


Zack is a cynical bastard.

Feeling like a farce and a phony.

Exposure drills.

Which softbox—28″ or 50″?

Quality of light between two lights and one box.

Who’s got the nicest glASS?


Rebels need not apply.

Finding portrait subjects.

Good days and bad days.

Difference between the genres.

Is there always a photo to be made?

Seamless in a small room.

Film camera for sports.

Save and buy once.


Till dust do us part.

Best place for critique.

Best piece of gear under $100.

Photography competitions.

Not enough hours in the day.

How important is post-processing?

Full frame vs. crop factor.

Taking photos is 10%.

Talk to strangers, kids!

Previsualization and directing subjects.

Lightroom vs. Aperture.


Lord help him. He’s working at Goodwill.

UV filters are trash.

Asking about a street photo.

Style over substance.

Shootin’ nekkid girls.

Cheap eBay lights.

OneLight for life.

All lenses are not created equal.

Trade shows.

Résumés for photographers.

Things I’ve learned while learning others.


Gear lust.

My shit ain’t sharp.

Low light blues.

Blowin’ up some photos!

Asking strangers for photos.

Stock or purge?

Nudes, Bar Mitzvahs, and WTF.


How do I sell stuff that people don’t buy?

Don’t build a following.

Going to school for photography.

Assisting and 2nd shooting.

Comparing yourself to others.

Noise reduction. Not elimination.

Drinking with friends.

Small town fashionista.

Follow footballers foodchain.

The goal of personal projects.

Feeling confident enough to start selling.

How do you charge a band?

Gettin’ paid in Cincinnati.


Salon owner seeks slavery.

Setting prices. The primer.

Why grid a softbox?

Artist’s statements and the innocence of trees.

Comparing PCB strobes.

Ain’t no money in live music.

Kidnapped & Dumped. How to start.

Band, label, or manager directing the shoot?

Waves of anxiety.

The Catch 22. Job or jump?

How photography can kill your relationships.


Underpriced and working.

Posting pricing on your web site.

Finding your style.

Packing gear.

Lenses and LEDs.

A company by any other name.

Mixing work on web sites or splitting them.


Marketing and self-promotion.

Logos. To pay or not to pay.

What is a successful photographer?

Rare times I use Aperture Priority.

Cropping & Blurring.

Beyond the bridal booth.

Giving the files away.

Giving the RAW files away.

Questions to ask when making a bid.


Which of your children do you love more? Portfolios.

Genre jumping.

What an art buyer wants to see in your book.

Great photographers you should know.

Videos of girls putting make-up on.

Great excuses for my crappy web galleries.

Using a light meter. Know your shit.

Delivering images you hate.

Basic checklist for permanent studio space.

Using a studio to your benefit.


What keeps me alive on the streets.

He shoots with Sony. Hahahahaha!


Slow-paying clients.

When to charge for licensing usage.

Can’t get no credit.

Learning to sell. Hold this book.

Gear porn.

Cards & Battery system.

Do as I say. Not as I do.

Personal Personal Projects.

One day you’re great. The next, you’re a hack.

Putting the camera down forever.



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