part one

who are you, and what does that mean for your career?

The recruiting officer told me she was very careful about outlining the qualifications required for each posted position, and yet fully 50 percent of the Gen Y candidates who apply today do not have even one of the specified requirements.

“What are they thinking?” Her frustration with your generation was boiling over.

“Hmm . . . do you have any children?” I asked.

Instantly her mood shifted. “Oh, yes.” Her pride was obvious.

“And did you offer them any advice? Perhaps something along the lines of, ‘You can do anything you set your mind to’?”

“All the time,” she sheepishly admitted.

“Well, these candidates’ parents did, too—and they listened!”

The events of your childhood—what you saw and heard, particularly when you were teenagers—have played an important part in shaping who you are today. As in this story, your parents’ deep conviction that their children can do amazing things is one important force; your generation is the product of the most child-centric child-rearing practices the world has yet known. But many other forces, good and bad, have shaped you as well: terrorism, the technology you use, global warming, generally strong economic trends, and more.

You are a member of what I am confident will prove to be a great generation. Most of you are jumping forward with confidence, self-esteem, and a desire to live life to the hilt. And looked at through the eyes and experiences of other generations, you sometimes drive older colleagues crazy. But if you get the chance, you are also showing how to make organizations a more humane place for everyone. I am convinced you’re going to be a wonderful addition to the business community—a geyser of energy, creativity, and leadership potential at a time when these qualities are what most organizations seek.

You know yourself as an individual. My intent is not to minimize important elements of your individuality; in part II, I turn to personal preferences and needs. My goal in this first part of the book is to provide you with a context and evidence for why you as a generation are the way you are and behave in the ways you do. In the three chapters of part I, I share the context that has shaped Generation Y and the meaning of your common characteristics in terms of your opportunities for and perspectives of work.

  • The outlines of your generation: Your birth years, diverse racial and ethnic patterns, life expectancy, and educational patterns
  • The events and trends that have shaped you: Influential events, the communication and technology environment you inhabit, and cultural trends and family ties
  • Shared views and common choices: Your sense of self, commitment to community, social responsibility, spirituality, life expectations, and career expectations
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