Who is this book meant for? It is for anyone who is interested in
oscilloscopes, how to use them and how they work, and for
anyone who might be if he or she knew a little more about
It is easy to say what the book is not: it is not a textbook of any
sort, and particularly not a textbook on how to design oscillo-
scopes. Nevertheless, besides describing a great variety of oscillo-
scopes, their particular advantages and how to use them, the
book explains briefly how these instruments work, on the basis
that the best drivers have at least some idea of what goes on
under the bonnet. This takes us into electron physics and circuit
theory- but not too far. Formulae and results are simply stated,
not derived or proved, and those with only the haziest knowledge
of mathematics will find nothing to alarm them in this book.
Consequently, readers in their earliest teens will be able to learn
a lot from it; Chapter 1 is written especially for anyone with no
prior knowledge of the subject. Sixth-formers and students on
ONC and HNC courses should all find the book useful. Even
many degree students will find it of considerable help (though
they may choose to skip Chapter 1!); electronic engineering
undergraduates have plenty of opportunity to learn about
oscilloscopes, but many graduates come into electronic engineer-
ing from a physics degree course, and will welcome a practical
introduction to oscilloscope techniques.
Technicians and technician engineers in the electronics field
will of course be used to oscilloscopes, but the following chapters
should enlarge their understanding and enable them to use the
facilities of an oscilloscope to the full. Finally, I hope that those
whose interest in electronics is as a hobby, including many
amateur radio hams and radio-controlled-model enthusiasts, will
find the book valuable, especially if they are considering buying
or even constructing their own oscilloscopes.
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