the same for each of the other affirmations listed. Mind you, you can change these affirmations to whatever you want to affirm on a daily basis.

Now look at "Goals" on the Monthly Monitor chart.

Here you will list your top three goals for that month. Under each goal, identify three daily actions for the accomplishment of that goal. Those actions could be something you'll repeat daily or weekly, or do once only. Write down what you think you can accomplish.

Take time now to complete this section.

The Soar chart summarizes your short and long range goals, and the Monthly Monitor chart details what you plan to do each day and month. Combined, back-to-back on one piece of paper which can be folded and placed in your pocket, wallet, or purse, they will serve as a great tool for you.

The charts will remind, discipline, guide, monitor, and reward you. They will make you more aware of your behaviors, pointing out when you should make adjustments.

Complete the charts and carry them with you at all times. Refer to them at least three times a day. Fill in the Monthly Monitor daily and revise it monthly. The effort will help you turn your dreams into your reality.

Monthly Monitor Chart
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