
Numerical Integration

Integrating a function is a common step in many financial algorithms. However, in several of these algorithms you can find equations that have no known analytical solution, and need to be integrated numerically. Even if an equation can be integrated analytically, it may be more efficient to perform this task using numerical algorithms. For this purpose, this chapter explores some of the common ways of performing numerical integration. After reading this chapter you will have a better understanding of how these numerical integration algorithms work in practice and how to use them in your own projects.

We discuss programming examples that can readily be applied in the use of some common integration methods. We also discuss their performance and the accuracy of such numerical methods when implemented using the C++ language. The programming examples in this chapter cover the following topics:

  • Midpoint method: a simple method of integration that uses an easy-to-compute approximation based on the midpoint of each integration interval.
  • Trapezoid method: a more accurate method of numerical integration that employs a trapezoidal approximation to the integrated area.
  • Simpson’s method: a popular technique of numerical integration, Simpson’s method provides a slightly better approximation than the previous two methods.
  • Graphical examples of these solution methods: we present a graphical explanation of how these methods work, along with the code necessary to implement them.

The Midpoint Method

Create a C++ class to integrate functions using the midpoint method.


Integrating a function means, in a few words, finding the area of the curve formed by the function and the x-axis. While the concept is simple, there is a large amount of literature concerning the practical importance of this problem. The most important result, also known as the fundamental theorem of calculus, is that integration is the inverse function of the derivative. In other words, applying the derivative to the integral of a function will lead to the original function. You can also integrate the derivative of a function to reach the original.

Finding the integral of a function by algebraic means is highly dependent on the previous definition. This means that you need to know a second function whose derivative is the function you want to integrate. In that case, the second function is the integral using the fundamental theorem of calculus. The problem is that it is not always possible to find an anti-derivative using such methods. This leads to the need to determine the integral using the computational method.

There are several methods that can be used to integrate a function, but they all include the strategy of dividing the area of the desired function into many subareas and adding them all. The good thing about numerical integration is that most schemes of subdividing the area as described previously are convergent. This means that the solution for most functions can be used by any of the methods we discuss. What make these methods different is the computational effort, and possibly some better convergence for a particular function or application.

We start our discussion with a recipe for the algorithm commonly known as the midpoint method. This method was so named because of the use of a midpoint approximation to the desired area. Consider the function f(x)=x2+1, and try to calculate the integral for this function in the interval 1 to 5. You can see a plot of this function in Figure 10-1.


Figure 10-1. Plot of function f(x)=x2+1 in the interval 1 to 5

Of course, it would be easy to solve this problem using symbolic techniques, since there is a well-known way to determine the integral of a polynomial function. However, consider how the problem could be solved using a purely computational strategy.

The goal of the algorithm is to develop an approximation so that you can determine the considered integral within a prespecified error threshold. The first step is to devise a function that could approximate the given function in the given interval. It turns out that the easiest function we can try is the constant function f(x)=c.

Suppose that we use the constant function to approximate the integral in the interval 1 to 5. We can take as the value of the constant the average value of f(x) in that interval, as determined by the extreme points. That constant value would be image. Check in Figure 10-2 how this constant function compares with the original function.


Figure 10-2. The original function f(x) = x2+1 compared to the constant function f(x) = c

The value of the approximation can be calculated as (5–1)10 = 40. You can compare this with the value defined by the closed calculation of the integral: the anti-derivative of f(x) = x2+1 is image, and using this equation as the definite integral on the interval 1 to 5 you will find the value 45.33. From this you see that there is a large error between the correct value and the estimation using a single midpoint calculation.

The good news is that we can improve this approximation by considering smaller intervals over the required function, and adding these values together. This is the basic technique you will see in this and in the next sections. Therefore, to improve the approximation in the preceding example, we can just divide the interval 1–5 into two intervals: 1 to 3 and 3 to 5.

Considering the average value for the constant function, you will find values image for the first half of the interval, and image for the second half. This gives us an approximation of 2 × 5 + 2 × 17 = 44. Since the exact value is 45.33, you see that the approximation of 44 is much closer to the real value. You can see the new approximation in Figure 10-3.


Figure 10-3. Approximating the integral of f(x) = x2+1 using two constant values

As you have seen, the secret of getting a great result from the midpoint method is subdividing the desired interval in smaller units and adding them, quite similarly to the way the integral function is defined itself. While you could start with a single constant number and then divide the interval successively, it is much easier to start with a known large number of segments and expand the number of divisions if necessary. Using this strategy results in the following algorithm:

Define a range (A,B) where you want to calculate the integral to the equation.

  1. Subdivide the initial range into N subintervals of equal sign.
  2. Initialize the integral value S to zero.
  3. For each subinterval (a,b) do the following:
    1. Take the values of a and b.
    2. Determine the middle point value


    3. Add m(a,b) to the integral.

The implementation of this simple method can be found in the MidpointIntegration class.

Complete Code

You can find the complete code that implements the method just described in Listing 10-1. The listing includes a header file for class MidpointIntegration as well as an implementation file.

Listing 10-1. Implementation for Midpoint Integration Method

//  MidpointIntegration.h

#ifndef __FinancialSamples__MidpointIntegration__
#define __FinancialSamples__MidpointIntegration__

template <class T>
class MathFunction;

class MidpointIntegration {
    MidpointIntegration(MathFunction<double> &f);
    MidpointIntegration(const MidpointIntegration &p);
    MidpointIntegration &operator=(const MidpointIntegration &p);

    void setNumIntervals(int n);
    double getIntegral(double a, double b);

    MathFunction<double> &m_f;
    int m_numIntervals;

#endif /* defined(__FinancialSamples__MidpointIntegration__) */

//  MidpointIntegration.cpp

#include "MidpointIntegration.h"

#include "MathFunction.h"

#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

namespace  {
    const int DEFAULT_NUM_INTERVALS = 100;

MidpointIntegration::MidpointIntegration(MathFunction<double> &f)
: m_f(f),

MidpointIntegration::MidpointIntegration (const MidpointIntegration &p)
: m_f(p.m_f),


MidpointIntegration &MidpointIntegration::operator=(const MidpointIntegration &p)
    if (this != &p)
        m_f = p.m_f;
        m_numIntervals = p.m_numIntervals;
    return *this;

void MidpointIntegration::setNumIntervals(int n)
    m_numIntervals = n;

double MidpointIntegration::getIntegral(double a, double b)
    double S = 0;
    double intSize = (b - a)/m_numIntervals;
    double x = a;

    for (int i=0; i<m_numIntervals; ++i)
        double midpt = m_f(x+(intSize/2));
        S += intSize * midpt;
        x += intSize;
    return S;

// Example function  x^2 + 1

namespace  {

class F1 : public MathFunction<double>
    double operator()(double x);


double F1::operator ()(double x)
    return x*x+1;


int main()
    F1 f;
    MidpointIntegration mpi(f);
    double integral = mpi.getIntegral(1, 5);
    cout << " the integral of the function is " << integral << endl;

    integral = mpi.getIntegral(1, 5);
    cout << " the integral of the function with 200 intervals is " << integral << endl;
    return 0;

Running the Code

You can generate a binary executable from the source code in Listing 10-1 using any standards-compliant compiler such as gcc. Then, you can execute the code to get sample results such as the following, for the sample equation f(x) = x2+1:

the integral of the function is 45.3344
the integral of the function with 200 intervals is 45.3336

Notice that the solution tests the approximation for two cases: when the number of intervals is 100 (the default) and when the number of intervals is 200. Since the exact value of the function is image, this shows an improvement in the result with an error going from the third decimal place to the fourth decimal place. You can improve the approximation for different functions or required errors by increasing the number of intervals if necessary.

Trapezoid Method

Create a C++ class that implements the trapezoid method for definite integral calculation.


As you have seen in the last section, it is not difficult to come up with an approximation for the integral of a function. However, in many applications it is useful to have a faster and more efficient way to determine the definite integral of a function. This is especially true when the function that needs to be integrated is difficult to compute in the first place. In those situations, it is better to use an approximation technique that might be able to provide more accurate solutions to the integration problem.

In this coding recipe, I examine an alternative way to calculate the integral of a continuous function, called the trapezoid method. As the name indicates, the trapezoid method uses a geometric, intuitive idea to render the value under the curve for a particular function, in such a way that the resulting approximation is closer to the desired value.

To use the trapezoid method, we look at the integration problem using a geometric intuition about the best way to approximate the desired curve. Consider the function f(x) = sin(x) in the range image to image. The desired integral is defined as the area under the curve. A simple approach to approximate this value is to use the area of linear function that approximates sinx between the extremes of the given interval. Using a graphical approach, you can see the results in Figure 10-4.


Figure 10-4. Approximating the integral of f(x)=sin(x) over the interval from 1/2 to 5/2 with help of one iteration of the trapezoid method

The trapezoid method applied to that interval gives a relatively poor approximation. The real value of the indicated integral, when computed using symbolic techniques, is image, which is approximately 1.6787. The trapezoid method, on the other hand, yields the value image.

Although this is a poor approximation, you can do better if you divide the interval of the desired function in two or more subareas. As you do this, the errors will become smaller and the resulting value will be closer to the real value of the integral. For example, I will show how to improve the approximation of the function above using the two subintervals from 1/2 to 3/2 and from 3/2 to 5/2.

The values of image and image, result in a trapezoid with area of 0.7384. The second interval, on the other hand, has value determined by image and image. The resulting trapezoid has area equal to 1.5364, which is closer to the exact value of 1.6787. You can see how this approximation works graphically in Figure 10-5.


Figure 10-5. Using the trapezoid method to approximate the area under the function f(x)=sin x, with two intervals (1/2 to 3/2 and 3/2 to 5/2)

It can be proved, as shown in the previous two examples, that as the number of subintervals is increased the quality of the approximation gets better. As a result, you can get as close as desired from the true value of the definite integral by increasing the number of subintervals in the trapezoid method.

I present a class, called TrapezoidIntegration, which shows how to implement the trapezoid method for any function passed as an argument. The implementation is made generic with the use of the MathFunction class. Passing a new object of the desired MathFunction class, you can calculate definite integrals for different functions using the getIntegral member function.

With the TrapezoidIntegration class, you can also determine the desired number of intermediate intervals used, if you use the member function setNumIntervals. This, as a result, allows you to reduce the error in the estimates of the definite integral, if necessary. Another thing you can do using the setNumIntervals is to reduce the computational effort necessary, by reducing the number of iterations of the algorithm. In this way, you have complete control over the trade-off between degree of approximation and computational efficiency.

Complete Code

Listing 10-2 is a complete implementation for the trapezoid method for integration as discussed in the previous section. You will find this code divided into a header file and an implementation file. There is also a main function that presents an example for the class TrapezoidIntegration.

Listing 10-2. Trapezoid Integration Method

//  TrapezoidIntegration.h

#ifndef __FinancialSamples__TrapezoidIntegration__
#define __FinancialSamples__TrapezoidIntegration__

template <class T>
class MathFunction;

class TrapezoidIntegration {
    TrapezoidIntegration(MathFunction<double> &f);
    TrapezoidIntegration(const TrapezoidIntegration &p);
    TrapezoidIntegration &operator=(const TrapezoidIntegration &p);

    void setNumIntervals(int n);
    double getIntegral(double a, double b);

    MathFunction<double> &m_f;
    int m_numIntervals;


#endif /* defined(__FinancialSamples__TrapezoidIntegration__) */

//  TrapezoidIntegration.cpp

#include "TrapezoidIntegration.h"

#include "MathFunction.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

namespace  {
    const int DEFAULT_NUM_INTERVALS = 100;

TrapezoidIntegration::TrapezoidIntegration(MathFunction<double> &f)
: m_f(f),

TrapezoidIntegration::TrapezoidIntegration (const TrapezoidIntegration &p)
: m_f(p.m_f),


TrapezoidIntegration &TrapezoidIntegration::operator=(const TrapezoidIntegration &p)
    if (this != &p)
        m_f = p.m_f;
        m_numIntervals = p.m_numIntervals;
    return *this;

void TrapezoidIntegration::setNumIntervals(int n)
    m_numIntervals = n;

double TrapezoidIntegration::getIntegral(double a, double b)
    double S = 0;
    double intSize = (b - a)/m_numIntervals;
    double x = a;

    for (int i=0; i<m_numIntervals; ++i)
        double midpt = (m_f(x) + m_f(x+intSize))/ 2;
        S += intSize * midpt;
        x += intSize;
    return S;

// Example function

namespace  {

    class F2 : public MathFunction<double>
        double operator()(double x);


    double F2::operator()(double x)
        return sin(x);


int main()
    F2 f;
        TrapezoidIntegration ti(f);
    double integral = ti.getIntegral(0.5, 2.5);
        cout << " the integral of the function is " << integral << endl;

    integral = ti.getIntegral(0.5, 2.5);
        cout << " the integral of the function with 200 intervals is " << integral << endl;
    return 0;

Running the Code

You can compile the code presented in Listing 10-2 using a standards-compliant compiler such as gcc, Visual Studio, or llvm. After you compile the code, you can run the resulting application to test the results. Following is a sample of the program execution:

the integral of the function is 1.67867
the integral of the function with 200 intervals is 1.67871

The program displays the value of the integral of sin(x) from 1/2 to 5/2. The approximation is given for two different settings of the number of subintervals. The first result is for 100 subintervals. The second result shows the approximation achieved when that number of subintervals is doubled.

As in the previous example, it is possible to control the quality of the approximation by increasing the number of subintervals. Also, you can reduce that number in the case you prefer to get quicker results.

Using Simpson’s Method

Implement Simpson’s method for definite integral calculation.


You have seen two common ways to calculate the value of the definite integral for a given continuous function. A third method, known as Simpson’s method, is presented in this programming recipe. As with any technique for numeric integration, the general idea is to create a second function that approximates the desired function, and apply it to several subintervals of the original domain until you get a good approximation.

Simpson’s method, unlike the previous two methods that use linear approximations to the given function, employs a second-order polynomial to achieve a better convergence. In this way, instead of relying on a linear function to achieve the desired result, the approximation proposed with Simpson’s method is better adapted to the behavior of the original curve.

The way Simpson’s method work can be easily visualized with an example. Suppose you want to integrate the function used in the previous section: f(x) = sin x. This function, being trigonometric, has no simple finite representation as a polynomial. However, it is possible to find very good approximations for a representation if you restrict the search to a small part of the function.

For example, I have shown in Figure 10-6 how it is possible to use a second-order polynomial function to approximate the value of sinx in the interval 1/2 to 5/2. Observe that the similarity between these two curves is good enough only in the short range of values inside the given interval, and outside that interval these two functions vary widely.


Figure 10-6. Using a second-degree polynomial to approximate the value of f(x)=sin x in the interval 1/2 to 5/2

The same idea is used in Simpson’s method. Since a quadratic approximation may be so close to the desired function, the use of quadratic functions may dramatically improve the value of the definite integral calculated in this way. In fact, experiments have shown that Simpson’s method has better accuracy than other algorithms, such as the midpoint method and the trapezoid method.

Image Note  The additional accuracy of Simpson’s method can make it possible to reduce the number of subintervals necessary for the calculation of the definite integral. However, since you need to use a quadratic approximation instead of a simple linear function, the computational effort of each iteration will be higher. In the end, while Simpson’s method produces superior results for most functions, users need to be aware of a possible trade-off in terms of computational time per iteration.

The second-order polynomial used in Simpson’s method is defined in the following equation, which can be used to directly implement the proposed rule:


Therefore, you can summarize the general algorithm as follows:

  1. Define a range (A,B) where you want to calculate the integral to the equation.
  2. Subdivide the initial range into N subintervals of equal sign.
  3. Initialize the integral value S to zero.
  4. For each subinterval (a,b) do the following:
    1. Take the values of a and b.
    2. Determine the approximation to the integral in the interval (a,b) given by the equation


    3. Add m(a,b) to the integral

This algorithm has been implemented as part of SimpsonsIntegration class

Complete Code

You can find the complete implementation of Simpson’s method in Listing 10-3. The implementation presented there is later used in the main function.

Listing 10-3. Code for Simpson’s Integration Method

//  SimpsonsIntegration.h

#ifndef __FinancialSamples__SimpsonsIntegration__
#define __FinancialSamples__SimpsonsIntegration__

template <class T>
class MathFunction;

class SimpsonsIntegration {
    SimpsonsIntegration(MathFunction<double> &f);
    SimpsonsIntegration(const SimpsonsIntegration &p);
    SimpsonsIntegration &operator=(const SimpsonsIntegration &p);

    double getIntegral(double a, double b);
    void setNumIntervals(int n);
    MathFunction<double> &m_f;
    int m_numIntervals;

#endif /* defined(__FinancialSamples__SimpsonsIntegration__) */

//  SimpsonsIntegration.cpp

#include "SimpsonsIntegration.h"

#include "MathFunction.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

namespace  {
    const int DEFAULT_NUM_INTERVALS = 100;

SimpsonsIntegration::SimpsonsIntegration(MathFunction<double> &f)
: m_f(f),

SimpsonsIntegration::SimpsonsIntegration(const SimpsonsIntegration &p)
: m_f(p.m_f),


SimpsonsIntegration &SimpsonsIntegration::operator=(const SimpsonsIntegration &p)
    if (this != &p)
        m_f = p.m_f;
        m_numIntervals = p.m_numIntervals;
    return *this;

double SimpsonsIntegration::getIntegral(double a, double b)
    double S = 0;
    double intSize = (b - a)/m_numIntervals;
    double x = a;

    for (int i=0; i<m_numIntervals; ++i)
        S += (intSize / 6) * ( m_f(x) + m_f(x+intSize) + 4* m_f ((x + x+intSize)/2) );
        x += intSize;
    return S;

void SimpsonsIntegration::setNumIntervals(int n)
    m_numIntervals = n;

// Example function

namespace  {

    class F2 : public MathFunction<double>
        double operator()(double x);


    double F2::operator()(double x)
        return sin(x);


int main()
    F2 f;
    SimpsonsIntegration si(f);
    double integral = si.getIntegral(0.5, 2.5);
        cout << " the integral of the function is " << integral << endl;

    integral = si.getIntegral(0.5, 2.5);
        cout << " the integral of the function with 200 intervals is " << integral << endl;
    return 0;

Running the Code

The code displayed in Listing 10-3 was tested using the function f(x) = sin x. The compiler used was gcc on Mac OS X and Windows. The program was tested on both platforms, generating identical results.

After compiling the class SimpsonsIntegration, you can run the application and observe output similar to the following:

the integral of the function is 1.67873
the integral of the function with 200 intervals is 1.67873

As you can observe from these results, the accuracy of the solution with 100 intervals is similar to the accuracy for 200 intervals. This shows that 100 subdivisions are already enough to get very good results for this technique.


Integrating functions is one of the basic tasks in computational mathematics, due to the great importance of integration (also known as anti-derivative) as a fundamental area of calculus. In the development of financial algorithms there are also many situations where it is necessary to find quick solutions to problems that involve the evaluation of definite integrals.

In this chapter, you have learned a few C++ programming recipes that explore some of the most common techniques for numerical integration. You have seen how integration methods such as the trapezoid and Simpson’s rule can be applied to the task of finding the area under the curve for some pre-established functions.

The trapezoid method is the second important algorithm used to evaluate definite integrals. Given a general function, this method uses the function value at the extremes of the interval in order to define a trapezoid-based geometric approximation. You have seen some examples of how this strategy works, along with working code to implement the rule.

I have also discussed the well-known Simpson’s method for definite integration. Here, the approximation to the curve is performed using a quadratic equation. You saw an example of how to use polynomial equations to achieve the desired accuracy. Using Simpson’s method you can perform integration with very good approximations, despite the fact that fewer subintervals may be necessary to read this accuracy.

Partial differential equations (PDEs) are another important mathematical tool for the financial software developer. It is important to understand how they work, as well as having tools to find solutions based on PDEs. In the next chapter I discuss some important PDE-related techniques and their implementation in C++.

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