Adding a Collection Station to an Operational Management Station

It would be illogical to assume that all conditions remain stable [1] . Therefore, a time will come when a new collection station must be added to an already fully operational management station. Previous sections in this chapter apply to first-time installations. Adding a new collection station can be a pleasant experience if some simple precautions are taken.

[1] Mister Spock once said so.

First, preconfigure the collection station totally, allow it to complete its autodiscovery process, then wait for any manual discovery nudging to follow its course.

Remember to export all map customizations at the management station before adding the collection station.

Configure the management station as indicated above. Now execute xnmtopoconf -manage new_collection_station and you should observe new devices appearing in the new object holding area of the Internet submap. Wait until the management station is done importing the additional devices.

In less than ten minutes the new devices can be put into their new “homes.”

The procedure is as follows:

  • find the View:Redo Layout menu and click the OK button. This removes all objects from the new object holding area; the map is now a real mess.

  • import the map customization that you saved previously. The map looks better—containers are in their correct relative positions.

  • create a new container for the new collection station devices

  • rubberband and drag all errant icons into the new container

  • drag the container close to the cluster of originals

  • drag slightly on the window’s edge (if it has not been automatically redrawn). ovw rescales the map to fit the icons into the available space.

  • drag the container to its desired location

  • drag slightly on the window’s edge (if it has not been automatically redrawn). The map should now be properly customized.

  • save the customization

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