

1Password app, 339

3G connections

Data Roaming, 48

setting up, 46-48

3rd generation iPad, 5

4G connections, setting up, 46, 48


About section (Settings screen), 26-27


AirPrint, 364-366

Apple Component AV Cable, 370

Apple Composite AV Cable, 370

Apple Digital AV Adapter, 370-371

Apple iPad 2 Dock, 368

Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit, 377-378

Apple iPad Dock to VGA Adapter, 369-370

Apple Wireless Keyboard, 371-373

iPad Smart Cover, 367

power chargers, 374-375

protective cases, 375-377

accounts, authorizing multiple accounts, 305


Apple Digital AV Adapter, 370-371

Apple iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter, 274-275

Apple iPad Dock to VGA Adapter, 369-370


contacts, 100-101

photos to video in iMovie, 197-199

sound to video in iMovie, 201

video titles in iMovie, 200-201

adjusting photos in iPhoto, 175-177

Air Hockey app, 354-355

AirPlay, 82, 166

playing music/video, 82

AirPrint, 364-366

bypassing, 367


creating, 166-168

viewing, 167-168

alert sounds, adjusting, 28-29

aligning text in documents, 214-215

Angry Birds app, 356-357

app screens, 13

App Store

finding apps, 299-300

purchasing apps, 292-294

Apple, buying books, 86-87

Apple Component AV Cable, 370

Apple Composite AV Cable, 370

Apple Digital AV Adapter, 370-371

Apple Dock Connector to USB Cable, 374

Apple iPad 10W USB Power Adapter, 374

Apple iPad 2 Dock, 368

Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit, 377-378

Apple iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter, 274-275

Apple iPad Dock to VGA Adapter, 369-370

Apple Wireless Keyboard, 371-373

appointments. See events


1Password, 339

Bento, 310-313

deleting, 295, 323-324

downloading automatically, 294

Epicurious, 337

Evernote, 339

finding, 301

in App Store, 299-300

Flipboard, 319-320

GoodReader, 313

grouping, 53

grouping into folders, 296-297

iPhone/iPod touch apps, 301-303

iTap VNC, 308-309

MindNode, 325

for newspapers, 318

NewsRack, 315-318

OmniGraffle, 321-323

purchasing, 292-294

quitting, 6, 298

rearranging on iPad, 295-296

recommending, 304-305

redownloading, 294

in Settings list, 41

sharing, 305

SketchBook Pro, 339

Skype, 327

StarWalk, 339

Stick It, 329-332

synchronization, 53

Things, 339

troubleshooting, 303-304

USA Today, 340

viewing running, 297-298

Voice Memos, 333-334

The Weather Channel Max+, 340

Wolfram Alpha, 339

WritePad, 335-336

Zinio, 340

artwork, drawing, 339

audio. See also music

adding to video in iMovie, 201


downloading, 75-77

subscribing to, 77

authorizing multiple accounts, 305

average function (spreadsheets), 237-240

averaging columns in spreadsheets, 237-240


background image

photos as, 166

sticky notes on, 329-332

background images, inserting in documents, 227

backgrounds, creating, 228

backing up, 50

batteries, charging, 368, 374-375

Bento app, 310-313

Bluetooth address of iPad, 27

Bluetooth keyboards, 371-373

bookmarking, web pages, 126-127

deleting bookmarks, 127-128

saving bookmarks to home screen, 129-130

syncing bookmarks, 129


deleting, 128

inserting in books, 93

setting in Maps app, 283-284

synchronization, 51-52


buying from Apple, 86-87

ePub format, 86

inserting bookmarks, 93

inserting highlights, 91-92

inserting notes, 91-92

organizing, 94-95

purchasing, 87

reading, 88-89

customizing view, 90

on Kindle app, 96

with GoodReader app, 313


photos, 162-163

with Safari, 118-119

brushed effects to photos in iPhoto, 178


presentations, 260-261

slides, 262-265

bulleted lists, creating in documents, 216-217

button lists, 16

buttons. See controls

buying book from Apple, 86-87. See also purchasing

bypassing AirPrint, 367


calculations in spreadsheets, 241

updating, 249


events, creating, 104-106

views, 107-110

calendars, synchronization, 51-52

Camera app

recording video, 188-189

taking photos, 158-159

camera connections, 377-378

Camera Roll, trimming video, 190

capacity of iPad, determining, 27

capitalizing letters, 17

capturing the screen, 172

car chargers, 375

cells in spreadsheets, formatting, 242-244

centering map on current location, 279

charging the battery, 368, 374-375



in documents, 225-226

with OmniGraffle app, 321-323

in spreadsheets, creating, 250-252

clip art, importing, 221

clipboard, copying photos to, 166

Cloud versus Device, 96

column layouts in documents, 218

columns in spreadsheets

averaging, 237-240

totaling, 236

.com button, 119

comic books, reading, 349-350

Comics + app, 349-350

comparing iPads, 4


email messages, 144-145

music with GarageBand app, 344-346

computer, synchronization with. See synchronization with iTunes

configuring email, 140-142, 149-150

for receiving messages, 148


3G connections, setting up, 46-48

4G connections, setting up, 46

Wi-Fi network connections

security, 45

setting up, 44-45


adding, 100-101

assigning photos to, 165

editing, 103

searching, 102-103

synchronization, 51-52

synchronizing, 101

controls. See also interfaces

Home button, 6

music playback, 68

side switch, 8-9

volume control, 8

alert sounds, adjusting, 28-29

Wake/Sleep button, 7

conversing with messages, 151

copy protection for videos, 74


photos to clipboard, 166

text, 21

text styles, 213

text/images from web pages, 134


iPad Smart Cover, 367

protective cases, 375-377

Crop & Straighten button, 177

current location, centering map on, 279

custom alert sounds, 29


alert sounds, adjusting, 28-29

date/time, setting, 35-36

in iBooks, 90

iPod settings, 39

keyboard settings, 36-37

parental restrictions, setting, 32-33

password protection, setting, 30-32

Safari settings, 38

side switch, setting functionality, 34

slideshow settings, 41

Video settings, 41

wallpaper, changing, 24-26


daily view (Calendar), 107

Data Roaming with 3G connections, 48

databases, Bento app, 310-313

date/time, setting, 35-36

date/time formatting in spreadsheets, 254


apps, 295

bookmarks, 128

bookmarks (Safari), 127-128

email messages, 146

photos, 173-174

Device versus Cloud, 96

devices, syncing, 72

diagrams, creating with OmniGraffle app, 321-323

dictating text, 18-19

Dictionary (iBooks), 91

dictionary apps, 323-324 app, 323-324

Digital AV Adapter, 370-371

digital camera connections, 377-378

directions (in Maps app), obtaining, 281-282


iCloud email account, 61

viewing remote images, 150

docking the iPad, 368

Document Setup options (Pages app), 227-228

documents. See also spreadsheets

background images, inserting, 227

charts, creating, 225-226

column layouts, 218

creating, 208-209

Document Setup options, 227-228


inserting, 219-221

moving, 221

line spacing, 218

lists, creating, 216-217

paragraph styles, 212

printing, 212, 228


inserting, 222

styling, 223

sharing, 228

synchronization, 54

tables, creating, 223-225


aligning, 214-215

copying styles, 213

entering, 208-209

styling, 210-212

double-tapping, 10


new apps, automatically, 294

podcasts, 75-77

dragging, 10

draw-to-direct games, 356

drawing artwork, 339

DVDs, importing video from, 73



contacts, 103

photos, 164

text, 19-20

video in iMovie, 191-194

video transitions in iMovie, 195-197


configuring, 140-142, 149-150


composing, 144-145

deleting, 146

moving, 146

reading, 143

receiving, 148

searching, 147

signatures, creating, 145

multiple inboxes, 144

spam filtering, 146

email accounts

iCloud, disabling, 61

synchronization, 51-52

email inbox, notes in, 113


photos, 165

video, 189

emergency contact info on Lock and Home screens, 332

Epicurious app, 337

ePub format, 86

equations in spreadsheets, 241

events, creating in Calendar, 104-106

Evernote app, 339

external displays, Apple iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter, 274-275



receiving video calls, 204

setting up, 202

FaceTime accounts

placing calls with, 203

troubleshooting, 205

fetch delivery (email), 148

Field Runners app, 359-360

file sharing, troubleshooting, 54

filenames for notes, 111


apps, 301

in App Store, 299-300

locations, 278-279

multiple locations, 280

flash, when taking photos, 161

flicking, 11

Flipboard app, 319-320

folders, grouping apps into, 296-297

footers in spreadsheets, formatting, 246

forgotten passcode, restoring, 32

formatting. See also styling

cells in spreadsheets, 242-244

date/time formatting in spreadsheets, 254

headers/footers in spreadsheets, 246

notes, 113

tables in spreadsheets, 245-246

text in documents, 214-215

forms in spreadsheets, creating, 247-249

forms (Safari), filling in 130-132

formulas. See calculations

four-finger gestures, 11


Galcon Fusion app, 357

Game Center app, 352-354


Air Hockey app, 354-355

Angry Birds app, 356-357

Field Runners app, 359-360

Galcon Fusion app, 357

Game Center app, 352-354

Gold Strike app, 360-361

Harbor Master app, 356

Highborn app, 355-356

Monkey Island 2 Special Edition app, 358

Plants vs. Zombies app, 358

Real Racing HD app, 360

Scrabble app, 359

GarageBand app, composing music with, 344-346

Genius playlists, 70

gestures, 10-11, 298

four-finger gestures, 11

Gold Strike app, 360-361

GoodReader app, 313

Google Maps in Safari, 282


apps, 53

apps into folders, 296-297

slides, 271

GUI. See interface

guitar connection cables, 375


Handbrake, 73

handwriting recognition, 335-336

Harbor Master app, 356

HD (high definition) video, 74

HDMI adapter, 273

HDMI adapters, Apple Digital AV Adapter, 370-371

headers in spreadsheets, formatting, 246

headsets, USB headset connections, 378

help. See troubleshooting, 303

Highborn app, 355-356

highlights, inserting in books, 91-92

History button (Safari), 124-125

Home button, 6

Home screen, 12-13

saving bookmarks to, 129-130

sticky notes on, 329-332

home video, 73



inserting bookmarks, 93

inserting highlights, 91-92

inserting notes, 91-92

organizing books, 94-95

purchasing books from, 87

reading books, 88-89

customizing view, 90

troubleshooting, 91

iCloud, 208

calendar syncing, 52

disabling, 61

movies, 74

Photo Stream, 61

syncing, 59-61

icons for home screen bookmarks, 130

images. See also photos

background images, inserting in documents, 227

clip art, importing, 221

copying from web pages, 134

including in email messages, 145

inserting in documents, 219-221

moving in documents, 221

remote images, disabling viewing, 150

saving from web pages, 135

slideshow settings, customizing, 41

wallpaper, changing, 24-26

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), 140

iMovie app


photos to video, 197-199

sound to video, 201

video titles, 200-201


video, 191-194

video transitions, 195-197


clip art, 221

video from DVDs, 73

inboxes (email), multiple inboxes, 144


background images in documents, 227

bookmarks in books, 93

highlights in books, 91-92

images in documents, 219-221

notes in books, 91-92

shapes in documents, 222

interface. See also controls; customization

button lists, 16

dragging, 10

flicking, 11

on-screen keyboard, 17-18

pinching, 10

screens. See screens

sliders, 15

switches, 15

tab bars, 16

tapping, 10


copying/pasting, 21

editing, 19-20

toolbars, 16

Internet connections

3G connections, setting up, 46-48

4G connections, setting up, 46

Wi-Fi network connections

security, 45

setting up, 44-45

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), 140


customizing. See customization

docking, 368

keyboards for, 209

locking, 30

orientation, 9

shaking, 9

shutting down, 7

starting, 7

synchronization. See synchronization with iTunes

updating, 62

versions, 4

iPad OS, version number, 5, 27

iPad Picture Frame, 171

iPad Smart Cover, 367

iPad version of web pages, 119

iPads, comparing, 4

iPhone apps, 301-303


adjusting photos, 175-177

brushed effects, 178

online journals, 181, 184-185

sharing photos, 180

special effects, 179

iPod settings, customizing, 39

iPod touch apps, 301-303

iTap VNC app, 308-309


arranging apps, 296

purchasing from, 71-73

sharing accounts, 305

synchronization with, 48-50

apps, 53

contacts/calendars/bookmarks/email accounts, 51-52

documents, 54

music, 55-56

photos, 57-58

iTunes Match, 56, 66


journals, online journals (iPhoto), 181-185


keyboard settings, customizing, 36-37

keyboard shortcuts, on Apple Wireless Keyboard, 373

keyboards, 209, 371-373

Numbers app options, 233

on-screen keyboard, 17-18

USB keyboards, 378

Keynote. See presentations

Kindle app, 96


letters, capitalizing, 17

line spacing in documents, 218

links in web pages, 123

List view (Calendar), 110

listening to music, 350-351

listening to music. See songs, playing

lists, creating in documents, 216-217


finding, 278-279

multiple locations, finding, 280

lock screen, 11-12

Lock screen, sticky notes on, 329-332

locking iPad, 30


magazine apps, 340

Magic Move, 267

Magic Move transition (in presentations), 267-268

Mail. See email

Maps app, 277

Bookmarks, setting, 283-284

centering on current location, 279

directions, obtaining, 281-282

locations, finding, 278-279

multiple locations, finding, 280

Satellite View, 285-286

Street View, 287-288

traffic reports, 289

meetings. See events

messages, conversing with, 151

messages (email)

composing, 144-145

deleting, 146

moving, 146

reading, 143

receiving, 148

searching, 147

signatures, creating, 145

messaging, setting up, 150

Mind Map, 325

MindNode app, 325

model number of iPad, 27

model numbers, 28

Monkey Island 2 Special Edition app, 358

Month view (Calendar), 109

movies, watching with Netflix app, 347-348. See also video

moving. See also rearranging

email messages, 146

images in documents, 221

MP4 format, 78

Multi-Pass, 74

multiple inboxes (email), 144

multiple locations, finding, 280

multiple tables in spreadsheets, 252-253, 256-257

multiple web pages, opening, 133

music. See also songs

adding to video in iMovie, 201

via AirPlay, playing, 82

composing with GarageBand app, 344-346

listening to, 350-351


building, 69-70

Genius playlists, 70

purchasing from iTunes, 71-73

synchronization, 55-56

mute switch, 8-9

setting, 34


Netflix, 78

Netflix app, 347-348

network connections

3G connections, setting up, 46-48

4G connections, setting up, 46

Wi-Fi network connections

security, 45

setting up, 44-45

news articles, viewing with Safari Reader, 136

newspaper apps, 340


apps for, 318

Flipboard app, 319-320

NewsRack app, 315-318


creating, 111-112

filenames for, 111

formatting, lack of, 113

handwriting, 335-336

in email inbox, 113

inserting in books, 91-92

recording, 333-334

Notification Center, settings, 40

numbered lists, creating in documents, 216-217

numbers and punctuation, typing, 17

Numbers app, keyboard options, 233. See also spreadsheets


object transitions (in presentations), 269-270

OmniGraffle app, 321-323

on-screen keyboard, 17-18

keyboard settings, customizing, 36-37

On/Off button, 7

online journals, iPhoto, 181, 184-185

opening multiple web pages, 133

operating systems, 5


apps on iPad, 295-296

books, 94-95

photos into albums, 167-168

slides, 271-272


of iPad, 9

of video, changing, 79

orientation lock, 8-9

setting, 34

original photos, 165


Pages app, 229. See also documents

Document Setup options, 227-228

Undo button, 210

Pandora app, 350-351

paper size, changing for documents, 227

paragraph styles, 212

parentheses in spreadsheet calculations, 241

parental restrictions, setting, 32-33

passcode, restoring, 32

password protection, setting, 30-32

passwords, storing, 339

pasting text, 21

pausing songs, 68

PDF files, reading with GoodReader app, 313

phone calls, video phone calls, 203

Photo Booth app, taking photos, 160-161

Photo Stream, 61, 162

photos. See also images

adding to video in iMovie, 197-199

adjusting in iPhoto, 175-177


creating, 166-168

viewing, 167

browsing, 162-163

brushed effects in iPhoto, 178

deleting, 173-174

editing, 164

organizing into albums, 167-168

originals, 165

in Picture Frame, 170-171

sharing, 165-166

with iPhoto, 180

slideshows, creating, 169-170

special effects in iPhoto, 179

synchronization, 57-58


with Camera app, 158-159

with Photo Booth app, 160-161

usage examples, 166

zooming, 163

Photos app. See photos

physics games, 356-357

Picture Frame, viewing photos in, 170-171

Pinching, 10

placing video phone calls, 203

Plants vs. Zombies app, 358


music/video via AirPlay, 82

presentations, 273

with VGA Adapter, 274-275

songs, 66-68

video, 78-79

YouTube video, 80-81

playlists. See also music

building, 69-70

Genius playlists, 70


downloading, 75-77

subscribing to, 77

POP (Post Office Protocol), 140

power supplies, 374-375

battery charging with, 368


building, 260-261

playing, 273

with VGA Adapter, 274-275


building, 262-265

organizing, 271-272

transitions, 266-270

themes, 262

previewing video transitions, 197


documents, 212, 228

web pages, 126

with AirPrint, 364-366

protective cases, 375-377

punctuation, typing, 17


apps, 292-294

books, 87

from iTunes, 71-73

video, 74

push delivery (email), 148


quitting apps, 6, 298


racing games, 360

radio stations. See Pandora app

radio. See Pandora app


books, 88-89

customizing view, 90

with GoodReader app, 313

on Kindle app, 96

comic books, 349-350

email messages, 143

Reading List, 127

Real Racing HD app, 360

rearranging apps on iPad, 295-296


email messages, 148

video calls with FaceTime, 204

recipes, Epicurious app, 337

recommending apps, 304-305


notes, 333-334

video, 188-189

redownloading apps, 294

reminders, setting, 113-115

remote images, disabling viewing, 150

rented video, 74

restoring passcode, 32

restrictions. See parental restrictions

roaming, 48

routes, mapping, 281-282

RSS feeds, 315-318

running apps, viewing, 297-298



bookmarking web pages, 126-127

browsing with, 118-119

copying text/images from web pages, 134

customizing settings, 38

deleting bookmarks, 127-128

filling in web forms, 130-132

Google Maps in, 282

links in, 123

opening multiple web pages, 133

printing web pages, 126

saving bookmarks to home screen, 129-130

saving images from web pages, 135

searching with, 119-121

syncing bookmarks, 129

viewing web pages, 121-123

previously visited pages, 124-125

Safari Reader, viewing news articles, 136

Satellite View (Maps app), 285-286

Saved Photos, 172

deleting photos, 173-174


bookmarks (Safari) to home screen, 129-130

images from web pages, 135

Scrabble app, 359

screen captures, 172


app screens, 13

Home screen, 12-13

lock screen, 11-12

Search screen, 13-14

Settings screen, 14

About section, 26-27

apps in, 41

SD (standard definition) video, 74

SD card connections, 377-378

Search (iBooks), 91

Search screen, 13-14


contacts, 102-103

email messages, 147

for places, 280

with Safari, 119-121

season passes for TV shows, 74


for Wi-Fi network connections, 45

password protection, setting, 30-32

selecting tables in spreadsheets, 253

serial number of iPad, 27

Settings screen, 14

About section, 26-27

apps in, 41

shaking iPad, 9


inserting in documents, 222

styling in documents, 223


apps, 305

documents, 228

photos, 165-166

with iPhoto, 180

video, 194

sharing files, troubleshooting, 54

sheets in spreadsheets, 232

shutting down iPad, 7

side switch, 8-9

setting functionality, 34

signatures for email messages, creating, 145

SketchBook Pro app, 339

Skype app, 327

sleep mode, 7

sliders, 15


building, 262-265

organizing, 271-272

transitions, 266, 270

Magic Move transition, 267-268

object transitions, 269-270

viewing, 262

slideshow settings, customizing, 41


of photos, creating, 169-170

on TV, 170

viewing in Picture Frame, 170-171

smart covers, 367

songs. See also music

pausing, 68

playing, 66-68


adding to video in iMovie, 201

alert sounds, adjusting, 28-29

spam filters, 146

special effects, iPhoto, 179

special keys on Apple Wireless Keyboard, 373


calculations, updating, 249

calculations in, 241

cells, formatting, 242-244

charts, creating, 250-252


averaging, 237-240

totaling, 236

creating, 232-235

date/time formatting, 254

forms, creating, 247-249

headers/footers, formatting, 246


formatting, 245-246

multiple tables in, 252-253, 256-257

selecting, 253

starting iPad, 7

StarWalk app, 339

Stick It app, 329-332

sticky notes on Lock and Home screens, 329-332

storage space for video, 74

storing passwords, 339

strategy games, 355-358

Street View (Maps app), 287-288


shapes in documents, 223

text in documents, 210-212

copying styles, 213

subscribing to podcasts, 77

sum function (spreadsheets), 236

switches, 15

synchronization with iTunes, 48-50

apps, 53

contacts/calendars/bookmarks/email accounts, 51-52

documents, 54

music, 55-56

photos, 57-58

syncing, 56

bookmarks (Safari), 129

contacts, 101

devices, 72

with iCloud, 59-61


tab bars, 16


creating in documents, 223-225

in spreadsheets, 232

formatting, 245-246

selecting, 253

multiple tables in spreadsheets, 252-253, 256-257

tabs in documents, 215

taking photos

with Camera app, 158-159

with Photo Booth app, 160-161

tapping, 10


copying from web pages, 134

copying/pasting, 21

dictating, 18-19

editing, 19-20

in documents

aligning, 214-215

column layouts, 218

copying styles, 213

entering, 208-209

line spacing, 218

lists, creating, 216-217

styling, 210-212

typing, 17-18

themes in presentations, 262

thesaurus apps, 323-324

Things app, 339

thumbnail images, assigning to contacts, 165

time-delayed rentals (video), 74

time/date, setting, 35-36

time/date formatting in spreadsheets, 254

titles, adding to video in iMovie, 200-201

to-do lists, creating, 111-112

toolbars, 16

totaling columns in spreadsheets, 236

tower defense games, 359-360

traffic reports, 289

transitions, editing in iMovie, 195-197

transitions (in presentations), 266, 270

Magic Move transition, 267-268

object transitions, 269-270

trimming video, 190


apps, 303-304

calculations in spreadsheets, 249

calendar synchronization, 52

FaceTime, 205

file sharing, 54

forgotten passcode, 32

Home Sharing, 83

iBooks, 91

notes in email inbox, 113

viewing presentations with VGA Adapter, 275

VNC connections, 309

turn-based strategy games, 355-356

TV hookups, Apple iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter, 274-275

TV shows

Multi-Pass, 74

season passes, 74

watching with Netflix app, 347-348

tweeting, 155


following people, 154

setting up, 153

tweeting, 155


capital letters, 17

with on-screen keyboard, 17

text, 17-18

URLs, 119


UI. See interface, 10

Undo button (Pages app), 210

Universal Resource Locator (URL), 119


calculations in spreadsheets, 249

iPad, 62

URL (Universal Resource Locator), 119

USA Today app, 340

USB headset connections, 378

USB keyboards, 378

user interface. See interface


version number of iPad OS, 27

versions of iPad, 4

VGA adapters

Apple iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter, 274-275

Apple iPad Dock to VGA Adapter, 369-370



photos in iMovie, 197-199

sound in iMovie, 201

titles in iMovie, 200-201

via AirPlay, playing, 82

alternatives to Apple, 78

editing in iMovie, 191-194

emailing, 189

HD versus SD, 74

home video, 73

importing from DVDs, 73

MP4 format, 78

orientation, changing, 79

playing, 78-79


downloading, 75-77

subscribing to, 77

purchasing, 74

recording, 188-189

sharing, 194

space constraints, 74

transitions, editing in iMovie, 195-197

trimming, 190

YouTube video, playing, 80-81

video calls

placing, 203

receiving with FaceTime, 204

Video settings, customizing, 41


albums, 167-168


Satellite View, 285-286

Street View, 287-288

news articles with Safari Reader, 136

photos, 162-163

in Picture Frame, 170-171

as slideshow, 169-170

remote images, disabling, 150

running apps, 297-298

slides, 262

web pages, 121-123

previously visited pages, 124-125

views in Calendar, 107-110

VNC (Virtual Network Computing), 308-309

Voice Memos app, 333-334

VOIP (voice over IP) apps, 327

volume control, 8

alert sounds, adjusting, 28-29


Wake/Sleep button, 7

wallpaper, changing, 24-26

watching movies with Netflix app, 347-348

The Weather Channel Max+ app, 340

Web, tips for searching, 121

web pages

bookmarking, 126-127

deleting bookmarks, 127-128

saving bookmarks to home screen, 129-130

syncing bookmarks, 129

browsing, 118-119

copying text/images, 134

filling in forms, 130-132

iPad versions, 119

links in, 123

opening multiple, 133

printing, 126

saving images, 135

searching for, 119-121

viewing, 121-123

previously visited pages, 124-125

weekly view (Calendar), 108

Wi-Fi address of iPad, 27

Wi-Fi network connections

security, 45

setting up, 44-45

wireless versus dock, 374

wireless keyboards, 371-373

Wolfram Alpha app, 339

word processing. See documents

WritePad app, 335-336

writing email messages, 144-145


YouTube video, playing, 80-81


Zinio app, 340

zooming photos, 163

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