Errors and Exceptions in Java and Multithreaded Programming


At the end of this chapter, you will be able to understand and use

  • Errors and exceptions of Java.
  • How and where they are generated and how they are handled.
  • Create your own exception class.
  • Understand the underlying concepts in multithreaded programs.
  • Understand the problems of racing and solution of synchronization of methods.

20.1 Introduction

Many of you would have come across a pop-up while you are using the Internet or operating system, wherein the pop message would say “OS or Browser has experienced a serious problem and needs to be closed down. Error reporting is in process”. Indeed, an error has occurred. Despite elaborate testing prior to delivery, errors cannot be prevented, but they can be minimized. In this chapter, we will study the mechanism of Java to handle errors and exceptions.

An important and innovative feature of Java programming is multithreaded programming. Just as Operating System manages several processes concurrently and schedules the next process CPU should handle, Java provides multithreaded programming wherein we can create several concurrent threads and manage thread scheduling at programmer's level. The advantage is that more than one thread process can be running at the same time albeit with different priorities.

20.2 Errors and Exceptions

20.2.1 Errors

Errors that crop up in a program are of three types:

  • Syntactical Errors: Can be easily detected and corrected by compilers.
  • Logical Errors: Arise due to the programmer not understanding flow of logic. This can be corrected by extensive testing.
  • Bugs: These can be fixed by the programmer using assert() macros and debuggers available.

20.2.2 Exceptions

Exceptions, on the other hand, are unusual conditions that occur at run time and can lead to errors that can crash a program. The exceptions can be classified as: Synchronous

Synchronous are those that can be predicted. For example, array index going outside the permissible values can be easily detected because such errors occur only when you have executed the statement involving array index. The synchronous exception can occur at any one or more of the following situations:

  • Memory allocation exception.
  • IO handling exception.
  • Maths handling exception like division by zero. Asynchronous Exceptions

Asynchronous exceptions are those that cannot be predicted. Generally, the resources required for the program are allocated at the very beginning of the program and resources are demanded at run time. Thus, it is likely that our program may exceed the initial allotment. As an example, consider allocated memory for an array. When such an exception occurs, we need a mechanism to carry such information to an area where recourses are allocated so that we can take corrective actions and prevent the program from crashing. Checked Exceptions

The exceptions that are checked by compiler are called checked exceptions. Example: public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException. Unchecked Exceptions

The exceptions checked by JVM at run time are called unchecked exceptions. All exceptions and errors are objects in Java. These objects are derived from the package java.lang. Throwable shown in Figure 20.1.


Exception class hierarchy


Figure 20.1 Exception class hierarchy


Try and catch blocks in exception handling mechanism


Figure 20.2 Try and catch blocks in exception handling mechanism Exceptions in Java

The most likely area for exceptions to occur is where resources are allocated or where input and output programming is involved. These are listed in Table 20.1.


Table 20.1 Java exceptions

Java Exception Remarks
Arithmetic Exceptions Divide by zero and other mathematical exceptions
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Index going out of originally defined dimension
FileNotFoundException File not existing
IOException Caused by IO statements
NullPointerException Reference to a null object
NumberFormatException Occurs when conversion from number to String fails
OutOfMemoryException Memory limits exceeded
StackOverFlowException Stack over flow
StringOutOfBoundsException Occurs when limit of String definition is exceeded

20.3 Try and Catch Blocks

Java raises an exception object. For it to do so, we need to use a try block wherever we expect likely exception. Catch block that follows the try block catches the exception object and takes remedial action.


Example 20.1:   Use of Try and Catch Block. Allocation of Memory for a Two-dimensional Matrix

   1. package com.oops.chap20;
   2. import java.util.*;
   3. class MatrixAlloc {
   4. void ReadMat(int A[][],int rows, int cols){
   5. //input matrix related data using scanner
   6. Scanner scn=new Scanner(System.in);
   7. for ( int i=0;i<rows;i++)
   8. for ( int j=0;j<cols;j++)
   9. A[i][j]=scn.nextInt();
   10. }
   11. void DisplayMatrix(int A[][],int rows, int cols){
   12. for ( int i=0;i<rows;i++)
   13. {for ( int j=0;j<cols;j++)
   14. { System.out.print( A[i][j] +” “);}
   15. System.out.print( “
   16. }//end of DisplayMatrix
   17. void AddMat(int A[][],int B[][],int rows, int cols){
   18. for ( int i=0;i<rows;i++)
   19. {for ( int j=0;j<cols;j++)
   20. System.out.print( (A[i][j]+B[i][j]) +” “);
   21. System.out.print( “
   22. }//end of TranspMat
   23. }//end of MatrixAlloc
   24. class TwoDMatrix{
   25. public static void main(String[] args)
   26. {try{
   27. Scanner scn = new Scanner(System.in);
   28. MatrixAlloc obj=new MatrixAlloc();
   29. System.out.print(“Enter no of rows & columns:”);
   30. int rows= scn.nextInt();
   31. int cols= scn.nextInt();
   32. int A[][]= new int[rows][cols];
   33. int B[][]= new int[rows][cols];
   34. MatrixAlloc mat = new MatrixAlloc();
   35. System.out.println(“Enter Data for Matrix A”);
   36. obj.ReadMat( A ,rows,cols);
   37. System.out.println(“Enter Data for Matrix B”);
   38. obj.ReadMat( B ,rows,cols);
   39. System.out.println(“Addition of two Matrices”);
   40. mat.AddMat(A,B,rows, cols);
   41. } catch( Exception e){};
   42. }
   43. } //end of MatTranspose
   OUTPUT : Enter no of rows & columns:2 2
   Enter Data for Matrix A 10 20 30 40
   Enter Data for Matrix B 10 20 30 40
   Addition of two Matrices
   20 40
   60 80
Line No. 26: shows that we have included try { block which will extend up to Line No. 41 which is catch block. We have put a try block because we have memory allocation at Line Nos. 27 & 28 : Scanner scn = new Scanner(System.in);MatrixAlloc obj=new MatrixAlloc(); Line No. 32 & 33 allocate memory to matrices A and B.
Line No. 41: catches Exception e. Of course no further action is planned as indicated by {}

In our next example, we will show Arithmetic type of exception called divide by zero exception.


Example 20.2:   DiveByZero.java A Program to Show Divide by Zero Exception

   1. package com.oops.chap20;
   2. import java.util.*;
   3. public class DivideByZero {
   4. public static void main(String[] args) {
   5. double mass,radius,height,area,density=0.0;
   6. boolean yesno=true;
   7. Scanner scn = new Scanner(System.in);
   8. System.out.println(“Enter mass of cylinder”);
   9. mass=scn.nextDouble();
   10. System.out.println(“Enter height of cylinder “);
   11. height=scn.nextDouble();
   12. System.out.println(“ Enter radius of cylinder<0 to test divide by zero and exit”);
   13. radius=scn.nextDouble();
   14. while(yesno){
   15. try
   16. { if( radius ==0.0) throw new ArithmeticException(“Divide By Zero”);
   17. else
   18. { area = 2*(22/7)*radius*(radius+height);
   19. density=mass/area;
   20. System.out.println(“
 Density : “+ density);
   21. System.out.println(“ Enter radius of cylinder<0 to test divide by zero”);
   22. radius=scn.nextDouble();
   23. }
   24. }catch(ArithmeticException e)
   25. {System.out.println(“
 Divide By Zero Exception Occured”); yesno=false;}
   26. }// end of while
   27. }// end of main
   28. }// end of DivideByZero
 OUTPUT : Enter mass of cylinder 200
 Enter height of cylinder 20
 Enter radius of cylinder<0 to test divide by zero and exit 10
 Density : 0.1111111111111111
 Enter radius of cylinder<0 to test divide by zero and exit0
 Divide By Zero Exception Occured
 Exiting the program
Line Nos. 8 to 13: obtains the data for finding out density of cylinder using the formula density = mass/area at Line No. 19
Line No. 15: is a try block and Line No. 23 is a corresponding catch block that catches ArithmeticDivideByZero exception. We are simply informing the user and exiting the while loop and programme by making yesno=false.
Line No. 16: { if( radius ==0.0) throw new ArithmeticException (“Divide By Zero”); throw an exception when radius is zero. Thereafter catch block catches the exception. Note that we are using the parameterized constructor of ArithmeticException class. More importantly it is us who are throwing the exception by calling new new ArithmeticException() parameterized constructor.

20.4 Handling of Multiple Exceptions by Try and Catch Blocks

A try block can be made to initiate several exception objects. Accordingly catch blocks can catch multiple exception objects. The syntax and an example is shown in the next example.


Example 20.3:   A Try block can Catch Multiple Exceptions Like IOexception, Index Out of Bouns Exception, etc. A Catch Block can Catch Multiple Exceptions Like IOexception , IndexOutOfBounds Exception, etc.

  { // allocation code here
    public void DisplayNumbers() throws NumberFormatException{
    //display code here that uses number formatting }
    public int FindMaxArray( int a[] , int n) throws ArrayOutOfBoundsexception{
    //FindMaxArray code here that uses Array processing
catch (NumberFormatException e1){ }
catch ( ArrayOutOfBoundsexception e2) { }
A try block can be nested just like for loop.


Example 20.4:   Nesting of Try Blocks

try // outer try
  { // allocation code here
       try{ // inner try
            // inner try block code here that uses File IO Statement}
            public void HandleFile() throws FileNotFoundException{
            // file handling code here that uses opening of file}
            } catch (FileNotFoundException object) { }
catch (IOException object){ }

20.5 Using Finally Block

Usually when an exception occurs, the exception handling code may initiate retrun to system or calling program. At that instant of time, there are several actions to be performed like closing of all open files, restoring the state to a state prior to occurring of the exception, etc. This is accomplished by using the finally(), as shown in the next example. It is included after the last catch block.


Example 20.5:   Using of Finally Block

  { // allocation code here
    public void DisplayNumbers() throws NumberFormatException{
    //display code here that uses number formatting }
    public int FindMaxArray( int a[] , int n) throws ArrayOutOfBounds exception{
    //FindMaxArray code here that uses Array processing
 catch (NumberFormatException e1){ }
 catch ( ArrayOutOfBoundsexception e2) { }
finally { // finally block
/* includes all house keeping code like saving current state ,closing of all open
objects and file and restoring the state to a state that existed prior to occurring of the
} // end of finally block

20.6 Throw Exceptions

A programmer can explicitly throw an exception. Throw can be for any of the exceptions provided by java.lang.Exception package or user-defined exception class. In the example that follows, we will show the user throwing an exception object for ArithmeticException class.


Example 20.6:   MultiCatchFinally.java A Program to Show Multiple Catch Statements and Finally Block

   1. package com.oops.chap20;
   2. import java.util.*;
   3. public class MultiCatchFinally {
   4. public static void main(String[] args){
   5. double mass,area,density=0.0;
   6. boolean yesno=true;
   7. try{ // create arrays for mass ,area,density
   8. double [] massArray = new double[]{200.00, 300.00,400.00,500.00};
   9. double [] areaArray = new double []{ 20.0,30.0,40,0,0.0};
   10.  double [] densityArray = new double [massArray. length];
   11.  int len = massArray.length;
   12.  //for( int i=0; i<len+1;i++){
   13.  for( int i=0; i<len;i++){
   14.  if( areaArray[i]==0) throw new ArithmeticException(“Divide By Zero”);
   15.  else
   16.  densityArray[i]=massArray[i]/areaArray[i];}
   17.  System.out.println(“
	 mass	area	density”);
   18.  for( int i=0; i<len;i++){
   19.  System.out.println(“	”+massArray[i]+”	”+areaArray[i]+”	”+densityArray[i]);}
   20.  }catch(ArithmeticException e)
   21.  {System.out.println(“Divide By Zero Exception has occurred ….”);}
   22.  catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
   23.  {System.out.println(“Array out of Bounds Exception has occured ….”);}
   24.  finally{
   25.  System.out.println(“We are inside finally block & exiting the programme…….”);}
   26.  }// end of main
   27.  }//end of class
   Run 1 We have commented out Line No. 12 to test array
       //index out of bounds exception
   OUTPUT1 :Divide By Zero Exception has occurred ….
       We are inside finally block & exiting the programme…….
   Run 2 We have commented out Line No. 13,14,and 15 to test Divide
       //By Zero exception i.e ArithmeticException
   OUTPUT2: Divide By Zero Exception has occured ….
       We are inside finally block & exiting the programme…….
Line No. 7: is try block and multiple catch blocks are at line Nos. 20 & 22.
Line No. 9: we have purposely defined areaArray[3] =0.0 to simulate the divide by zero Error.
Line No. 12: for( int i=0; i<len+1;i++){ shows that we rae trying to go beyond the array size i.e len. It will trigger ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
Line No. 14: checks if( areaArray[i]==0)and if true throw new ArithmeticException. The exception object is caught by catch block at line no. 20. This is user thrown exception object. The Exception class is provided by java.lang.Exception pakage.

20.7 Throws Exceptions

There is another variation called throws provided by java. We have been using this feature in all our IO related programs like public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException{. All checked exceptions, i.e., all checked exceptions are required to be handled by the user. However, if the user does not want to handle the exception, then he has to throw out using throws clause.


Example 20.7:   MultiCatchFinally.java a Program to Show Multiple Catch Statements and Finally Block

package com.oops.chap20;
import java.io.*;
import com.oops.chap20.OurOwnException;
import java.lang.Exception;
import java.util.*;
class CheckCredits extends OurOwnException{
public void FindBal(String id,double trAmt) throws OurOwnException{
  double[] BanBal=new double[]{2000.0,5000.00,900.00,90000.0};
  String[] EmpIdNo=new String[]{ “50595”,”50596”,”50597”,”50598”};
  for(int i=0;i<EmpIdNo.length;i++){
  if( EmpIdNo[i].compareTo(id)==0)
  { System.out.println(“Bank balance” +BanBal[i]);System.out.
    println(“Trnsaction Amount “ +trAmt );
     if ( BanBal[i]- trAmt <1000.00)
                 throw new OurOwnException(“Sorry Transaction can not be
      processed Bal<1000.00”);
  else System.out.println(“Successful”); }
 else continue;
}// end of for
}// end of FindBal
}// end of CheckCredits class
class MyException {
public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException{
String idNo, amt; boolean yesno=true;
double transAmt;// variables for input data
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in));
System.out.println(“Enter id number of Employee”);
String stg = input.readLine();stg.trim();
System.out.print(“Enter Transaction amount :”);
// make an object of CheckCredits class
CheckCredits obj=new CheckCredits();
// call FindBal
}catch(OurOwnException e){
 System.out.println(“Inside catch block - Our Own Exception”);
 }// end of main
}// end of class MyException
OUTPUT : Enter id number of Employee 50596
Enter Transaction amount :25000.00
Bank balance5000.0 Trnsaction Amount 25000.0
Inside catch block - Our Own Exception
Sorry Transaction cannot be processed Bal<1000.00

20.8 Re-throwing of An Exception

Suppose an exception occurs at some method but the corrective mechanism is placed at some other method, say main()method, then the exception caught by catch block of called method can re thrown, so that main() will catch the re-thrown exception and carry out the correcting mechanism. Example 1 and 2 show how to catch re-thrown exceptions for String and Array.

20.9 Defining Our Own Exception

On many occasions, we need to define our own exception handlers in project development work like exception during data validations, data validations, etc. We need to throw exception object and then write a catch block to capture this exception. Exception class is super for all exceptions that occur. The class hierarchy for Exception classes is shown in Figure 20.1.

20.9.1 Procedure for Throwing Our Own Exceptions

  • Step 1: import Exception class : import java.lang.Exception;
  • Step 2: Make your own class extend to Exception class: class OurOwnException extends Exception.
  • Step 3: Define constructor for our class. OurOwnException(String stg){super(stg);}
  • Step 4: Create a try block where exception likely to occur
  • Step 5: If exception occurs throw our own exception by creating exception object: throw new OurOwnException(“Sorry Transaction can not be processed. Bal is <1000.00”);
  • Step 6: Use catch block to capture the exception object thrown: catch(OurOwnException e){System.out.println(“Inside a catch block- OurOwnException”);
  • Step 7: Get the exception message : System.out.println(e.getMessage());}


Example 20.8:   OwnException.java A Program to Show How to Throw Our Own Exception

   1. package com.oops.chap20;
   2. import java.lang.Exception;
   3. class OurOwnException extends Exception{
   4. OurOwnException(){} // default constructor
   5. OurOwnException(String stg){super(stg);} // constructor with arg
   6. }// end of own exception
   7. class OwnException1{
   8. public static void main(String[] args) {
   9. double credits = 20000.00;
   10.  double debits = 19900.00;
   11.  try{
   12.  if ( ( credits-debits)<1000.00 )
   13.  throw new OurOwnException(“Sorry Transaction can not be processed. Bal is <1000.00”);
   14.  else
   15.  System.out.println(“Transaction sucessful”);
   16.  }catch(OurOwnException e)
   17.  {System.out.println(“Inside a catch block- OurOwnException”);
   18.  System.out.println(e.getMessage());}
   19.  }//end of main
   20. }// end of ownException1
   OUTPUT : Inside a catch block- OurOwnException
   Sorry Transaction can not be processed. Bal is <1000.00
Line No. 3: class OurOwnException extends Exception{ shows OurOwn exception class extending to java.lang.Exception class.

20.10 Concepts of Multithreading

You are familiar with picture in picture facility provided by television wherein while the newsreader is presenting the news, a small window appears with a totally different news item or amplification of what the newsreader is presenting, probably cricketing action. How is this possible? Surely you need two independent executions.

What is a thread? Simply put, thread to Java is the same as process to an operating system. Thread is a sequence of instructions that will be executed when the CPU is scheduled to handle the thread. The void main() programs so far we have been executing were indeed executed by Java on a single thread. This concept is shown in Figure 20.3.


Multithreaded program


Figure 20.3 Multithreaded program

20.10.1 Multithreaded Program

When more than one thread is executing independent processes, it is called a multithreaded program. Why is multithreaded programming required? Multithreading is useful in any situation where a programmer requires more than one task to be handled at the same time. Situations like games programming, foreground and background jobs, concurrent handling of multiple outputs, etc., are ideally suited for multithreaded programming. Threaded and multithreaded programs are ideally suited for client server programs wherein the server handles clients residing on several threads.

20.11 Process vs Threads

20.11.1 Process

A process is a job in hand. We can also say that this is a simple sequence of instructions to be executed by the CPU. Operating system creates several processes. CPU is then scheduled to handle different processes based on the priorities of the processes by OS. OS switches CPU amongst processes and allocates CPU time and completes all the tasks. When process shifting takes place, it is necessary to save the context of the current execution like stack, variables, status, etc. As context switching is involved, processes are called heavyweight processes.

20.11.2 Threads

Java brings concurrent processing, not parallel, just like OS does with its processes, within the preview of programmers by innovative and unique feature called multithreaded programming. In multithreaded programs, the main program is run on a main thread but the main program creates threads that run independent and concurrent program flows. It is the main program that creates and starts the other three threads, as shown in Figure 20.3. Once started, the three subthreads run independently as per priorities set and as per scheduling of CPU concurrently sharing CPU time and other common resources.

Threads are also called light weight because they consume less memory resources. Why because there is no context switching involved in multithreaded programming.

20.12 How to Create and Run the Threads?

By default, our main program is running on the main thread. To create our own threads, the following steps are used:

  • Step 1: A thread can be created either by extending to Thread class or implementing the Runnable Interface.

    Example: class ThreadTest extends Thread or

    Class ThreadTest implements Runnable

  • Step 2: Inside the class define run() method. In side run method, we can implement thread functionality. Run() method is automatically recognized and executed by the thread.
          class ThreadTest extends Thread{ or
          class ThreadTest extends implements Runnable{
          public void run()

    Note that run method is where the entire action for the thread will take place. It is like the main() method. It can declare its own variables, instantiate other classes. Run is the entry point for any new thread that is created. The Thread created ends when the run() ends.

  • Step 3: Create an object of ThreadTest in main(). This object is used to invoke the run method
          class ThreadTestDemo{
          public static void main( String[] args) {
          ThreadTest obj =new ThreadTest();
  • Step 4: Create the thread in main and attach thread to the object.
          Thread thrd = new Thread(obj); OR
          Thread thrd = new Thread( obj , “threadname”);
  • Step 5: Run the thread by calling start method on the thread

We can suspend the thread from execution for a specified period of time by using sleep() method. The syntax is: static void sleep(milliseconds) throws InterruptedException or static void sleep (milliseconds, nanoseconds) throws InterruptedException. As sleep is a static method, we can invoke directly as: Thread.sleep(ms); During the time thread is suspended, CPU is allocated to other threads.

Thread class also provides getName() and setName() methods, for example, Thread.getname() and Thread.setName(“name”). The methods by Thread class and Runnable interface are shown in Table 20.2.


Table 20.2 Methods of thread class and runnable interface

Method Remarks



Obtain and set names for the threads



Get & set methods to obtain and set Priorities



To check if thread is still running

It throws InterruptedException. Calling thread waits till specified thread joins it.



Suspend execution of thread for ms duration Suspend execution of thread for ms & nano sec duration

We implement the creation of threads using extends method in Example 20.8. We show the implementation using Runnable interface in Ex 20.4. Runnable is an interface provided to create the threads. The programmer has to execute overridden run() to create and run the thread.


Example 20.9:   FirstThreademo.java A Program to Show How to Create and Run Thread. Use Extends Feature to Create Threads

   1. package com.oops.chap20;
   2. class FirstThread extends Thread{
   3. public void run(){
   4. // Thread executes the sequence
   5. try{
   6. for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
   7. {System.out.println(“ thread1 :” + i + “ : “);
   8. Thread.sleep(600);
   9. }
   10.} catch(InterruptedException e )
   11.  {System.out.println(“thread1 interrupted”);}
   12.  System.out.println(“Exiting from thread1”);
   13.  }//end of run
   14.  }//end of FirstThread
   15.  class SecondThread extends Thread{
   16.  public void run(){
   17.  try{
   18.  for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
   19.  { System.out.println(“ thread2 :” + i + “ : “);
   20.  Thread.sleep(600);
   21.  }
   22.  }catch(InterruptedException e )
   23.  {System.out.println(“thread2 interrupted”);}
   24.  System.out.println(“Exiting from thread2”);
   25.  }//end of run
   26.  }//end of SecondThread
   27.  public class FirstThreadDemo {
   28.  public static void main(String[] args) {
   29.  //create an object of FirstThread & SecondThread
   30.  FirstThread obj1 = new FirstThread();
   31.  SecondThread obj2 = new SecondThread();
   32.  //create the Thread and attach it to object
   33.  Thread thread1 = new Thread( obj1);
   34.  Thread thread2 = new Thread( obj2);
   35.  //Run the thread by calling start() which calls run()
   36.  thread1.start();
   37.  thread2.start();
   38.  try{
   39.  for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
   40.  { System.out.println(“ threadMain :” + i + “ : “);
   41.  Thread.sleep(1200);
   42.  }
   43.  }catch(InterruptedException e )
   44.  {System.out.println(“main thread interrupted”);}
   45.  System.out.println(“Exiting from main thread”);
   46.  }//end of main
   47.  }//end of FirstThreadDemo
   Output: threadMain :0 :
    thread1 :0 : thread2 :0 : thread2 :1 : thread1 :1 : threadMain :1
    thread2 :2 : thread1 :2 : thread1 :3 : thread2 :3 : th  readMain :2
 Exiting from thread1 Exiting from thread2 threadMain :3 :
 Exiting from main thread
Line Nos. 30 & 31: instantiate FirstThread and SecondThread. These threads extend to Thread class.
Line Nos. 33 & 34: create the Thread objects and attach them with objects: Thread thread1 = new Thread( obj1);
Line Nos. 36 & 37: starts the thread which in turn call the run()method. Both thread1 and thread2 start running.
Line Nos. 38–45: describe main thread. Note that at line no: 41 sleep(1200) ensures that main thread sleeps for 1200 seconds. During this time other threads are handled by CPU.
Line No. 6: FirstThread in side run() methods executes a for loop as part of its programme. After each loop, the thread goes to sleep for 600 ms to facilitate SecondThread and MainThread to get their share of CPU.
Line Nos. 15–26: declare a class SecondThread identical to FirstThread.


Note that both threads wait only for 600 ms and main thread waits for 1200ms . his timings are deliberately chosen to ensure that main thread finishes last.

20.12.1 Which is Better: Extends Thread or Implements Runnable?

Use Inheritance extends Thread method if you have anything new to add in subclass. Else implementing Runnable is a better option. In our next example, we will introduce constructors to create threads. We will use Runnable interface:


Example 20.10:   SecondThreadDemo.java A Program to Show How to Create and Run Thread. Use Extends Feature to Create Threads

   1. package com.oops.chap20;
   2. class FirstThread2 implements Runnable{
   3. Thread thrd1;
   4. FirstThread2(){
   5. System.out.println(“Creating FirstThread2”);
   6. thrd1 = new Thread(this,”FirstThread2”);
   7. System.out.println(“Creating FirstThread2”+ thrd1);
   8. thrd1.start();
   9. }
   10.  public void run(){
   11.  // FirstThread2 executes the sequence
   12.  try{
   13.  for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
   14.  {System.out.println(“ thread1 :” + i + “ : “);
   15.  Thread.sleep(600);}
   16.  }catch(InterruptedException e )
   17.  {System.out.println(“thread1 interrupted”);}
   18.  System.out.println(“Exiting from thread1”);
   19.  }//end of run
   20.  }//end of FirstThread
   21.  class SecondThread2 implements Runnable{
   22.  Thread thrd2;
   23.  SecondThread2(){
   24.  System.out.println(“Creating SecondThread2”);
   25.  thrd2 = new Thread(this,”FirstThread2”);
   26.  System.out.println(“Creating SecondThread2”+ thrd2);
   27.  thrd2.start();
   28.  }
   29.  public void run(){
   30.  System.out.println(“thread1 Details”);
   31.  System.out.println(“Name :”+thrd2.getName());
   32.  System.out.println(“Priority :”+thrd2.getPriority());
   33.  try{
   34.  for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
   35.  { System.out.println(“ thread2 :” + i + “ : “);
   36.  Thread.sleep(600);
   37.  }
   38.  }catch(InterruptedException e )
   39.  {System.out.println(“thread2 interrupted”);}
   40.  System.out.println(“Exiting from thread2”);
   41.  }//end of run
   42.  }//end of SecondThread
   43.  public class ThreadsConstDemo {
   44.  public static void main(String[] args) {
   45.  //create an object of FirstThread2 & SecondThread2
   46.  new FirstThread2();
   47.  new SecondThread2();
   48.  try{
   49.  for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
   50.  { System.out.println(“ threadMain :” + i + “ : “);
   51.  Thread.sleep(1200);
   52.  }
   53.  }catch(InterruptedException e )
   54.  {System.out.println(“main thread interrupted”);}
   55.  System.out.println(“Exiting from main thread”);
   56.  }//end of main
   57.  }// end of ThreadRunnableDemo
   Output: Creating FirstThread2
   Creating FirstThread2Thread[FirstThread2,5,main]
   thread1 :0 :
   Creating SecondThread2
   Creating SecondThread2Thread[FirstThread2,5,main]
   threadMain :0 :
   thread1 Details
   Name :FirstThread2
   Priority :5
   thread2 :0 : thread1 :1 : thread2 :1 : thread1 :2 :
   threadMain :1 : thread2 :2 : thread1 :3 : thread2 :3 :
   Exiting from thread1 threadMain :2 : Exiting from thread2
   threadMain :3 : Exiting from main thread
Line Nos. 46 & 47: creates new thread by : new FirstThread2();new Second Thread2();
Line No. 6: thrd1 = new Thread(this,”FirstThread2”); attaches new thread created with this ( current thread) and names it as FirstThread2
Line No. 8: starts the thread1. Yhread enter run() method.
Line Nos. 30–32: gets you thread details
  System.out.println(“thread1 Details”);
  System.out.println(“Name :”+thrd2.getName()); System.out.println (“Priority :”+thrd2.getPriority());

20.12.2 Use of isAlive() and join() Methods

The sleep() method introduced suspends a thread for duration specified and CPU is shifted to other waiting threads. The selection of duration is arbitrary and CPU is forcibly pulled out from thread after time duration. This is not a satisfactory solution. Java provides: final boolean isAlive() method to test if the thread is alive. Java also provides a more elegant method called final void join() throws InterruptedException. This is a non-greedy method and it waits till the thread on which it is called is terminated. Here the calling thread waits till the specified thread joins it.


Example 20.11:   IsAliveJoinDemo.java A Program to Show How to Create and Run Thread. Use Extends Feature to Create Threads

   1. package com.oops.chap20;
   2. import com.oops.chap20.FirstThread2;
   3. import1 com.oops.chap20.SecondThread2;
   4. public class IsAliveJoinDemo {
   5. public static void main(String[] args) {
   6. FirstThread2 obj1= new FirstThread2();
   7. SecondThread2 obj2 =new SecondThread2();
   8. // check if threads are alive. thrd1&2 is objects of First/SecondThread2
   9. System.out.println(obj1.thrd1.isAlive());    //thrd1    is object of FirstThread2
   10.  System.out.println(obj2.thrd2.isAlive());
   11.  // wait for threads to finish. Use join method
   12.  try{
   13.  System.out.println(“
waiting for threads to finish”);
   14.  obj1.thrd1.join();
   15.  obj2.thrd2.join();
   16.  }catch(InterruptedException e )
   17.  {System.out.println(“main thread interrupted”);}
   18.  System.out.println(“Exiting from main thread”);
   19.  }//end of main
   20. }// end of ThreadRunnableDemo
   Output: Creating FirstThread2
   Creating FirstThread2Thread[FirstThread2,5,main]
   thread1 :0 : Creating SecondThread2
   Creating SecondThread2Thread[FirstThread2,5,main]
   True true
   thread1 Details waiting for threads to finish
   Name :FirstThread2 Priority :5
   thread2 :0 : thread1 :1 : thread2 :1 : thread1 :2 : thread2 :2 :
   thread1 :3 : thread2 :3 : Exiting from thread1Exiting from thread2
   Exiting from main thread

20.13 Life Cycle of Thread

There are five states for thread to be in. They are: NewBorn), Runnable, Running, Blocked, and Dead State. A running thread can be stopped by stop() method. A thread can be blocked by any one of the following methods:

  • sleep()
  • suspend() . //deprecated . Cannot be used due to inherent problems. Instead Java recommends using of IsAlive(0 and join() methods.
  • wait() ; A thread is blocked until certain conditions prevail

A newborn thread goes to either Runnable state or Dead State. With start() method the thread goes to Runnable state. Runnable state means that the thread is ready and waiting in the queue to be serviced by CPU. Depending on the priority or on the basis of round robin the threads are scheduled to be serviced by CPU. The thread then goes to the running state.

Now sleep() or suspended() or wait() takes the thread to a blocked state. Blocked state is one which will not be handled by a CPU. Resume or notify() or notifyall() will take the thread to runnable state. Notify() and notifyall() are methods invoked by thread that has completed its job with CPU and issues notify() or notifyall(). Depending on the priority, the thread with the highest priority gets CPU's attention.


The states that a newborn thread goes through


Figure 20.4 The states that a newborn thread goes through


  • thrd.notify() : releases the object and informs the thread waiting in a queue that object is available.
  • Thrd.notifyAll(): Releases the object and sends notification to all waiting threads
  • Obj.wait(): Thread waits till it receives notify() or notifyAll() methods.

20.14 Thread Priorities

Thread priority decides the order of scheduling of thread waiting. Thread priority is from No. 1 to 10. We can set the priority with:

ThreadName.setPriority(int ); or ThreadName.setPriority(NORM _PRIORITY );

Int can be any number between 1 and 10.


Java executes the highest priority thread first. The lower priority thread gets CPU attention when higher priority thread is stopped or sleep() is used or wait() is executed. When a thread is running if higher priority thread arrives, it preempts the running thread and schedules the higher priority thread. The running thread goes to Runnable state.


Example 20.12:   Priority.java: A program to Show How to Set Priorities to the Threads

   1. package com.oops.chap20;
   2. class MaxPriority implements Runnable{
   3. Thread thrd1;
   4. MaxPriority(){
   5. System.out.println(“Creating MaxPriority”);
   6. thrd1 = new Thread(this,”MaxPriority”);
   7. thrd1.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY);
   8. System.out.println(“Creating MaxPriority”+ thrd1);
   9. thrd1.start();
   10.  }
   11.  public void run(){
   12.  System.out.println(“Maximum Thread Details”);
   13.  System.out.println(“Name :”+thrd1.getName());
   14.  System.out.println(“Priority :”+thrd1.getPriority());
   15.  // MaxPriority executes the sequence
   16.  try{
   17.  for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
   18.  {System.out.println(“ thread1 :” + i + “ : “);
   19.  Thread.sleep(600);}
   20.  }catch(InterruptedException e )
   21.  {System.out.println(“thread1 interrupted”);}
   22.  System.out.println(“Exiting from thread1”);
   23.  }//end of run
   24.  }//end of FirstThread
   25.  class MinPriority implements Runnable{
   26.  Thread thrd2;
   27.  MinPriority(){
   28.  System.out.println(“Creating MinPriority”);
   29.  thrd2 = new Threadthis,”FirstThread2”);
   30.  thrd2.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY+2);
   31.  System.out.println(“Creating MinPriority”+ thrd2);
   32.  thrd2.start();
   33.  }
   34.  public void run(){
   35.  System.out.println(“minimum thread Details”);
   36.  System.out.println(“Name :”+thrd2.getName());
   37.  System.out.println(“Priority :”+thrd2.getPriority());
   38.  try{
   39.  for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
   40.  { System.out.println(“ thread2 :” + i + “ : “);
   41.  Thread.sleep(600);
   42.  }
   43.  }catch(InterruptedException e )
   44.  {System.out.println(“thread2 interrupted”);}
   45.  System.out.println(“Exiting from thread2”);
   46.  }//end of run
   47.  }//end of SecondThread
   48.  public class Priority {
   49.  public static void main(String[] args) {
   50.  //create an object ofMaxPriority & MinPriority
   51.  new MaxPriority();
   52.  new MinPriority();
   53.  try{
   54.  for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
   55.  { System.out.println(“ threadMain :” + i + “ : “);
   56.  Thread.sleep(600);
   57.  }
   58.  }catch(InterruptedException e )
   59.  {System.out.println(“main thread interrupted”);}
   60.  System.out.println(“Exiting from main thread”);
   61.  }//end of main
   62.  }// end of Priority.java
   Output: Creating MaxPriority
   Creating MaxPriorityThread[MaxPriority,10,main]
   Maximum Thread Details
   Name :MaxPriority
   Priority :10
   thread1 :0 :
   Creating MinPriority
   Creating MinPriorityThread[FirstThread2,3,main]
   threadMain :0 :
   minimum thread Details
   Name :FirstThread2 Priority :3
   thread2 :0 : thread1 :1 : thread2 :1 : thread1 :2 : threadMain :1 : thread2 :2 : thread1 :3 : thread2 :3 : Exiting from   th  read1
   threadMain :2 : Exiting from thread2 threadMain :3 :
   Exiting from main thread
Line Nos. 51 & 52: create two threads called MacPriority and MinPriority.
Line No. 7: Constructor allocates priority as MAX_PRIORITY i.e. 10 to thrd1
Line No. 30: Constructor allocates priority as MIN_PRIORITY+2, i.e., 3 to thread 2
Line Nos. 12 to 14: provide the details of thread1 such as name, priority, etc.


As per priorities set, if you observe the output thread1 with priority of 10 is completed First. The main thread by default has NORM _PRIORITY =5 which is higher than Thread2 priority which is MIN_PRIORIT +2, i.e., 3. Hence the main thread completes before thread2.

20.15 Synchronization

When multiple threads act on different objects, we would call it multitasking. As per priorities allocated and as per CPU scheduling, the threads execute different objects and produce results. There is no problem in this case.

Suppose multiple threads act on the same object. This could lead to problems. Let us say that there are two threads, thread1 & thread2, acting on the object, i.e., they will concurrently execute the same run() command. Each thread has only one job, that of incrementing the counter and sending it to the printer for printing. The output we are expecting is: thread1 1001,thread2: 1001; thread:1002, thread2: 1002 and so on. Remember thread is on CPU and speed of execution is of the order of nanoseconds and the printer is a slow device. Let us say that counter has an initial value of 1000. After incrementing by thread1 to 1001 and before the count has been printed, i.e., 1001, the control may pass to thread2 due to sleep() or wait(), etc., which will increment the counter to 1002. The printer will look for count and print 1002 instead of 1001 which we normally expect, thus leading to erroneous results. A second scenario is that after printing 1001, if the CPU is still with thread1, it will increment once again and print 1002, thus leading again to erroneous results. Multiple threads working independently on a single object and plausible problems that can arise are shown in Ex 20.6.


Multiple objects on a single object


Figure 20.5 Multiple objects on a single object


Java has provided a feature called synchronization that helps us to solve the problems of multiple threads sharing common resources and using the same object like printer. For example, we could use: synchronized void UpDateCount(){ // code to be synchronized here….}

Java creates a monitor for the UpDateCount() and hands its over to thread that has entered the object. It is like a key. The other objects join a queue waiting for their turn to enter the Member method UpDateCount(). Thus there is no conflict. But what is the price of synchronization? Simply the process has become serial handling of the thread rather than concurrent handling. It is similar to Railway trains waiting at the platform to cross a bridge that has only one track. A second train cannot enter the bridge section until and unless the train completes the bridge section and notifies signal) it to that effect. operations.


Example 20.13:   SynchronisedDemo.java: A Program to Show Use of Synchronized Block for Solving Problems of Multiple Threads Acting on Single Object

   1. package com.oops.chap20;
   2. class Sync3 extends Thread{
   3. Thread thrd;
   4. Sync3(String stg){
   5. super(stg);}
   6. public void run(){
   7. synchronized(this) {
   8. try{
   9. for(int i=1000;i<1010;i++)
   10.  {System.out.println(this.getName() + (i) + “ : “);
   11.    Thread.sleep(500);
   12.  }
   13.  }catch(InterruptedException e )
   14.  {System.out.println(“thread1 interrupted”);}
   15.  System.out.println(“Exiting from thread1”+this.getName());
   16.  }//end of try
   17.  }//end of run
   18.  }
   19.  public class SynchronisedDemo {
   20.  public static void main(String[] args) {
   21.  //create an object ofMaxPriority & MinPriority
   22.  Sync3 obj1 =new Sync3(“Sync1”);obj1.start();
   23.  Sync3 obj2 = new Sync3(“Sync2”);obj2.start();
   24.  }//end of main
   25.  }// end of class SynchronisedDemo
   Sync11000 : Sync20000 : Sync11001 : Sync20001 : Sync11002 :
   Sync20002 : Sync11003 : Sync20003 : Sync11004 : Sync20004 :
   Sync11005 : Sync20005 : Sync11006 : Sync20006 : Sync11007 :
   Sync20007 : Sync11008 : Sync20008 : Sync11009 : Sync20009 : Exiting from thread1Sync1 Exiting from thread1Sync2
Line No. 7: Declares the block as synchronized(this) meaning it is synchronizing the object so that object holds the monitor and till it relinquishes the CPU other threads can not enter this block of code.

      20.16 Inter-thread Communications

Threads need to communicate with one another either to pass arguments, synchronize and optimize the performance. There is definitely a speed mismatch between producer and consumer.

Consider for example the action of inputting data from the keyboard into the computer. The steps involved in this process include:

  • Producer, i.e., the keyboard produces at a rate and speed the data is keyed in by the user. This is a very slow process because input from the user is involved. The producer fills up buffer and on completion notifies that it has finished filling up of the buffer.
  • Computer is consumer since it picks up the data entered by the keyboard into the system. This is a very high-speed device. Hence, we need a buffer and that needs to be in a synchronized block. This buffer is the same as that being used by producer. We will use StringBuffer class object to work as buffer for our application. Refer to the example provided below.


Example 20.14:   ProducerConsumer.java: A Program to Show the Inter-thread Communications

   1. package com.oops.chap20;
   2. class Producer extends Thread{
   3. // producer produces data and add it to buffer based on the signal
   4. StringBuffer buffer;
   5. Producer(){ // constructor
   6. buffer = new StringBuffer();}
   7. public void run(){
   8. // synchronize the buffer
   9. synchronized(buffer)
   10.  {
   11.  //produce items
   12.  for( int i=1;i<=8;i++)
   13.  { try {
   14.  buffer.append(“Item”+i + “,”);
   15.  Thread.sleep(200);
   16.  System.out.println(“Buffer Position :”+ i + “ Filled.”);
   17.  }catch(Exception e){}
   18.  }//end of for
   19.  buffer.notify();
   20.  }// end of synchronized block
   21.  }//// end of run
   22.  }// end of Producer
   23.  class Consumer extends Thread{
   24.  // Create a reference of Producer class
   25.  Producer prod;
   26.  //Constructor
   27.  Consumer(Producer prod)
   28.  { this.prod=prod;}
   29.  public void run(){
   30.  synchronized(prod.buffer)
   31.  {// wait for notification from Producer
   32.  try{
   33.  prod.buffer.wait();
   34.  }catch(Exception e){}
   35.  System.out.println(“Displaying items from Buffer..”);
   36.  System.out.println(prod.buffer);
   37.  }//end of sync
   38.  }// end of run
   39.  }//end of class Consumer
   40.  public class ProducerConsumerDemo extends Thread{
   41.  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
   42.  // create objects of producer and consumer
   43.  Producer prod = new Producer();
   44.  Consumer cons = new Consumer(prod);
   45.  // create threads for Producer and Consumer
   46.  Thread thrdProd = new Thread(prod);
   47.  Thread thrdCons = new Thread(cons);
   48.  thrdCons.start();
   49.  thrdProd.start();
   50.  }// end of main()
   51.  }// end of class ProducerConsumerDemo
   Buffer Position :1 Filled. Buffer Position :2 Filled.
   Buffer Position :3 Filled. Buffer Position :4 Filled.
   Buffer Position :5 Filled. Buffer Position :6 Filled.
   Buffer Position :7 Filled. Buffer Position :8 Filled.
   Displaying items from Buffer.
Line Nos. 43 & 44: create objects for Producer and Consumer.
Line Nos. 46 & 47: create new thread objects thrdProd and thrdCons.
Line Nos. 48 & 49: start the threads.
Line No. 4: creates StringBuffer object called buffer and constructor at Line No. 6 allocates resources.


Producer consumer problem


Figure 20.6 Producer consumer problem


Producer produces in a for loop continuously and fills up the buffer through append statement at Line No. 14. Note that buffer is in a synchronized block defined at Line No. 9.

Producer notify(0 at Line No. 19 to the threads waiting on the object.

Consumer creates an instance of Producer at Line No. 25 and constructor receives the reference to Producer as argument and allocates resource at Line Nos. 27 and 28.


Line No. 30: block is synchronized with object of Producer buffer .
Line No. 33: consumer thread is waiting for notify(0 from the producer at Line No. 19. This is achieved by wait() command at Line No. 33 : prod.buffer.wait();

20.17 Deadlock in Multithreaded Programming

A deadlock will occur if there are two synchronized objects and if two threads working independently on these synchronized objects have circular dependency. Suppose there are two synchronized objects, i.e., each object has a monitor. Let the objects be Obj1 and Obj2. Let there be two threads, thread1 and thread2, created which enter the respective monitors on Obj1 and Obj2. Now Obj1 calls any synchronized method on Obj2, the thread1 will be blocked because thread2 has the monitor. So far so good.

Now what happens if thread2 calls a method on Obj1? Surely it will be blocked because thread1 has the monitor on obj1.

Thus, we can see a circular dependency on a pair of synchronized objects. A deadlock occurs. For a deadlock to occur, the following conditions are a must:

  • Two synchronized objects.
  • Two or more threads with monitor on the objects and a circular dependency.

A deadlock cannot be prevented but its occurrence can be minimized. When a deadlock occurs, the threads are immediately stopped, resources are released and processes are restarted.

20.18 Summary

  1. Errors are of three types, viz., syntactical errors, logical errors, and bugs. Syntactical errors can be caught by compiler. Bugs can be fixed by assert statements and debugging.
  2. Exceptions on the other hand are unusual conditions that occur at run time and can lead to errors that can crash a program.
  3. Exceptions can be synchronous exceptions like IOException. These can be predicted.
  4. Exceptions can be asynchronous exceptions like OutOfMemoryException that cannot be predicted.
  5. Checked Exception are those that can be handled by compiler and need to be handled by the user. In case it is not handled, exception is to be thrown using throws clause.
  6. A try block creates exception object and catch block catches the exception. Try block can be nested. A try block can initiate several exceptions.
  7. A catch block can capture several exceptions.
  8. Finally, block is placed after all catch blocks and can be used to do all housekeeping tasks such as closing all open files and saving status and displaying common essential messages before leaving try & catch blocks.
  9. Throw exceptions: A programmer can explicitly throw an exception. Throw can be for any of the Exceptions provided by java.lang.Exception package or user-defined exception class.
  10. Thread is a sequence of instructions that will be executed when CPU is scheduled for handling of the thread. Simply put, thread to Java is the same as process to an operating system.
  11. Threads can be created using Runnable interface or by extending to Thread class. Runnable is used when nothing new is planned.
  12. When more than one thread is executing independent processes, it is called multithreaded programs.
  13. Process: A process is a job in hand. As context switching is involved, processes are called heavyweight processes.
  14. Java provides: final boolean is Alive() method to test if the thread is alive.
  15. Method called final void join() throws InterruptedException. This is a non-greedy method and it waits till the thread on which it is called is terminated. Here the calling thread waits till the specified thread joins it.
  16. There are five states for the thread to be in. They are: NewBorn), Runnable, Running, Blocked, and Dead State.
  17. A thread can be blocked by any one of the following methods: sleep(), suspend(), and block().
  18. thrd.notify(): releases the object and informs the thread waiting in a queue that object is available.
  19. Thrd.notifyAll(): Releases the object and sends notification to all waiting threads
  20. Obj.wait(): Thread waits till it receives notify() or notifyAll() methods.
  21. Thread priority decides the order of scheduling of thread waiting. MIN_PRIORITY =1 : NORM _PRIORITY =5 MAX _PRIORITY =10.
  22. Java has provided a feature called synchronization that helps us to solve the problems of multiple threads sharing common resource and using the same object like printer.
  23. Inter-thread communication is provided with the help of synchronization. A better technique is by using wait() and notify() commands. This feature is useful for passing arguments between the threads.

Exercise Questions

Objective Questions

  1. Which of the following statements are true in respect of Errors and Exceptions of Java?
    1. Exceptions occur at compile time
    2. Logical errors can be detected by compiler
    3. Syntactical errors can be detected by compiler
    4. Bugs can be detected by compiler
    1. i, ii and iii
    2. iii
    3. ii and iii
    4. ii and iii
  2. Which of the following statements are true in respect of Exceptions of Java?
    1. Synchronous exception cannot be predicted
    2. Asynchronous exceptions cannot be predicted
    3. IOException is synchronous exception
    4. ArrayIndexOutOfBounds is asynchronous exception
    1. i, ii and iii
    2. iii
    3. ii and iii
    4. ii, iii and iv
  3. Which of the following statements are true in respect of finally block of Java?
    1. Finally closes all open objects
    2. Finally block can be used to close all open files
    3. Placed after try block
    4. Placed after all catch blocks
    1. i and iii
    2. iii
    3. ii and iv
    4. ii, iii and iv
  4. Try block can be nested


  5. Catch block can be nested


  6. All checked exceptions are required to be handled by user Or throw out the exception using throws clause


  7. Which of the following statements are true in respect of Threads of Java?
    1. Process is job in hand for OS
    2. Thread to Java is what process is to OS
    3. Thread is a heavyweight process
    4. Shift of CPU from a thread involves saving of context
    1. i and ii
    2. iii
    3. ii and iv
    4. ii, iii and iv
  8. Which of the following statements are true in respect of Threads commands of Java?
    1. IsAlive() checks if thread is still running
    2. join() throws InterruptedException
    3. when join() is used calling thread waits till specified thread joins it
    4. join() is a static method
    1. i, ii and iii
    2. i, iii and iv
    3. ii and iv
    4. ii, iii and iv
  9. Which of the following statements are true in respect to synchronization of Java?
    1. Block of statements can be synchronized and methods cannot be synchronized
    2. Erroneous results may occur when there is a speed mismatch of resources of threads
    3. Only one thread can enter a synchronized block
    4. Java creates and handover a monitor to thread entering synchronized block
    1. i, ii and iii
    2. i, iii and iv
    3. i and iii
    4. ii, iii and iv

    Short-answer Questions

  10. What are errors?
  11. What are exceptions?
  12. How can bugs be removed?
  13. Distinguish synchronous and asynchronous exceptions.
  14. Distinguish checked and unchecked exceptions.
  15. Explain throws and throw clause of exception mechanism.
  16. Explain finally block usage.
  17. Distinguish thread and Process.
  18. Why is thread called a lightweight process?
  19. In how many ways can a thread be created?
  20. What is the entry point method for Thread execution?
  21. Distinguish suspend() and Stop() methods.
  22. join() and wait() are better than suspend() and sleep(). Why?
  23. When do we use extends Thread method and implements Runnable interface?

    Long-answer Questions

  24. Explain the working of java Errors and Exception detecting and correcting mechanism.
  25. Explain uses of Try block, catch block and finally block with suitable examples.
  26. Explain how you can deploy your own exception class.
  27. How can Thread be created and run using extend clause and implementing runnable interface?
  28. Explain the complete life cycle of thread.
  29. What is synchronization? What is the price one pays if one uses synchronization?
  30. What is Inter-thread communications? Why is this feature required and how is it achieved?
  31. Explain the methodology of using join(), wait (), notify() and notifyall() to solve the problems associated with multithreaded programming.

    Assignment Questions

  32. Define an Exception called wrongDateException that is thrown when the date entered by the user is within permissible range such as dd 1 to 31, mm 1 to 12 and yy >=2000 and <=2010.
  33. Develop a String class that incorporates an exception StringNotSame that is triggered when a string is NOT equal to inputted String.
  34. Develop Stack class with Exception thrown for StackFullException and StackEmptyException.
  35. Explain the conditions in which a thread goes to a blocked state. Explain how a thread can return to Runnable state.
  36. Rewrite Producer and Consumer Problem discussed with the help of a buffer and synchronization of block. Use sleep() or wait() / notify(0 to achieve the result.
  37. Develop an application to show multithreaded program to show hours, minutes and seconds on separate threads.

Solutions to Objective Questions

  1. b
  2. d
  3. c
  4. True
  5. False
  6. True
  7. a
  8. a
  9. d
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