List of Figures

Chapter 1. Why Nim?

Figure 1.1. Compilation backends

Figure 1.2. How Nim compiles source code

Figure 1.3. How the Nim compilation process compares to other programming languages

Chapter 2. Getting started

Figure 2.1. The syntax of a Nim procedure definition

Figure 2.2. for loop syntax in Nim

Chapter 3. Writing a chat application

Figure 3.1. My screen after I send the message

Figure 3.2. John’s and Grace’s screens

Figure 3.3. Client-server vs. peer-to-peer

Figure 3.4. The operation of the chat application

Figure 3.5. Successful compilation of client.nim

Figure 3.6. Starting the client without any parameters

Figure 3.7. Starting the client with one parameter

Figure 3.8. The supplied command-line parameters and how to access them

Figure 3.9. Problem caused by the client being blocked indefinitely

Figure 3.10. Blocking execution of client.nim

Figure 3.11. Blocking execution of client.nim with spawn

Figure 3.12. Good and bad protocols

Figure 3.13. The steps needed to start accepting new connections on a server socket

Figure 3.14. The difference between synchronous and asynchronous accept

Figure 3.15. Nim’s asyncdispatch event loop

Figure 3.16. The execution of listing 3.17

Figure 3.17. The nonblocking parallel execution of client.nim)

Figure 3.18. The server’s output

Figure 3.19. The client’s output

Chapter 4. A tour through the standard library

Figure 4.1. The most useful pure modules

Figure 4.2. The most useful impure modules

Figure 4.3. The compiler searches for modules starting in the project’s directory.

Figure 4.4. The example.nim file has been moved into the misc directory.

Figure 4.5. The documentation for the os module

Figure 4.6. Looking up the value of the key "Dog" in the animalsAges hash table

Figure 4.7. The output of listing 4.21

Figure 4.8. The substr procedure

Chapter 5. Package management

Figure 5.1. Comparison between packages, libraries, applications, and software repositories

Figure 5.2. System-level vs. application-level package managers

Figure 5.3. Some commands that Nimble supports

Figure 5.4. Searching for a “linux” package with version information

Figure 5.5. A typical Nimble package

Figure 5.6. An external Nimble package’s evolution

Figure 5.7. The output of nimble install daemonize

Figure 5.8. The Nimble installation process

Figure 5.9. Finding information about the daemonize package in the packages.json file

Figure 5.10. How Nimble decides which version of a package to install

Figure 5.11. The NimbleExample directory layout

Figure 5.12. The nimble init command

Figure 5.13. nim c vs. nimble c

Figure 5.14. Creating a new repository on GitHub

Figure 5.15. Local Nimble package with no repository vs. one with a Git repository

Chapter 6. Parallelism

Figure 6.1. Concurrent execution of two processes

Figure 6.2. Parallel execution of two processes

Figure 6.3. The two possible executions of listing 6.4

Figure 6.4. A Nim thread pool

Figure 6.5. Synchronized and unsynchronized execution of listing 6.21

Figure 6.6. Representation of a FIFO channel

Figure 6.7. Execution of listing 6.26

Chapter 7. Building a Twitter clone

Figure 7.1. The three different components in the MVC architecture and how they interact

Figure 7.2. The three different MVC components as seen on a calculator’s GUI

Figure 7.3. An HTTP request to

Figure 7.4. HTTP requests and routing in Jester

Figure 7.5. The components of Tweeter and how they’ll be developed

Figure 7.6. Successful initialization of a Nimble package

Figure 7.7. The successful compilation and execution of tweeter

Figure 7.8. “Hello World!” from Jester

Figure 7.9. A sample Twitter message

Figure 7.10. The database tables

Figure 7.11. Storing follow data in the database

Figure 7.12. The process of displaying information about a user in the web browser

Figure 7.13. The view created by listing 7.18

Figure 7.14. The Follow button constructed by renderUser in listing 7.20

Figure 7.15. A message produced by renderMessages

Figure 7.16. The rendered login page

Figure 7.17. The unstyled login form

Figure 7.18. The login page

Figure 7.19. Debug information from Jester

Figure 7.20. The current login process

Figure 7.21. A simple timeline

Figure 7.22. A timeline with messages

Figure 7.23. Another user’s timeline

Figure 7.24. Reverse proxy in action

Chapter 8. Interfacing with other languages

Figure 8.1. Using the Nim FFI, you can take advantage of services in other languages. Nim offers two versions of the FFI: one for C, C++, and Objective-C; and a second one for JavaScript. Both can’t be used in the same application.

Figure 8.2. Static vs. dynamic linking

Figure 8.3. printf wrapped in Nim

Figure 8.4. The mapping between fields in a wrapped type and a C struct

Figure 8.5. The application you’ll produce in this section

Figure 8.6. The result of running listing 8.8

Figure 8.7. The final sdl_test application with the letter N drawn

Figure 8.8. How the same code is shared between two platforms

Figure 8.9. The differences in JavaScript code produced with the importc and importcpp pragmas

Figure 8.10. The canvas_test.nim script showing a blue screen in the web browser

Figure 8.11. The canvas_test.nim script showing a blue screen with the letter N in the web browser

Chapter 9. Metaprogramming

Figure 9.1. Templates are expanded during the compilation of Nim source code

Figure 9.2. A code block passed into the repeat template is substituted into its body

Figure 9.3. Arguments are substituted as-is in templates. Their types determine whether an undefined identifier is accepted.

Figure 9.4. Templates are declarative, whereas macros are procedural.

Figure 9.5. A simple AST for 5 * (5 + 10)

Figure 9.6. An annotated version of figure 9.5 showing how it maps onto root in listing 9.1

Appendix B. Installing Nim

Figure B.1. The nim directory after it’s been extracted from the archive

Figure B.2. Terminal after navigating to /home/dom/programs/nim

Figure B.3. The compilation succeeded

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