Table of Contents



Chapter 1. X-ray Lithography: Fundamentals and Applications

1.1. Introduction

1.2. The principle of X-ray lithography

1.3. The physics of X-ray Lithography

1.4. Applications

1.5. Appendix 1

1.6. Bibliography

Chapter 2. NanoImprint Lithography

2.1. From printing to NanoImprint

2.2. A few words about NanoImprint

2.3. The fabrication of the mold

2.4. Separating the mold and the resist after imprint: de-embossing

2.5. The residual layer problem in NanoImprint

2.6. Residual layer thickness measurement

2.7. A few remarks on the mechanical behavior of molds and flow properties of the NanoImprint process

2.8. Conclusion

2.9. Bibliography

Chapter 3. Lithography Techniques Using Scanning Probe Microscopy

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Presentation of local-probe microscopes

3.3. General principles of local-probe lithography techniques

3.4. Classification of surface structuring techniques using local-probe microscopes

3.5. Lithographic techniques with polymer resist mask

3.6. Lithography techniques using oxidation-reduction interactions

3.7. "Passive" lithography techniques

3.8. Conclusions and perspectives

3.9. Bibliography

Chapter 4. Lithography and Manipulation Based on the Optical Properties of Metal Nanostructures

4.1. Introduction

4.2. Surface plasmons

4.3. Localized plasmon optical lithography

4.4. Delocalized surface plasmon optical lithography

4.5. Conclusions, discussions and perspectives

4.6. Bibliography

Chapter 5. Patterning with Self-Assembling Block Copolymers

5.1. Block copolymers: a nano-lithography technique for tomorrow?

5.2. Controlling self-assembled block copolymer films

5.3. Technological applications of block copolymer films

5.4. Bibliography

Chapter 6. Metrology for Lithography

6.1. Introduction

6.2. The concept of CD in metrology

6.3. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

6.4. 3D atomic force microscopy (AFM 3D)

6.5. Grating optical diffractometry (or scatterometry)

6.6. What is the most suitable technique for lithography?

List of Authors


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