
Thanks, as always, to my wife, Debby, and my daughter, Luna. Also thanks to the rest of my family: Jacqueline Rosenzweig, Jerry Rosenzweig, Larry Rosenzweig, Tara Rosenzweig, Rebecca Jacob, Barbara Shifrin, Richard Shifrin, Barbara H. Shifrin, Tage Thomsen, Anne Thomsen, Andrea Thomsen, and Sami Balestri.

Thanks to all the people who watch the show and participate at the MacMost website.

Thanks to everyone at Pearson Education who worked on this book: Laura Norman, Lori Lyons, Nonie Ratcliff, Tricia Bronkella, Kathy Ruiz, Kristy Hart, Cindy Teeters, Anne Jones, and Greg Wiegand.

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