
Image A, B

Application development

class, 1922

console, 46

custom class

class method, 1618

creation, 79

instance method, 1819

iOS application

attributes, 36

creation, 3536

delegation, 4548

picker view, 48

simulator, 40

target-action, 4044

templates, 35

user controls, 44

Xcode, 3440

Mac application

application settings, 32

attributes, 3233

delegatation, 22

method execution, 30

templates, 3031

user controls, 2630

web-based, terminal application, 2225

Xcode, 3034

NSLog, 46

property assessors

@synthesize, 1416

attributes, 10

code, 913

terminal command, 24

Aggregate information, key paths

@distinctUnionOfObjects operators, 311313

arrays, 312

average priority level, 311313

code testing, 313317

usage, 317


count, 8687

creation, 8284

iteration, 8790

manipulation, 100103

NSArray and NSMutableArray constructors, 83

NSPredicate comparison operators, 96

queries, 95100

reading file system, 106107

referencing objects, 8486, 110111

save option, file system, 104105

sorting, 9095

Asynchronous processes


dispatch_async function, 223224

NSTread, 222229

serial queues, 230235


bigTaskAction method, 237238

implementation, 235241

main and serial queue, 236

viewDidLoad method, 237


@synchronized, 217222

AppDelegate.h, 200203

autorelease, 199200

background tasks, 204212

NSLock, 212217

NSNumber object, 205, 207

NSObject method, 204

NSThread, 198199

type cast, 207

UIProgressView, 204

updateUIWhen, 206

ViewController, 204205

viewDidLoad method, 213

Automatic Reference Counting (ARC), 263, 265267

Image C

Consume web content. See Web content

Core data

application, managed object

@dynamic keyword, 353

Objective-C class, 352354

test code, 354357

usage, 357

data persistence, 339

entity description

AppDelegate code, 351352

data model file, 349

description attribute, 350

editor screen, 349350

project completion, 350351

project entity, 350

usage, 352

Xcode, 349350

iOS/Mac application

AppModel, 346348

data schemas, 343

framework, 340342

managed objects, 345

readonly properties, 344

stack, 342346

usage, 348

Xcode, 340

managed object

data store, 358

objects, 357358

project class, 357358

test code, 358361

usage, 361

one-to-many relationship

code testing, 391397

entity description, 385

interfaces, 389

object graph, 385

project, task and worker, 387

task code, 385391

usage, 397

visual editor style, 388

one-to-one relationship

makeNewProject function, 378

object graph, 375

project to worker relationship, 375380

test code, 380384

usage, 384

worker entity, 376

posting changes

console log window, 374

save/changes, 368369

test code, 369374

usage, 374

retrieve objects

data store, 362363

fetch request, 362

test code, 363367

usage, 367368

version management

code testing, 401408

current drop-down box, 399

data model, 397401

one-to-one relationship, 400

usage, 408

Image D, E


add/subtract, 191192

comparison, 183187

component, 181183

format, 189190

NSCalendar constants, 184

NSDate class method, 179180

string conversion, 187189

timer, schedule code, 193195


count, 112113

creation, 107110

iteration, 113115

manipulation, 115117

reading file system, 120122

saving object, file system, 117120

Image F

File system

attributes, 140142

cache content, 170177

change attributes, 155158

constructors, 166167

delegation, 158165


add, move, copy and remove, 145148

sub-folders, 143145

iOS application

reference key directories, 136139

system directories, 138

UI, 176

keys, 141142

Mac application

domain masks, 135

reference key directories, 133136

system directory constants, 134

managing files, 149152

NSCache, 170177

NSData, data, 165170

NSFileManager, 158165

NSMutableData mutation methods, 167168

references, 131133

status, 152155

Image G, H

Garbage collection, 264, 280281

GNUstep, Windows 7

command-line, 411

home directory, 411

installation, 409

packages, 410

shell window, 410411

tools, 409

Grand Central Dispatch (GCD)

@synthesize statement, 230

bigTaskAction method, 231232

blocks, 223

dispatch_async function, 223224

main queue, 226

multiple threads, 222229

NSThread, 223

serial queues, 230235

Image I

iOS application

attributes, 36, 40

creation, 3536

delegation, 4548

picker view, 48

reference key directories, 136139


reading file system, 5457

writing file system, 5962

system directories, 138

target-action, 4044

templates, 35

UI, 176

user controls, 44

Xcode, 3440

Image J


NSJSONSerialization, 254

Parser, 254255

web services, 253256

Image K, L

Key-value coding (KVC)

get properties, 298299

NSOject, 297

set properties, 299300

test code, 300304

usage, 304

Image M, N

Mac application

application settings, 32

attributes, 3233

delegatation, 22

domain masks, 135

garbage collection, 280281

method execution, 30

reference key directories, 133136


reading file system, 5254

writing file system, 5759

system directory constants, 134

templates, 3031

user controls, 2630

web-based, terminal application, 2225

window, 25

Xcode, 3034

Memory management

applications, 261262

ARC, 263, 265267

autorelease, 263, 275280

custom classes, 270274

dealloc method, 272

garbage collection, 264, 280281

lifecycle, 262

options, 264

ownership, 262

property references, 271272

reference counting, 263, 267270

Model-View-Controller (MVC), 285

Image O, P, Q, R

Object collections


contents, 100103

count, 8687

creation, 8284

iteration, 8790

manipulation, 100103

NSArray and NSMutableArray constructors, 83

NSPredicate comparison operators, 96

queries, 95100

reading file system, 106107

referencing objects, 8486, 110111

save option, file system, 104105

sorting, 9095


count, 112113

creation, 107110

iteration, 113115

manipulation, 115117

NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary constructors, 108

reading file system, 120122

saving object, file system, 117120


comparison, 125127

count, 124125

creation, 122124

iteration, 128129

manipulation, 130131

Object graphs

aggregate information, key paths

@distinctUnionOfObjects operators, 311313

arrays, 312

average priority level, 311313

code testing, 313317

usage, 317


code testing, 332337

file system, 330

NSCoding protocol, 330332

NSKeyedArchiver, 332

usage, 337

classes and objects

built-in methods, 323

entity, 284

task implementation, 323326

test code, 326329

usage, 329

creation, 285

entity, 283284

initialization, 289292

key paths

code testing, 306310

usage, 310311

valueForKey and setValueForKey, 305306

key-value coding

get properties, 298299

Mac command-line, 304305

NSObject, 297

set properties, 299300

test code, 300304

network, 284285

object, 284

observer pattern implementation

class definition, 318

code testing, 320323

connection, 318

dealloc method, 318

key-value observation, 318320

usage, 323

overriding, 286

project, 288289

task, 286288

test code, 292296

usage, 296297

worker, 285286


GNUstep, Windows 7

command-line, 411

home directory, 411

installation, 409

packages, 410

shell window, 410411

tools, 409

Hello World, Windows 7

build log, 413414

code testing, 415

make and text file, 412

output, 414

text file creation, 412413

usage, 415416

write and compile, 412


button, 424427

Hello World, 418424

web application, 416417

web applications, 409



AppController.j file, 424426

CPButton class, 424

target-action, 425

test code, 426427

usage, 427

user controls, 424

Hello World

AppController, 420421

code testing, 422423

folders and packages, 418

helloworldapp, 418

index.html file, 419

Info.plist file, 419

main.j file, 420

Safari browser, 423424

web application, 416417

One-to-many relationship

code testing, 391397

entity description, 385

interfaces, 389

object graph, 385

project, task and worker, 387

task code, 385391

usage, 397

visual editor style, 388

One-to-one relationship

makeNewProject function, 378

object graph, 375

project to worker relationship, 375380

test code, 380384

usage, 384

worker entity, 376

Image S


comparison operator (==), 6365

contain key phrases, 6971

file identity options, 72

foundation framework, 49

localization, 7174

manipulation, 6569


currency, scientific notation and spelled out, 7880

formats, 7880

math functions, 7678

primitive type/NSNumber object, 7576

styles, 79

objects, 5052

reading file system

iOS application, 5457

Mac application, 5254

search options, 6971

writing file system

iOS application, 5962

Mac application, 5759

Image T, U

Terminal application, 24


@synchronized, 217222

autorelease, 199200

background tasks, 204212

code testing, 200203

main thread, 198

NSLock, 212217

NSNumber object, 205, 207

NSObject method, 204

NSThread, 198199

processes, 198

type cast, 207

UIProgressView, 204

updateUIWhen, 206

ViewController, 204205

viewDidLoad method, 213

Timer, 193195

Image V

Version management

code testing, 401408

current drop-down box, 399

data model, 397401

one-to-one relationship, 400

usage, 408

Image W

Web content

asynchronous, 257260

file download, 243245

JSON, 253256

XML, 245253

Windows 7


command-line, 411

home directory, 411

installation, 409

packages, 410

shell window, 410411

tools, 409

Hello World

build log, 413414

code testing, 415

make file, 413414

output, 414

text file creation, 412413

usage, 415416

write and compile, 412

Image X


delegate method, 248

LinkShortener, 251252

NSMutableString, 249

NSURL object and NSData, 246

NSXMLParser, 247251

parser, 247251

URL function, 252253

web services, 245

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