Chapter 9

Tuning Parallel Applications

What's in This Chapter?

Using Amplifier XE to profile a parallel program

The five tuning steps

Using the Intel Software Autotuning Tool

Chapters 6–8 described the first three steps to make your code parallel — analyze, implement, and debug. This chapter discusses the final challenge — tuning your parallel application so that it is load-balanced and runs efficiently.

The chapter begins by describing how to use Amplifier XE to check the concurrency of your parallel program, and then shows how to detect and tune any synchronization problems. The chapter concludes by describing the experimental Intel Software Autotuning Tool (ISAT).

Note that all the screenshots and instructions in this chapter are based on Windows XE; however, you can run the hands-on activities on Linux, as well.


Amplifier XE provides two predefined analysis types to help tune your parallel application:

  • Concurrency analysis — Use this to find out which logical CPUs are being used, to discover where parallelism is incurring synchronization overhead, and to identify potential candidates for further parallelization.
  • Locks and Waits analysis — Use this to identify where your application is waiting on synchronization objects or I/O operations, and to discover how these waits affect your program performance.

In this chapter, you use the Concurrency analysis as the main vehicle for parallel tuning. If your program has a lot of synchronization events, you may find the Locks and Waits analysis useful. Because both of these analysis types run in user mode, you can use them on both Intel and non-Intel processors.

Figure 9.1 shows the different tuning steps carried out in this chapter. You should have already fixed any data races and deadlocks (refer to Chapter 8, “Checking for Errors”) before starting to tune your parallel application.

Figure 9.1 The five steps for tuning parallel applications


Defining a Baseline

The first step to undertake for any performance tuning is to create a baseline to compare against. Ideally, the baseline test should give the same results each time you run it; otherwise, it would be very difficult to be certain that an improvement in performance is not just due to some random behavior of your program or system.

Ensuring Consistency

If the program you are testing gives wildly different results, try the following:

  • Turn off Turbo Boost, speed-step, and hyper-threading in the BIOS of your computer (but do not turn off multi-core support). These options can cause huge variations from one run to the next of your program. For more discussion on this point, see Chapter 4, “Producing Optimized Code.” Once you have finished performance tuning, you should remember to turn these features back on.
  • If possible, disable any antivirus software. If this is not possible, run your program twice after each rebuild. Often the antivirus software will kick in only on the first run of a program.
  • Run the program more than once, and take an average result of any timing values.

Measuring the Performance Improvements

When tuning parallel programs you need to keep an eye on two things:

  • The total time the program runs (assuming time taken is the key performance measure).
  • Performance improvements of the parallel part of the program within your code.

In the prime numbers example used in this chapter (ParallelPrime.cpp, from Listing 9.4 at the end of the chapter), three different timing values are available:

  • The time it takes to calculate the prime numbers, as printed out in the program.
  • The elapsed time, as recorded by Amplifier XE.
  • The time taken to execute the parallel region, as recorded by Amplifier XE.

Most of the time you should concentrate on performance improvements of the parallel region, but remember to keep an eye on the other figures as well.

Measuring the Baseline Using the Amplifier XE Command Line

You can use the command-line version of Amplifier XE to profile your code and produce a report. If you like, you can then look at the results generated from the command line with the GUI version of Amplifier XE.

In Activity 9-1 you build and test a program that calculates prime numbers. The program has been parallelized using the OpenMP method. Once the test program has been built, the following command produces a concurrency report, which in this case is the result of running the application on a 12-core machine. Your report may be different.

amplxe-cl -collect concurrency ./9-1.exe
Found     13851 primes in  7.7281 secs
Using result path ‘C:CH9
Executing actions 75 % Generating a report

Average Concurrency:  0.975
Elapsed Time:         8.028
CPU Time:             55.051
Wait Time:            85.423
Executing actions 100 % done

You can see that:

  • The Average Concurrency — the measure of how many threads were running in parallel — is very poor. In fact, the program has effectively been serialized.
  • The Elapsed Time — the total time for the program to run — was just over eight seconds. This includes a slight overhead introduced by the act of profiling.
  • The program has more Wait Time than CPU Time. Wait Time is the amount of time the threads are waiting for a resource. CPU Time is the sum of the time each core has spent executing code.

You can use the Amplifier XE command-line interface to generate a hotspot report. The example shown in Figure 9.2 generates a hotspot report, with the results grouped by openmp-task. This is a convenient way of seeing how much time the parallel for loop (in lines 51–60 of ParallelPrime.cpp) took.

Figure 9.2 A command line hotspot report


Notice that no results folder is passed to Amplifier XE, which causes Amplifier XE to use the most recently generated results.

From the results, you can see the following:

  • The parallel region consumes most of the execution time of the program. This is good; it means that any improvement you make in the parallel section of the code will positively impact the performance of the whole program.
  • The concurrency rate of the parallel region is Poor. A well-tuned parallel program should have a concurrency of at least OK.
  • For 20 percent of the time, the parallel region is Idle. A well-tuned parallel program ideally should have no Idle time.

Activity 9-1: Defining a Baseline
In this activity you build the code from Listings 9.4 and 9.5 and use Amplifier XE to look at how parallel the resulting program is. You can run this activity on Linux or Windows.

Building and Running the Program

1. Copy the source code in Listing 9.4 into a file named ParallelPrime.cpp, and the source code in Listing 9.5 into a file named wtime.c.
2. Build the program with the following command:


icl /O2 /Zi /Qopenmp /Ob1 ParallelPrime.cpp wtime.c -o 9-1.exe


icc -O2 -g -openmp -inline-level=1 ParallelPrime.cpp wtime.c -o 9-1.exe
The option /Zi (-inline-level=1)
3. Run the program and record the time taken:
4. If the program does not run for about two to three seconds, edit the value in the #define LAST statement in ParallelPrime.cpp and rebuild and run the program until it runs for about two seconds.
#define LAST 300000

Using the Command-Line Version of Amplifier XE to Get a Timestamp

5. Start the command-line version of Amplifier XE, and record the elapsed time and average concurrency:
amplxe-cl -collect concurrency ./9-1.exe
Make a note of the results directory (for example, r000cc). You will need this for Activity 9-2.
6. Generate a report and record the amount of time that is spent in the OpenMP parallel region:
amplxe-cl -report hotspots -group-by openmp-task

Identifying Concurrency Hotspots

Having created a baseline of your parallel application, you can start looking at the performance in more detail by examining how well the program is using the CPU cores. You can try this out for yourself in Activity 9-2.

Thread Concurrency and CPU Usage

Thread concurrency and CPU usage will help you get a good feel for how parallel your program is.

  • Thread concurrency is a measure of how many threads are running in parallel. Ideally, the number of threads running in parallel should be the same as the number of logical cores your processor can support.
  • CPU usage measures how many logical cores are running simultaneously.

Figure 9.3 shows the thread concurrency of the application when it is run on a 12-core Windows-based workstation. As you can see, it runs with a low concurrency, with most of the time no threads running concurrently. The concurrency information is split into four regions — Poor, OK, Ideal, and Over — and are colored red, orange, green, and blue, respectively (albeit not shown in the figure). You can change the crossover point between each region by highlighting and dragging the triangular shaped cursors that are positioned just below the horizontal bar.

Figure 9.3 Concurrency of the Windows application


Figure 9.4 shows the CPU usage of the baseline program on Windows. It shows the length of time when various numbers of CPUs were running concurrently. For example, for almost a second no CPUs were running, and for approximately 1.3 seconds two CPUs were running concurrently. Ideally, there would be a single entry showing 12 CPUs running all the time. In this case you can see that not all the CPUs were in use all the time. The dotted vertical line indicates that the average concurrent CPU usage is almost 7.

Figure 9.4 CPU usage of the Windows application


Identifying Hotspots in the Code

The Bottom-up view of the analysis shows the main hotspots in the system (see Figure 9.5).

Figure 9.5 Source code view of CPU usage


The largest hotspot is the PrintProgress function, with most of the bar colored red. When you tune any parallel code, your goal is to get the colored bar to be green, indicating that the concurrency is ideal.

Double-clicking the hotspot brings up the Source view of the hotspot (see Figure 9.6).

Figure 9.6 The biggest hotspot in the code


Notice the following:

  • The PrintProgress function has three hotspots, at lines 18, 19, and 22. Line 18 is the biggest hotspot, with a CPU Time of just over 46 seconds.
  • Lines 18 and 22 have significant amounts of Wait Time by Utilization. This is discussed more in the section “Analyzing the Timeline.”
  • The stack pane (on the right) reports five stacks, and that the current stack contributes to 80.2% of the hotspot. If you toggle through the five stacks, by clicking the arrow (next to “1 of 5”), the other stacks are reported as contributing 10.1%, 7.6%, 2.0%, and 0.1%. In this program, the call stack information is not needed for tuning purposes, but you may find it useful when you analyze other programs.

Activity 9-2: Identifying the Concurrency Hotspots
In this activity you use the GUI version of Amplifier XE to examine the results from Activity 9-1. You can run this activity on Linux or Windows.
1. Open the GUI version of Amplifier XE, using the results directory that you noted in step 5 of Activity 9-1:
amplxe-gui r000cc
2. Look at the Thread Concurrency Histogram and the CPU Usage Histogram in the Summary page. (This page will have automatically been displayed in step 1 of this activity.)
3. Display the Bottom-up page by clicking the Bottom-up button, and make note of the biggest hotspot. You will see that most of the time, the hotspot is identified as being Poor. (The horizontal bar will be red.)
4. Look at the timeline view. Notice that there are many transition lines.
  • Highlight a small part of the timeline.
  • Right-click and select Zoom in on Selection.
  • Repeat these steps until you can see about a dozen or so transitions.
  • Hover the mouse over some of the transition lines and identify which type of transition is occurring.
5. Double-click the main hotspot (in the top pane), and find out which line of code is responsible for the hotspot.
6. Toggle through the different stacks by clicking the arrow and see what percentage the other stacks contribute to the hotspot.

Analyzing the Timeline

You can use the timeline of an analysis to better understand how your program is behaving. Figure 9.7 shows the timeline of the baseline application. You can glean further information about the program from four distinct areas of the display:

  • In the list of threads (the left-hand side) are twelve OpenMP worker threads plus one master thread. Not all the worker threads are displayed, but you can see them by either scrolling down or resizing the timeline pane.
  • Each horizontal bar gives more information about the runtime behavior of each thread. You can see when a thread is running or waiting. A running thread is colored dark green, and a waiting thread is colored light green. You can also see the transitions between threads. There are so many transitions that the whole of the timeline appears as a solid block of yellow. You can always turn the transitions off by unchecking its box on the right.
  • The CPU Usage chart shows that most of the CPUs are used all the time, but nine rather interesting dips where the CPU usage drops dramatically.
  • The Thread Concurrency bar is empty (that is, no concurrency). It seems that for most of the time, the program is running serially — a fact you already know from the summary analysis.

Figure 9.7 The application timeline


Questions to Answer

From the information in the timeline, you need to answer three questions:

  • Why are there so many transition lines?
  • Why is the concurrency so poor?
  • What is the cause of the dips in the CPU usage?

The last question is answered in the section, “Analyzing an Algorithm.”

When you analyze your own programs, you may see other patterns that need more exploration. The important thing is that you make sure you understand all the patterns you see.

The poor concurrency and the reason for the many transition lines can be deduced from a zoomed-in view of the timeline (see Figure 9.8). There is only ever one thread running at any time; the other threads are waiting. Between each thread is a transition line. If you hover your mouse over a transition line, details about that transition are displayed (as in the figure), which show that a critical section is involved.

Figure 9.8 Zooming in on the transitions


Fixing the Critical Section Hotspot

If you double-click the transition line, the source code of the object is displayed (the same source code that you have already seen in Figure 9.6).

The #pragma omp critical construct is used to protect the reading and writing of the gProgress shared variable that is being incremented. Without the critical section, there would be a data race. A variable can be incremented much more efficiently by using an atomic operation.

The following code shows how you can use the #pragma omp atomic construct to protect the incrementing of gProgress. The reading of gProgress at line 19 does not need protecting, because a data race occurs only when there are unsynchronized reads and writes. Reading shared variables will not cause data races.

// old code
16:  #pragma omp critical
17:  {
18:    gProgress++;
19:    Percent = (int)((float)gProgress/(float)Range *200.0f + 0.5f);
20:  }  

// new code
16:  #pragma omp atomic
17:  gProgress++;
19:  Percent = (int)((float)gProgress/(float)Range *200.0f + 0.5f);

With the fix in place, running a new analysis shows an improvement, as shown in Table 9.1. The program now has a much shorter elapsed time, and the CPU time used in the parallel part of the code has reduced by a factor of almost eight. You can try out Activity 9-3 to see these results for yourself. Often solving simple problems involving just a few of the many lines of program's code can result in large improvements in its operation.

Activity 9-3: Analyzing the Timeline
In this activity you use the GUI version of Amplifier XE to examine the timeline from Activity 9-1, and fix a synchronization problem identified. You can run this activity on Linux or Windows.
1. If the GUI version of Amplifier XE is not already open, open it using the results directory that you noted in step 5 of Activity 9-1:
amplxe-gui r000cc
2. Display the Bottom-up page by clicking the Bottom-up button.
3. In the timeline pane, keep expanding the view until you can clearly see the individual transition lines. You should see that only one thread is ever running at any one time.
4. Hover your mouse over a transition line and read the information displayed.
5. Double-click the transition line, which should take you to the source lines.
6. In ParallelPrime.cpp, edit lines 16 to 20 so that they look the same as the following:
16:  #pragma omp atomic
17:  gProgress++;
19:  Percent = (int)((float)gProgress/(float)Range *200.0f + 0.5f);
7. Rebuild and run the modified program (see steps 2–6 of Activity 9-1). Record the name of the results directory; you will need it in Activity 9-4.
8. Compare the results from Activity 9-1 with your new results. Your results should be similar to Table 9.1.

Table 9.1 The Results of Replacing the Critical Section with an Atomic Operation

Metric Original With Atomic
Average Concurrency 0.975 0.715
Elapsed Time 8.028 2.777
CPU Time 55.051 7.441
Wait Time 85.423 28.418
Parallel Region CPU Time 54.901 7.090
Parallel Region Idle Time 15.739 3.432

In the next step, you explore the dips in the CPU usage, which look like they might be caused by a flaw in the algorithm of the program.

Analyzing an Algorithm

In Figure 9.7 you saw nine distinct dips in the CPU usage. Once you have fixed the data race by adding the #pragma omp atomic, the dips are less pronounced but are still clearly visible (see Figure 9.9).

Figure 9.9 The timeline after the atomic operation has been introduced


To see what is causing the dips, zoom in and filter on the timeline (see Figure 9.10). Notice that the call stack mode on the bottom right has been set to user + 1 so that the function calling the hotspot is also displayed. You can see that the hotspot is the printf function, which has a high Wait Time by Utilization. Notice that all the threads are mostly light green, indicating that they are in a waiting state, with just OMP Worker Thread #4 showing some activity in the middle of the timeline.

Figure 9.10 Examining the CPU usage dips


Looking at the code that calls printf in the function PrintProgress, you can see that whenever the percent value is a multiple of 10, printf is called:

21:   if( Percent % 10 == 0 )
22:     printf("%s%3d%%", CursorBack,Percent);

The intention is to display the progress on the screen after each 10 percent increment of work.

Looking at the length of the timeline, you can see that it has a length of approximately 0.13 seconds — an awfully long time to do one printf! You should suspect that something is wrong with this code and is causing the nine dips in CPU usage.

When you find a section of code that may be causing a problem, one quick test you can try is to comment out the code and see what difference it makes. Figure 9.11 shows the timeline of the application with lines 21 and 22 commented out. You can see that the dips in CPU usage have disappeared, confirming that lines 21 and 22 were the cause.

Figure 9.11 The application timeline with the printf removed


Amplifier XE will not tell you how to fix problems with your program algorithms, but it will let you observe any odd behavior.

In lines 21 and 22, the problem is caused because the printf is not only called when you first reach a percent value that is divisible by ten, but that it is then repeatedly called until Percent % 10 == 0 evaluates to false.

By modifying the code to look like Listing 9.1 (as you'll do in Activity 9-4), printf should be called only once on each 10 percent increment; the changes to the code are highlighted:

listing Listing 9.1: The modified PrintProgress function

12:  // Display progress
13: void PrintProgress(int Range )
14: {
15:   int Percent = 0;
16:   static int lastPercentile = 0;
17:   #pragma omp atomic
18:   gProgress++;
19:   Percent = (int)((float)gProgress/(float)Range *200.0f + 0.5f);
20:   if( Percent % 10 == 0 )
21:   {
22:     // we should only call this if the value is new!
23:     if(lastPercentile < Percent / 10)
24:     {
25:       printf("%s%3d%%", CursorBack,Percent);
26:       lastPercentile++;
27:     }
28:   }
29: }

code snippet Chapter99-1.cpp

Activity 9-4: Analyzing an Algorithm
In this activity you use the GUI version of Amplifier XE to examine the timeline from Activity 9-1, and fix a synchronization problem identified. You can run this activity on Linux or Windows.

Examining the CPU Utilization Dip

1. Open the GUI version of Amplifier XE, using the results directory that you noted in step 8 of Activity 9-3. (You should replace r000cc with your results directory name.)
amplxe-gui r000cc
2. Display the Bottom-up page by clicking the Bottom-up button.
3. In the Timeline pane:
  • Select one of the dips in the CPU utilization.
  • Right-click and select Zoom in and Filter by Selection.
  • Change the call stack mode (see bottom right of screen) to user “functions + 1.”
You should find that the function involved in the selected timeline is printf, with most threads in a waiting state.
4. (Optional) If you like, prove that the printf function is the problem by commenting out lines 21 and 22 of ParallelPrime.cpp, and then rebuild and rerun the analysis.

Correcting the Problem

5. In ParallelPrime.cpp edit the PrintProgress function so that it looks the same as Listing 9.1.
6. Rebuild and run the modified program (see steps 2–6 of Activity 9-1).
7. Open the GUI version of Amplifier XE, using the results directory that you noted in step 6. (You should replace r000cc with your results directory name.)
amplxe-gui r000cc
8. Display the Bottom-up page by clicking the Bottom-up button. Look at the timeline. The dips in the CPU usage should have disappeared.

Conducting Further Analysis and Tuning

You've already carried out some analysis of the code and fixed two programming problems. With the two problems in PrintProgress fixed, a new Concurrency analysis will reveal a different part of the code GetPrimes$omp$parallel_for@57 as the biggest concurrency hotspot (see Figure 9.12).

Figure 9.12 The new concurrency hotspot


Double-clicking the hotspot GetPrimes$omp$parallel_for@57 in the Bottom-up page reveals that the hotspot is in a critical section in the function GetPrimes, as shown in Figure 9.13. Notice that the line numbers in the figure no longer match those of Listing 9.4 due to the changes made in previous sections. The GetPrimes function increments through every even number between a Start value and an End value, and tests to see if each number is a prime number by calling the IsPrime function.

Figure 9.13 Source code of the new concurrency hotspot


The critical section is applied to line 57, where the global variable gNumPrimes is incremented, and then used as an index so that the current prime (held in the variable i) can be stored into the global array gPrimes.

By now you should know what you can do to fix this — use an atomic instruction instead of the #pragma omp critical. By splitting the line into two lines, you can apply a #pragma omp critical to the incrementing of gNumPrimes:

// old code
56:       #pragma omp critical
57:       gPrimes[gNumPrimes++] = i;

// new code
56:       #pragma omp atomic
57:       gNumPrimes++;
58:       gPrimes[gNumPrimes] = i;

After you implement this code, a new analysis shows a further improvement in performance. Table 9.2 shows the performance improvement of the parallel region over the last three code changes that have been made.

Table 9.2 Performance Improvements

Version Time in Parallel Region (Seconds) Comments
Original 8.308
#1 2.847 Replaced critical with atomic in PrintProgress
#2 0.403 Rewrote PrintProgress
#3 0.015 Replaced critical with atomic in GetPrimes

Figure 9.14 shows the timeline of the parallel region. The darker part of the horizontal bars represents the time that the threads are running. Each of the start and end points of the thread are staggered; when you see such a pattern, it probably means there is scope for further tuning.

Figure 9.14 Timeline of the parallel region before tuning


You can use a schedule clause with the #pragma parallel for to try to improve the load balancing. (The schedule clause was discussed in Chapter 7, “Implementing Parallelism.”)

Most developers experiment with the different schedule clauses, keeping the one that produces the best results. Listing 9.2 shows a new listing of the GetPrimes function with the previous changes and the schedule clause added. The ISAT tool was used to find the best combination of schedule type and chunk size. You'll read more about ISAT later in this chapter.

listing Listing 9.2: The GetPrimes function with the schedule clause

void GetPrimes(int Start, int End)
  // Make Start to always be an even number
  Start += Start %2;

  // If Start is 2 or less, then just record it
  if(Start<=2) gPrimes[gNumPrimes++]=2;

  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(guided,512) num_threads(12)
  for( int i = Start; i <= End; i += 2 )
    if( IsPrime(i) )
      #pragma omp atomic
      gPrimes[gNumPrimes] = i;

code snippet Chapter99-2.cpp

Figure 9.15 shows the results of the schedule clause. Note the following:

  • All the threads stop running at about the same time.
  • The length of the parallel region is now shorter (0.010 seconds compared with 0.015 seconds).
  • The start of the threads is still staggered. Between each thread starting there is about a 1ms delay (0.001 seconds). This is probably a feature of the OpenMP run time that cannot be changed.

Figure 9.15 Timeline of the parallel region after tuning


Using Other Viewpoints

The only analysis type you have used so far is the Concurrency analysis. Within this analysis you can change the viewpoint to see the information captured with differing emphasis.

Figure 9.16 shows the viewpoints available:

  • Hotspots
  • Hotspots by CPU Usage
  • Hotspots by Threading Concurrency
  • Locks and Waits

Figure 9.16 The menu to switch viewpoints


You can access this menu by clicking on the spanner icon. In your version of Amplifier XE, additional viewpoints may be available.

Using Locks and Waits Analysis

In addition to changing viewpoints, you can use other analysis types. Using the Locks and Waits analysis will give you slightly more information than a locks and waits viewpoint available from the Concurrency analysis.

Here's an example of running the Locks and Waits analysis from the command line:

amplxe-cl -collect locksandwaits ./9-1.exe
Found     13851 primes in  7.6617 secs
Using result path ‘C:dvCH9Release
Executing actions  0 % Finalizing results
Executing actions 75 % Generating a report

Average Concurrency:  0.912
Elapsed Time:         7.940
CPU Time:             53.586
Wait Time:            85.153
Executing actions 100 % done

Once you have run the Locks and Waits analysis, you can view the results using the GUI version of Amplifier XE:

amplxe-gui r001lw

Figure 9.17 shows the analysis of the application in Listing 9.4 (without all the corrections you made earlier) using the Locks and Waits analysis. One of the differences between this analysis and a Concurrency analysis is that the hotspots are presented using synchronization objects. The first two synchronization objects listed are both critical sections. Notice that the Spin Times of the first four objects are shaded. A spinning thread is one that is executing code in a tight loop, waiting for some resource to become available. While the thread is spinning it is consuming CPU time, but it is not doing any useful work. Amplifier XE shades the values to warn you that the values are unacceptably high.

Figure 9.17 The hotspots of a Locks and Waits analysis


Other Analysis Types

You can also use other analysis types to help tune your application. Apart from the user analysis types mentioned in this chapter, you can also use Hotspot analysis (described in Chapter 6, “Where to Parallelize”) and event-based sampling (described in Chapter 12, “Event-Based Analysis with VTune Amplifier XE”).

Activity 9-5: Further Analysis and Tuning
In this activity you fix a synchronization overhead in the code, and then tune the OpenMP parallel loop.

Analyzing the New Hotspot

1. Using the Amplifier XE Concurrency analysis that you already have open (from Activity 9-4), click the Bottom-up button and examine the hotspots.
2. Double-click the biggest hotspot and confirm that it is in the GetPrimes function.
3. In ParallelPrime.cpp, edit the GetPrimes function so that it looks like this. (Your line numbers may be different.)
// old code
56:       #pragma omp critical
57:       gPrimes[gNumPrimes++] = i;
// new code
56:       #pragma omp atomic
57:       gNumPrimes++;
58:       gPrimes[gNumPrimes] = i;
4. Rebuild and run the modified program (see steps 2–6 of Activity 9-1). Amplifier XE will automatically create a new results folder — make a note of its name.
5. Open the GUI version of Amplifier XE, using the results directory that you noted in step 4. (You should replace r000cc with your results directory name.)
amplxe-gui r001cc
6. Display the Bottom-up page by clicking the Bottom-up button. Look at the time taken in the parallel region. It should be about 20 times shorter than the results from Activity 9-4.

Tuning the OpenMP Parallel Loop

7. Expand the timeline so just the parallel region is displayed. Notice that the start and end positions of the threads are staggered.
8. In ParallelPrime.cpp, edit the GetPrimes function to add the schedule clause to the #pragma omp parallel for loop (so that it looks the same as Listing 9.2).
9. Rebuild and run the modified program. (See steps 2–6 of Activity 9-1.)
10. Open the GUI version of Amplifier XE, using the results directory that you noted in step 9. (You should replace r000cc with your results directory name.)
amplxe-gui r002cc
11. Display the Bottom-up page by clicking the Bottom-up button. Expand the timeline so just the parallel region is displayed. You should notice the following:
  • The running threads finish at about the same time.
  • The execution time of the parallel section is shorter than you saw in step 7.

Using the Intel Software Autotuning Tool

The Intel Software Autotuning Tool (ISAT) is an experimental tool that you can use to automatically tune Cilk, OpenMP, and TBB parallel code. You can download the tool from At the time of this writing, ISAT is available only for use in a Linux environment, although it may eventually be available for Windows as well.

ISAT works by automatically searching for the optimal values of program parameters that have a significant impact on parallel performance. Parameters include scheduling policy and granularity within the OpenMP method, task granularity within the TBB method, and cache blocking factors in matrix-intensive applications.

You control which code should be tuned by inserting directives in the form of pragmas within your existing code.

ISAT produces two outputs:

  • Source code with the best scheduling parameters automatically added
  • A graph of all the results (see Figure 9.18)

Figure 9.18 Visualization of ISAT results


Listing 9.3 shows the ISAT profiling pragmas added to the ParallelPrime.cpp code. The first pragma, #pragma isat tuning scope…, tells ISAT the names of the start and end of the code to be tuned (M_begin and M_end, respectively). The three variables in the pragma set the range of values to use for the schedule type, chunk size, and number of threads. For more information, refer to the help that is distributed with ISAT.

listing Listing 9.3: The code with ISAT macros added

// NOTE: this pragma is written on ONE line
#pragma isat tuning scope(M_begin, M_end) measure(M_begin, M_end)
variable(@omp_schedule_type, [static,dynamic,guided])
variable(@omp_schedule_chunk, range(5, 10, 1, pow2))
variable(@omp_num_threads, range(1, $NUM_CPU_THREADS, 1)) search(dependent)

// go through all numbers in range and see which are primes
void GetPrimes(int Start, int End)
  // Make Start to always be an even number
  Start += Start %2;

  int Range = End - Start;
  // if start is 2 or less, then just record it
  if(Start<=2) gPrimes[gNumPrimes++]=2;

  #pragma isat marker M_begin
  #pragma omp parallel for
  for( int i = Start; i <= End; i += 2 )
    if( IsPrime(i) )
      #pragma omp atomic

      gPrimes[gNumPrimes] = i;
  #pragma isat marker M_end

code snippet Chapter99-3.cpp

Source Code

Listing 9.4 is a badly tuned implementation of a parallel program that calculates the number of primes between two values, FIRST and LAST. As the values are calculated, the program prints a status message. The message is updated in 10 percent intervals. Listing 9.5 is a timing utility used to measure how long the program takes.

listing Listing 9.4: A parallel program to calculate prime numbers

1:  #include <stdio.h>
2:  #include <math.h>
3:  extern "C" double wtime();
4:  #define FIRST 1
5:  #define LAST 300000
6:  #define CursorBack ""
7:  // globals
8:  int gProgress  = 0;
9:  int gNumPrimes = 0;
10: int gPrimes[10000000];
12:  // Display progress
13: void PrintProgress(int Range )
14: {
15:   int Percent = 0;
16:   #pragma omp critical
17:   {
18:     gProgress++;
19:     Percent = (int)((float)gProgress/(float)Range *200.0f + 0.5f);
20:   }
21:   if( Percent % 10 == 0 )
22:     printf("%s%3d%%", CursorBack,Percent);
23: }
25: // Test to see if a number is a prime
26: bool IsPrime(int CurrentValue)
27: {
28:   int Limit, Factor = 3;
30:   if( CurrentValue == 1 )
31:     return false;
32:   else if( CurrentValue == 2 )
33:     return true;
35:   Limit = (long)(sqrtf((float)CurrentValue)+0.5f);
36:   while( (Factor <= Limit) && (CurrentValue % Factor))
37:     Factor ++;
39:   return (Factor > Limit);
40: }
42: // Go through all numbers in range and see which are primes
43: void GetPrimes(int Start, int End)
44: {
45:   // Make Start to always be an even number
46:   Start += Start %2;
48:   // If start is 2 or less, then just record it
49:   if(Start<=2) gPrimes[gNumPrimes++]=2;
51:   #pragma omp parallel for
52:   for( int i = Start; i <= End; i += 2 )
53:   {
54:     if( IsPrime(i) )
55:     {
56:       #pragma omp critical
57:       gPrimes[gNumPrimes++] = i;
58:     }
59:     PrintProgress(End-Start);
60:   }
61: }
63: int main()
64: {
65:   double StartTime = wtime();
66:   GetPrimes(FIRST, LAST);
67:   double EndTime = wtime();
69:   printf("
Found  %8d primes in %7.4lf secs
70:       gNumPrimes,EndTime - StartTime);
71: }

code snippet Chapter9ParallelPrime.cpp

listing Listing 9.5: A function to find the current time

#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
double wtime()
  LARGE_INTEGER frequency;
  return (double)(ticks.QuadPart/(double)frequency.QuadPart);
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
double wtime()
  struct timeval time;   
  struct timezone zone;   
  gettimeofday(&time, &zone);   
  return time.tv_sec + time.tv_usec*1e-6;

code snippet Chapter9wtime.c


This chapter showed how you can use Amplifier XE to help tune a parallel program. Using Amplifier XE's predefined analysis types, you can quickly find out how much concurrency your program exhibits and observe how well any synchronization objects are performing.

The examples in the chapter used OpenMP, but you can use Amplifier XE to profile Cilk Plus, TBB, and native threading code as well.

The next chapter shows how to model parallelism in your code using Intel Parallel Advisor.

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