Integrating Oracle audit with SYSLOG

By using a standard audit, the resulting audit trails can be tampered with or deleted by database administrators or by an attacker who gained administrative privileges. This is a considerable security risk. SYSLOG is a protocol (RFC5424) designed for transmitting event messages and alerts across an IP network. The messages are generated, for example, by an application (ftp, cron, or ssh), and a syslog daemon catches them and integrates them using a device or another remote daemon. In this recipe we will integrate the Oracle audit trails with rsyslog.

Getting ready

All steps will be performed on the nodeorcl1 and HACKDB database.

How to do it...

  1. Integration with syslog requires the destination of audit trails to be placed externally. Change the audit trail to OS as follows:
    SQL> alter system set audit_trail=OS scope=spfile;
    System altered.
  2. rsyslog is a more advanced variant of syslog and is the default in Red Hat 6. The configuration file is /etc/rsyslog.conf. The format is the same as for syslog.conf. As root, add the device for logging in /etc/rsyslog (if you have syslog then add in /etc/syslog.conf) as follows:
    #Oracle audit syslog                                             /var/log/oracle_audit.log
    Save the /etc/rsyslog.conf file and restart the rsyslog service as follows:
    [root@nodeorcl1 etc]# service rsyslog restart
    Shutting down system logger:                               [  OK  ]
    Starting system logger:                                    [  OK  ]
    [root@nodeorcl1 etc]# 
  3. In Oracle, set the audit_syslog_level parameter to the device name as follows:
    SQL> alter system set audit_syslog_level='' scope=spfile;
    System altered.
  4. Configure it to audit all operations on HR.Employees as follows:
    SQL> audit all on hr.employees by access;
  5. Bounce the database. The audit trail will be forwarded to /var/opt/oracle_audit.log. As root open this file with the tail -100f command.
  6. In a separate terminal connect as HR and issue a count against the employees table:
    SQL> select count(*) from  employees;
  7. In the terminal where you launched the tail command you should see the audit trails in /var/opt/oracle_audit.log recording:
    Sep 16 23:30:55 nodeorcl1 Oracle Audit[3382]: LENGTH: "249" SESSIONID:[7] "1250004" ENTRYID:[1] "2" STATEMENT:[2] "11" USERID:[2] "HR" USERHOST:[9] "nodeorcl1" TERMINAL:[5] "pts/0" ACTION:[1] "3" RETURNCODE:[1] "0" OBJ$CREATOR:[2] "HR" OBJ$NAME:[9] "EMPLOYEES" OS$USERID:[6] "oracle" DBID:[10] "2310990645" 

How it works...

Every syslog message has a facility and a priority as attributes. As facilities we can have: kernel, user, mail, daemon, auth, syslog, lpr, news, uucp, cron, security, ftp, ntp, logaudit, logalert, clock, or local0-local7 (reserved for custom usage). We used local2 as the facility.

For priorities or severities we can have: merg, alert, crit, error, warning, notice, info, or debug. We used info severity. The configuration file /etc/rsyslog.conf instructs the syslog daemon how to log the events and what to do with the message per each facility and priority.

There is more...

For both facilities and priorities you can use * use * (where *.* means use all facilities and severities) notation. For configuring rsyslog to send the log messages to a remote server you should check the following article

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