Chapter 13 at a Glance

This chapter looks into the future of peer technologies and related Internet issues by presenting a somewhat arbitrary selection of important topics.

Networking the Future examines if it is still a growth sector.

  • The Future of P2P asks what factors will determine further deployment.

  • The P2P Vision provides a glimpse of an idealized future that widely deployed p2p might mean.

  • Much of the future hinges on Embedded Peers to provide seamless networking capability to appliances and homes.

  • Behind Collaboration Peers, we find the requirement for well-defined transactions and change of work habits.

  • Distributed Processing discusses the trends that promise transparently available extra resources on demand.

  • Superdistribution is a component in a distributed resource market, and this section highlights two major research projects in that area.

  • Trust and Recommendation Peers returns to trust systems from a different angle, this time as mechanisms for content recommendation.

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