about the author

TAMARA ERICKSON is both a respected McKinsey Award–winning author and popular and engaging storyteller. Her compelling views of the future are based on extensive research on changing demographics and employee values and, most recently, on the ways that successful organizations work. Well grounded, academically rigorous, and fundamentally optimistic, Tammy’s work discerns and describes interesting trends in our future and provides actionable counsel to help organizations and individuals prepare today.

This is Tammy’s second book on how individuals in specific generations can excel in today’s workplace. Her first, Retire Retirement: Career Strategies for the Boomer Generation, was released earlier this year. The third, for Generation X, will be available next year.

Tammy (www.TammyErickson.com) has coauthored four Harvard Business Review articles and the book Workforce Crisis: How to Beat the Coming Shortage of Skills and Talent. She is an executive vice president at nGenera (www.nGenera.com), a firm offering Global 2000 companies a game-changing combination of research, education, advisory services, and softwareas-a-service—packaged into category solutions and delivered on-demand.

Tammy’s weekly blog “Across the Ages” is available at HBSP Online (http://discussionleader.hbsp.com/erickson/).

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