Getting ready

If you want to follow the recipe, ensure that you have the my_module addon from Chapter 4, Creating Odoo addon Modules, with the loan wizard defined in the Writing a wizard to guide the user recipe from Chapter 9, Advanced Server-Side Development Techniques.

Create a new addon module called library_loan_return_date that depends on my_module. In this module, extend the model, as follows:

class LibraryBookLoan(models.Model): 
    _inherit = '' 
    expected_return_date = fields.Date('Due for', required=True) 

Extend the library.member model, as follows:

class LibraryMember(models.Model): 
    _inherit = 'library.member' 
    loan_duration = fields.Integer('Loan duration', 

Since the expected_return_date field is required and no default is provided, the wizard to record loans will cease functioning because it does not provide a value for that field when it creates loans.

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