
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures, and ge indicate glossary terms.


Abbreviated form 121–122
Abstraction hierarchies 85f
Abstract task  See Task
Activity 41–42, 108–110, 175ge
Activity types 111–115, 175ge
Ad-hoc subprocess  See Subprocess
American Productivity & Quality Center  See APQC
  Appraisal team 175ge
Artifact 138, 175ge
Assessment 68, 80–83, 175ge
Association 140, 175ge


Balanced Scorecard  See BSC
BAM 175ge
Barker, Joel 74
Barriers to entry 20
Behavior types 115–117
Best practice 150, 175ge
Black-Belt 161, 175ge
Blackbox 101–102, 135
BPA 45, 176ge
BPEL4WS 175ge
BPMI 94, 175ge
BPMM 4, 6, 158–160, 175ge
BPMN 4, 6–7, 93–95, 175ge
BPMS 45, 60, 64, 176ge
BPM-training 77
BPR 6, 44, 56–57, 175ge
Break-even point 31–32, 175ge
Business functions 15–24, 176ge
Business objects 100, 141
Business policy 69, 78, 176ge
Business principles 78–79
Business process 37–39, 176ge
abstract 49
collaborative 49, 176ge
private 50f, 181ge
public 51f, 181ge
Business Process Analysis  See BPA
Business Process Denition Metamodel  See BPDM
Business Process Engine 64, 117, 176ge
Business Process Execution Language for Web Services  See BPEL4WS
Business Process Management  See BPM
Business Process Management Initiative  See BPMI
Business Process Management Suite  See BPMS
Business Process Maturity Model  See BPMM
Business Process Model and Notation  See BPMN
Business Process Reengineering  See BPR
Business rule 69, 78–79
Business strategy 18, 24, 176ge


Capability Maturity Model  See CMM
Capability Maturity Model Integration  See CMMI
Case study 12
Catch event  See Event
Champy, James 58
Chang, James F. 58
Choreography diagram 94
CMM 159, 176ge
CMMI 6, 158, 176ge
Collaboration business process  See Business process
Collapsed subprocess  See Subprocess
Comment 95, 140
Common Object Request Broker Architecture  See CORBA
Compensation 114f, 177ge
Competitive strategy 19
Complexity 39
Conditional sequence flow  See Sequence flow
Connecting object 177ge
Connection rules 137–138
Control model 150
Control objective 166, 177ge
Control Objectives for Information and related Technology  See COBIT
Conversation diagram 94
Core functions 16
Core process 27
Corporate governance 151, 177ge
Corporate Social Responsibility  See CSR
fixed 28–29, 178ge
overhead 28–29, 180ge
variable 28–29, 183ge
Cost types 28–29
Course of action 69, 76
Coverage-map 9, 171–172
Critical path 34f, 177ge
Critical Success Factor  See CSF
Critical to  See CTX
CRM 177ge
Crossover-analysis 32–33, 177ge
CSF 168, 177ge
CSR 177ge
CTX 162, 177ge
Current assets 30, 177ge
Current liability  See Liability
Customer Relationship Management  See CRM


D.A.CH area 76
Data association 142–143, 177ge
Data object 100, 141–143, 177ge
Data Warehouse 177ge
Davenport, Thomas 57
Deadlock 122f
Decision tree 33, 177ge
Decomposition 70
Default flow 98
Default sequence flow  See Sequence flow
Defects per Million Opportunities  See DPMO
Deming, William Edwards 56
Department 16, 83
Desired result 69, 73–74, 178ge
Directives 69, 78
DMAIC 161–162
DPMO 164, 178ge


Earning 30
EDM 178ge
End event  See Event
Enforcement level 78
English 10
Enterprise Decision Management  See EDM
Enterprise Resource Planning  See ERP
Enterprise Service Bus  See ESB
EPC 70, 93, 178ge
ERP 59, 178ge
ESB 178ge
Event 125, 178ge
catch 127
end 98, 126, 178ge
intermediate- 126, 179ge
start 95, 125, 182ge
throw 127
Event-Driven Process Chain  See EPC
Execution Engine  See Business Process Engine
Expanded subprocess  See Subprocess
External influencer  See Influencer
External information 68


Financial figures 29–30
Fingar, Peter 38
Fixed cost  See Cost
Flow object 95, 106, 178ge
Framework 178ge


Gateway 117–125, 178ge
complex 124–125, 177ge
data-based exclusive 118f, 119, 177ge
event-based exclusive 119–120, 178ge
exclusive 98, 119, 123, 178ge
inclusive 123, 179ge
parallel 96–97, 104, 120–122, 180ge
Goal 69, 72–73, 178ge
Governance framework 165, 178ge
Green-Belt 161, 178ge
Group 139, 178ge
Guideline 78, 150, 178ge


Hammer, Michael 57
Heat map 158, 179ge
Human resources 17
Humphrey, Watts 159


Impact 80
Influencer 68–69, 179ge
external 79
internal 79–80
Information Systems Audit and Control Association  See ISACA
Intermediate event  See Event
Internal influencer  See Influencer
ISACA 166, 179ge
Ishikawa, Kaoru 56
ISO 9000 164, 179ge
ITGI 166, 179ge
IT Governance Institute 166, 179ge
ITIL 166, 179ge
IT Infrastructure Library  See ITIL


JIT 165
Juran, Joseph 56
Just-in-Time  See JIT


Key Performance Indicator  See KPI
KPI 167, 179ge


Lane 102, 135f, 136, 179ge
LCL 163, 179ge
current 30, 177ge
Loop subprocess  See Subprocess
Loop task  See Task
Lower control limit  See LCL


Madison, Daniel J. 61
Management 17, 179ge
Management framework 166–168, 179ge
Manager 17–18, 179ge
Manual task  See Task
Market environment 19–20
Marketing 24–28
proactive 25
reactive 25
Market niches 22
Market segment 19
Market segmentation 21–22
Market structure 19
Master-Black-Belt 161, 180ge
Maturity model 180ge
MDA 3–4, 180ge
Message 95, 126
Message flows 102, 136–138, 180ge
Metric 180ge
Mission 69, 75–76, 180ge
dynamic 86
static 86
Model Driven Architecture  See MDA
Modeling 84–89
Multiple instance 180ge


Net income 180ge
Network plan 34f, 180ge


Objective 69, 72–73, 180ge
Object Management Group  See OMG
OCEB2 1, 3, 171–172
Business Advanced 7
Business Intermediate 7
Fundamental 5–7
Technical Advanced 8
Technical Intermediate 7–8
OCUP 3–4
OMG 1, 12, 180ge
OMG Certified Expert in Business Process Management 2  See OCEB2
OMG Certified Real-time and Embedded Specialist  See OCRES
OMG Certified UML Professional  See OCUP
OMG Systems Modeling Language  See OMG SysML
Oose Innovative Informatik eG 12
function-focused 61
process-focused 61–63
Organizational control 150, 180ge
Organizational policy 151, 180ge
Organizational procedure 151, 180ge
Organization unit 83–84, 136
OSM 70
Overhead cost  See Cost
Owner’s equity 180ge


Participant 134, 181ge
Pearson VUE 3, 24
PEST-analysis 20, 181ge
Porter, Michael E. 19
Porters Five Forces 19–20, 181ge
Primary process 27
Principle 150, 181ge
Private business process  See Business process
Process 95
Process Classication Framework  See PCF
Process control plan 164, 181ge
Process diagram 49, 64–65, 94–95, 181ge
Process discovery 44, 181ge
Process framework 152–156
Process goal 42–44
Process management summary 163, 181ge
Process modeling 93
Process owner 42, 59, 181ge
Process step 41
Process topology 41–42, 181ge
Production costs 31
Production Rules Representation  See PRR
Profit zone 31
Program Manager 161, 181ge
Project charter 27–28
Project management 24–28, 181ge
Projects 27, 181ge
PRR 181ge


QMS 164, 181ge
Quality 157, 181ge
Quality characteristic 162
Quality control chart 157, 163, 181ge
Quality framework 156–165, 181ge
Quality Management System  See QMS


Receive task  See Task
Regulation 150, 165–166, 182ge
Return on Investment  See ROI
Revenue 31
ROI 30, 182ge
self-regulatory 150
Run chart 157, 182ge


SaaS 182ge
Safe harbor 151
Sales revenue 31–32
Sarbanes-Oxley Act  See SOX
SBVR 70, 182ge
Scalability 70
Scheduling and Resource Planning 33–34
SCOR 45, 154–155
Script task  See Task
SEI 159
Self-regulatory rule  See Rule
Semantics 87–89, 182ge
Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Rules  See SBVR
Send task  See Task
Separation of concerns 74
Sequence flow 95, 106–108, 136–137, 182ge
alternative 107f
conditional 98, 100f, 106–107, 177ge
default 107, 177ge
parallel 107f
Service Level Agreement  See SLA
Service-oriented architecture  See SOA
Service task  See Task
Short, James R. 57
Simulating flow scenarios 103
Six Sigma 160–164, 182ge
Six-Sigma-Champion 161, 182ge
SLA 182ge
SME 45, 182ge
Smith, Howard 38
SOA 5, 65, 182ge
Software as a Service  See SaaS
Software Engineering Institute  See SEI
SOX 165
SpeedyCar 12
Stakeholder 42, 182ge
Standard 150
Start event  See Event
State 101
STEP-analysis 20–21, 182ge
Strategy 69, 76–77, 182ge
Strategy development 18–19
Subject Matter Expert  See SME
Subprocess 99, 109, 139, 182ge
ad-hoc 113
collapsed 109, 176ge
expanded 109, 178ge
loop 112
Supply Chain Operations Reference Model  See SCOR
Support functions 16
Supporting processes 27
Swimlanes 134–138, 182ge
SWOT 23–24, 80, 182ge
abstract 68, 88, 175ge
concrete 87, 177ge
SysML  See OMG SysML
Systems thinking 86–87


Tactic 69, 76–77, 183ge
Task 109, 183ge
abstract 115
loop 112, 179ge
manual 116
multiple instance 112
receive 115
script 117
send 115
service 117
types 115–117
user 116
Terminate 131–132, 183ge
Test center 10
Text annotation 140, 183ge
Throw event  See Event
Time event 128
Timer 130
Total Quality Management  See TQM
Toyota Production System  See TPS
TPS 156, 183ge
TQM 6, 56, 183ge
Transaction 114, 183ge
message 130–131
terminate 131–132
timer 130


UCL 163, 183ge
UML 17, 71–72, 93
UML Technology Institute  See UTI
Unified Modeling Language  See UML
Upper control limit  See UCL
User task  See Task


Value 24–28
Value chain 24, 26–27, 155, 183ge
Value Chain Group  See VCG
Value Reference Model  See VRM
VCG 155, 183ge
Vision 69, 71–72, 183ge


Welch, Jack 160
WfMC 38–39, 183ge
White, Stephen A. 94
parallel 97f
pattern 48, 184ge
Working capital 29–30, 184ge
Workow Management Coalition  See WfMC


Yellow-Belt 161, 184ge


Zachman-Framework 84
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