Using an offline Oracle password cracker

As we have mentioned and emphasized before you should perform security assessments against your databases regularly. Password crackers are the best tools to check your real passwords strength. These tools are used also by attackers to crack passwords. If you can crack a password then there is 100 percent probability that an attacker can do the same. In recent years, some very fast Oracle password crackers were developed. In this recipe we will use one of the fastest, an Oracle password-cracker tool developed by Laszlo Toth called woraauthbf.

This tool can be downloaded from Laszlo's personal page (For a description of the tool and its download link, go to; it has the capability of cracking passwords based on hash, dictionary, and brute force methods.

In this recipe we will connect to the HACKDB database, and we will collect the password hashes in a file that will be used as the input for woraauthbf.

Getting ready

All the steps will be performed on the database HACKDB.

How to do it...

Woraauthbf works only on Windows, hence for this recipe you need to establish a connection using an Oracle client installed on a Windows machine.

  1. Connect to the HACKDB database as the user system, and spool the password hashes in a file by issuing the following statement:
    SQL> set linesize 500
    SQL> set head off
    SQL> set feedback off
    SQL> set trimspool on
    SQL> set pagesize 0
    SQL> spool d:passwordspassword_hash.txt
    SQL> spool d:passwordhashespassword_hash.txt
    SQL> select||':'||u.password||':'||substr(u.spare4,3,63)||':'||||':'||
      2 sys_context('USERENV','SERVER_HOST')||':' from sys.user$ u, sys.V_$DATABASE d where u.type#=1 where user# in ('SYTEM','DBSNMP'),
    SQL> spool off
  2. Start woraauthbf using the dictionary cracking mode(-d switch), and add the password_hash.txt file as the input. All weak passwords will be cracked under a second, seen as follows:
    D:woraauthbf_0.22R2>woraauthbf.exe -p d:passwordhashespassword_hash.txt -d default.txt
    Usernames will be permuted!
    The number of processors: 2
    Number of pwds to check: 487
    Number of pwds to check by thread: 243
    Password file: d:passwordhashespassword_hash.txt, dictionary file: default.txt, type: hash
    Start: 1 End: 243
    Password found: DBSNMP:DBSNMP:0E06646DEF3977BF5737A81BE52E45061EDD9C9B7102965C8E73FB83BBA4:HACKDB
    Start: 244 End: 487
    Password found: SYSTEM:SYS:859F89EF23ED553DB0CED949EFD079D06B642C509B4F21160668E5B27863:HACKDB
    Start array thread with 490 number of passwords!
    Elpased time: 0s
    Checked passwords: 795
  3. Using the brute-force mode, execute the following code:
    D:woraauthbf_0.22R2>woraauthbf.exe -p d:passwordhashespassword_hash.txt  -c all -m 6
    Usernames will be permuted!
    The number of processors: 2
    Number of pwds to check: 100343116692
    Number of pwds to check by thread: 50171558346
    Password file: d:passwordhashespassword_hash.txt, charset: all, maximum length: 6, type: hash
    Start: 50171558346 End: 100343116692
    Start: 0 End: 50171558346
    Start array thread with 490 number of passwords!
    Password found: DBSNMP:DBSNMP:0E06646DEF3977BF5737A81BE52E45061EDD9C9B7102965C8E73FB83BBA4:HACKDB
    Password found: SYSTEM:SYS:859F89EF23ED553DB0CED949EFD079D06B642C509B4F21160668E5B27863:HACKDB
    Elpased time: 0s
    Checked passwords: 6484

How it works...

To understand the internals of Oracle authentication mechanisms and how the passwords are encrypted and hashed, I recommend a research paper written by Laszlo Toth, found at

There's more...

Another interesting and fast password cracker is checkpwd. (Its description and download link is available at

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