Table of Contents

Where I’m Coming From
And Now About You
Structure of This Book
Conventions Used in This Book
White Belt to Black Belt (and Back)
Online Resources
1. Program for Production
Tip 1. Beat Up Your Code
Tip 2. Insist on Correctness
Tip 3. Design with Tests
Tip 4. Tame Complexity
Tip 5. Fail Gracefully
Tip 6. Be Stylish
Tip 7. Improve Legacy Code
Tip 8. Review Code Early and Often
2. Get Your Tools in Order
Tip 9. Optimize Your Environment
Tip 10. Speak Your Language Fluently
Tip 11. Know Your Platform
Tip 12. Automate Your Pain Away
Tip 13. Control Time (and Timelines)
Tip 14. Use the Source, Luke
3. Manage Thy Self
Tip 15. Find a Mentor
Tip 16. Own the Image You Project
Tip 17. Be Visible
Tip 18. Ace Your Performance Review
Tip 19. Manage Your Stress
Tip 20. Treat Your Body Right
4. Teamwork
Tip 21. Grok Personality Types
Tip 22. Connect the Dots
Tip 23. Work Together
Tip 24. Meet Effectively
5. Inside the Company
Tip 25. Know Your Peeps
Tip 26. Know Your (Corporate) Anatomy
6. Mind Your Business
Tip 27. Get with the Project
Tip 28. Appreciate the Circle of (a Product’s) Life
Tip 29. Put Yourself in the Company’s Shoes
Tip 30. Identify Corporate Antipatterns
7. Kaizen
Tip 31. Mind Your Head
Tip 32. Never Stop Learning
Tip 33. Find Your Place
A1. Bibliography
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