How to do it...

We will edit the models/ code file to add a new field and the methods supporting its logic:

  1. Start by adding the new field to the Library Books model:
class LibraryBook(models.Model): 
    # ... 
    age_days = fields.Float( 
        string='Days Since Release', 
  1. Next, add the method with the value computation logic:
# ... 
from odoo import api  # if not already imported 
from odoo.fields import Date as fDate 
# ... 
class LibraryBook(models.Model): 
    # ... 
    def _compute_age(self): 
        today = fDate.from_string( 
        for book in self.filtered('date_release'): 
            delta = (today -
fDate.from_string(book.date_release)) book.age_days = delta.days
  1. To add the method implementing the logic to write on the computed field, use the following code:
from datetime import timedelta
# ... 
class LibraryBook(models.Model): 
    # ... 
    def _inverse_age(self):
today = fDate.from_string(fDate.context_today(self)) for book in self.filtered('date_release'): d = today - timedelta(days=book.age_days) book.date_release = fDate.to_string(d)
  1. To implement the logic allowing you to search on the computed field, use the following code:
# from datetime import timedelta
class LibraryBook(models.Model): 
    # ... 
    def _search_age(self, operator, value): 
        today = fDate.from_string(fDate.context_today(self)) 
        value_days = timedelta(days=value) 
        value_date = fDate.to_string(today - value_days)
# convert the operator:
# book with age > value have a date < value_date
operator_map = {
'>': '<', '>=': '<=',
'<': '>', '<=': '>=',
new_op = operator_map.get(operator, operator)
return [('date_release', new_op, value_date)]

An Odoo restart followed by a module upgrade should be needed to correctly activate these new additions.

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