Determining how and where to generate audit information

The place and how the audit information is stored can be crucial to determine the operations performed on the database. In this recipe, we will discuss how and where this information can be collected and we will cover the possible destinations of audit trails and what options we may have.

Getting ready

All steps from this recipe will be performed on the HACKDB database.

How to do it...

For audit trail destination we have the option to store the audit records internally within the database or as external files.

  1. The default value for the AUDIT_TRAIL parameter is DB. By using this option, minimal audit information will be generated. If we want to extend the audit information to include issued statements and the bind variables that were used, we must utilize the EXTENDED option. Connect as system and issue the following statement:
    SQL> alter system set audit_trail='DB','EXTENDED' scope=spfile;
    System altered.
  2. To direct the auditing recording to operating system files set AUDIT_TRAIL value to OS. In this case the audit files will be generated in the location specified by the AUDIT_FILE_DEST parameter. If this parameter is not specified, the default location is ORACLE_BASE/admin/DB_UNIQUE_NAME/adump or $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/audit:
    SQL> alter system set audit_trail='OS' scope=spfile;
    System altered.
  3. To generate audit records in external files using the XML format set AUDIT_TRAIL to XML as follows:
    SQL> alter system set audit_trail='XML' scope=spfile;
    System altered.
  4. The EXTENDED mode is not allowed with normal text files, nor is it used in the OS mode. Similarly with DB EXTENDED mode, by using XML format we can collect extended audit information also. To switch to XML with the EXTENDED option execute the following statement:
    SQL> alter system set audit_trail='XML','EXTENDED' scope=spfile;
    System altered.
  5. If you want, for some reason, to disable auditing then set AUDIT_TRAIL to NONE as follows:
    SQL> alter system set audit_trail=none scope=spfile;
    System altered.
  6. For the next recipes, we will use DB with the EXTENDED mode option. Set AUDIT_TRAIL to this mode and bounce the database.


AUDIT_TRAIL is not a dynamic parameter. Therefore after any modification the database must be bounced in order to enable the auditing changes associated with the new parameter value.

How it works...

By using the database to contain all the audit records these will be directed to the SYS.AUD$ table. In the EXTENDED mode the statements and bind variables are collected.

Using OS and XML mode, the entire audit files are written to the destination specified by AUDIT_FILE_DEST.

There's more...

From a security point of view, using an internal destination for audit records is not the best, despite the fact that we will use this mode in majority of recipes in this chapter. There exists the possibility that the audit records can be deleted or tampered with by power users from aud$ and $fga_log$. Typically these tables are not accessible to non-SYS users, unless they have been explicitly granted access. By default, operations such as INSERT, UPDATE, MERGE, and DELETE on the SYS.AUD$ and SYS.FGA_LOG$ tables by non-SYS users are audited and can be checked by querying DBA_COMMON_AUDIT_TRAIL and DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL views.

If you want to use this mode, audit the SYS.AUD$ and SYS.FGA_LOG$ table itself by using fine-grained auditing and implement an alerting mechanism using handlers, or use Oracle Database Vault and build a realm around the SYS.AUD$ and SYS.FGA_LOG$.

Ideally, one of the best solutions would be to store the audit records when they are generated in an external safe location that is not accessible or modifiable by privileged users on either the server or in the database in which the actions that create the audit records are performed. A good but expensive solution could be to collect audit trails in a central location using Oracle Audit Vault. We will cover installation, configuration, and administration in the Appendix. Another option is to integrate Oracle Audit with SYSLOG and its variants. SYSLOG can be configured to transport the audit trails in a central secure location by using encrypted network communication (stunnel, syslog-ng, or rsyslog). We will cover SYSLOG integration in this chapter, in the recipe Integrating standard audit with SYSLOG.

There are specific operations that are always audited, such as SYSDBA and SYSOPER login, database startup, and shutdown. The audit trails for these operations are written in the location specified by audit_file_dest parameter. On Windows systems they are written, by default, to Windows Event Log.

See also

  • Appendix, Installing and Configuring Guardium, ODF, and OAV
  • Chapter 7, Beyond privileges: Oracle Database Vault
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