Chapter 12 at a Glance

This chapter tries to tie together issues culled from practical deployment in the field, and make some observations about what to look out for.

Enterprise Goes Peer looks at what has happened in the vendor marketplace concerning p2p or peer-related technologies.

  • Intel and P2PWG discusses how Intel is a strong supporter of peer technologies, primarily as hardware solutions.

  • Finance and Trading is a brief look at areas most likely to be willing to deploy messaging and collaboration p2p technologies.

  • The Case of the Missing Material speculates over why it can be difficult to obtain useful information about enterprise p2p solutions.

  • Brief Mentions is an overview of several examples of application areas where p2p technologies have been tried or seem imminent.

Usage Cases attempts to define practical application issues.

  • Usage Patterns and Problems takes an oblique approach by examining practical issues common to the different application categories, based on how they are used, rather than by looking at specific products.

Peer-to-Peer Journalism looks at p2p from the information angle, as solutions for people communicating with people.

Peer Integration examines the potential for p2p to become ubiquitous and how it could totally transform our lives.

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