© Brian L. Gorman 2020
B. L. GormanPractical Entity Frameworkhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6044-9_5

5. Constraints, Keys, and Relationships

Brian L. Gorman1 
Jesup, IA, USA

In this chapter, we are going to learn about how we can use data annotations to further constrain our database structures from code. In addition, we’ll look at how we can easily build out some relationships in our models that translate directly into relationships in the database.

When we’ve finished with this chapter, we’ll have the ability to correctly create entities that not only specify type but have further constraints like primary and secondary keys and limit the length on strings. Additionally, we’ll learn to enforce required fields and default values and how we can build one-to-many and one-to-one relationships modeled in code and enforced in EF.

As another reminder, our book from this point is focused on the EFCore and EFvNext versions of the Entity Framework; however, everything we do at this level can also be done in the same or a very similar manner in EF6 if you are supporting a legacy EF6 codebase.

Constraining our data to enhance our solutions

To this point in our book, we’ve simply created properties on our only model – the Item. We were able to work with this without any problem; however, as you might expect, working with everything in the default mode is usually not going to be considered the preferred mode. As such, we need to learn more about structuring our models so that we can build solutions in a preferred manner.

One issue with leaving the properties of Item in a default state is that nothing is constrained. When working with databases, constraining the data means that we need to lock it down so that only the appropriate operations can take place. Some examples of constraints we’ll examine in more detail are as follows:
  • Size limitations – for example, minimum and maximum string length

  • Value constraints – that is, min, max, and range of acceptable values on numeric fields

  • Default values – such as making sure a bit is always true or false by default

As we approach each of these constraints, we’ll need to evaluate our systems to make sure that what we are applying to the database constraints makes sense. It is also highly likely that as we maintain an existing project, we’ll need to rely on a few of these constraints to keep from having to do further manipulation to protect existing data.

Size limitations

In our activity at the end of the chapter, we’ll look at putting a size limitation on string properties. This is incredibly important, even though we’ve not applied the constraint in our earlier activities.

One thing you might have noted to this point is that in our original database, all our string fields have NVARCHAR(MAX)values. While this is definitely a functional solution, having an unlimited size is both unnecessary and is considered bad practice.

In most cases, your string field will not need to exceed 250, 500, or 1000 characters. In other instances, you might want 4000 or 8000 characters in a field for a longer input like a Notes or a Comments field. However, there are very few, if any, reasons to have a 2GB available allocation on the size of a single column.

Doing the math on this, we know there are one billion bytes in a GB, so this is two billion available bytes. Using NVARCHAR allows for unicode characters, which is useful if you need to store complex characters such as diacritical marks, Cyrillic, Arabic, Mandarin, or other similar characters. As an aside, the data type VARCHAR only stores non-unicode characters. No matter what you are storing, it is highly unlikely you need enough room to store the text of an entire novel in a single field, let alone also requiring multiple fields of unlimited length on the same table.

Going even one step deeper, we know that unicode characters require two bytes per character, and non-unicode characters would require only one byte of storage. Assuming we use NVARCHAR, this means we can store one billion characters in that single field when allocated as NVARCHAR(MAX). Fortunately, most instances of the database will grow to match size needs and not just use the full allocation of 2GB from the initial creation of the column. Even so, do we really want every row to have one or more fields that can expand to use up to 2GB of storage space? The entire size allotment of the SQLExpress database is only 2GB, so it would be really unfortunate to use that on one string column.

Imagine we have the most powerful supercomputer available to mankind, and it comes with unlimited storage, which therefore takes size constraints off the table as a reasonable reason to constrain a text field. Would it really be a problem to use NVARCHAR(MAX) in this case? The answer, of course, is a resounding “yes.”

As database developers, we must consider what happens not just when we store data but also when we fetch or parse the data in queries. Assuming we have just a few of these unlimited length columns, and also assuming many of them have grown to very large lengths (i.e., each one is storing the entire text of a novel for some reason), what happens when we run a query that is looking for a partial match such as “WHERE field like '%contains_text%'”?

We can reasonably assume that queries such as those mentioned earlier will quickly become useless. With potentially unlimited text to search over multiple rows, the execution time would quickly balloon out of a reasonable response time (imagine how long it would take and the number of results you would get when searching for the word “jedi” in a database that stores the entire text of each of the Star Wars books ever written in plain-text fields).

To limit the length of a string field, we simply add a data annotation called StringLength , which is applied as an attribute by placing the following code above any string property in our model:
[StringLength(<size, int>)]
In addition, most annotations provide the ability to add an error message that is the default error message sent to the UI client when the validation fails. For example:
[StringLength(50, ErrorMessage = "The value of this field is limited to 50 characters")]

Value constraints

In addition to size constraints, another important type of constraint is a limitation on the expected value of a column. This value could be anything from a limitation on the numeric value to be in a range, such as minimum and maximum values. This could also be as simple as making sure that a field is not able to be set to null as its value.

Required fields are created with a simple attribute [Required] to reference the required data annotation, placed on top of any existing property. This attribute should be used anytime the database field needs to store a value other than null in the table, for example, a primary or foreign key.

The data annotation for setting minimum and maximum constraints on the properties in code is the Range attribute. For example, a range of 0 to max int could be [Range(0, int.MaxValue)]. In any range annotation, the first number is the minimum value and the second number is the max value.

Default values

A final consideration in constraining our data is the default value of an unset column. This is an extremely important aspect in a mature system, because null values on a row or loss of data could cause a lot of problems for your existing codebase and users.

As we add a field to any new or existing table, we can set a constraint on the field to enforce a default value. There are many situations where this approach can save a lot of trouble.

One critical use of this functionality would be adding a new field with a required value to an existing table with data. The field could be an easily managed field such as an IsActive boolean flag, or it could be more complex, such as a number to store the id of a user preference from a pre-defined list of options that references the available options stored in another table. In the first case, we can just set everything to active. The second case will never be as black and white as there are ramifications of every choice. What if we default to some simple value? What if we add an “unset” element to the options? How will this work in our current system?

Adding a default value is also accomplished with a data annotation, and looks as follows:

Other data annotations

In addition to those we’ve already discussed, there are a couple of other data annotations to be aware of. In every case, these annotations exist to apply further constraints on what can be used to store in the database. The main difference with a few of these is that while the constraint still applies, in some cases the constraint is accomplished at the code level, rather than the database level.

The StringLength, Range, and DefaultValue attributes each contributed a specific result to the underlying database structure. But what if you want to only allow an email address, zip code, phone number, or other special types of data into the field? In these cases, you can use another annotation, but just remember that these don’t apply at the database level. For example, limiting to an email address is easily accomplished with the attribute:
[EmailAddress(ErrorMessage = "Invalid Email Address")]

In this case, our code will prevent inserting and updating if the input does not conform to a pre-defined email address format. However, the database is still just storing an NVARCHAR or VARCHAR and does not have any other information about the format of the string.

Other annotations to be aware of are as follows:
  • ZipCode – though I’ve had better luck just using a regular expression.

  • Regular Expression – format must match your expression for the model state to be valid.

  • Display Name – sets the text to replace the name of the field in the UI. This is useful if you have a field like FirstName and you want to display “First Name.”

  • Table – it is possible to name the table differently than the name of the model if so desired (affects database structure).

  • Index – applies an index to the column (affects database structure) (shown in the next section).

  • NotMapped – allows a field to exist that is not tracked in the database.

  • Compare – allows making sure one field is the same as another (i.e., password creation for a user taking a second input to validate) (does not affect database structure).

    Further annotations can be found by looking at the DataType enumeration: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.componentmodel.dataannotations.datatype?view=netcore-3.1.

Using keys in database tables for unique and relational results

We’ve already seen how using an Id field has generated a primary key on our Items table. However, there will be times when we need to do more than just define the primary key.

By default, the field Id is going to implicitly be the primary key. In addition to the implicit generation, we can explicitly define keys. This is accomplished with the [Key] annotation as an attribute.

Suppose, however, that we have a join table and we want to create a composite key on the two ids. In EF6, this could be accomplished a couple of ways using data annotations. The first way was to use the [Key] attribute with a column order [Column(Order=n)] (the order groups the keys). The problem with this is you cannot use the approach if you already have a primary key defined. The second approach was to use an index annotation as an attribute. This is a great way to do it in EF6 but, unfortunately, at the time of this writing, is not possible in EFCore. To accomplish this in our final activity later in this chapter, we’ll have to use the FluentAPI.

Indexes allow us to tell the database what fields are most important on the table, so that the database can precompile some statistics using those fields. This allows, among other things, more efficient queries where those fields are critical in searching for results. Additionally, indexes can be used to make sure column combinations are unique.

Applying an index for any field by itself is as simple as adding the [Index] annotation attribute to the field. When creating a composite key or non-clustered index, we can use the [Index] annotation with the order, just like the key with column order above, and we can also set a third property to make the combination unique with a unique constraint. For example, consider that we have items that have a group of unique objects (like movies with actors), and we create a table called “ItemObjects” that stores various actor/actress names and other common properties we care about across various objects. We need a many-to-many relationship to put objects and items together, but we don’t want to create duplicates of the same relationship. In that case, we could use the following setup in a join table called ItemObjects :
[Index("IX_ItemObjectUnique", 1, IsClustered = false, IsUnique = true)] public int ItemId {get;set;}
[Index("IX_ItemObjectUnique", 2, IsClustered = false, IsUnique = true)] public int ActorId {get;set;}

Now that we have a good understanding of constraints and keys, we can examine what it takes to set up relationships between tables in the database.

Working with relational data

Most of the systems we build for line-of-business applications require some sort of relational data. Orders need Items and quantity. Addresses require States and/or Regions and Countries. User preferences require selections. SaaS systems often have editions and multi-tenancy. While it is possible to implement without an RDBMS (think NoSQL here), if we’re using Entity Framework, we’re also going to need to work with related data.

First-, second-, and third-normal form

A quick dive into relational database theory would help you to understand normalization and the difference between first-normal form (1NF), second-normal form (2NF), and third-normal form (3NF). There are also other normalization schemas in fourth-normal form (4NF) and Boyce-Codd-normal form (BCNF). In most business applications, the deepest level of normalization that is practical and performant would be 3NF. We will not touch on 4NF and BCNF in this text, but you may want to study them further if normalization is important and/or interesting to you. It is important to note that ORMs violate BCNF and 4NF by default to allow for efficiency gains and practical usage scenarios.

First-normal form (1NF)

1NF is the simplest form of normalization. For a database to be considered 1NF, the table rows must each have a unique key and the rest of the fields in any combination must not be the same as any other row.

Looking at the AdventureWorks database, there is a table Person.Contact which has a few fields. The fields include Title, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Suffix, EmailAddress, and a few others. The ContactID field is a unique key, and it can be assumed that although there may be multiple people who have the same title, first name, middle name, and last name, they likely have different email addresses. Therefore, this table is a great example of 1NF. Make note, however, that fields like Title and Suffix may have the same value across many rows (i.e., Mr., Mrs., Dr., Jr., Sr., III, etc.). Figure 5-1 shows the Contact table below:
Figure 5-1

The Person.Contact table from AdventureWorks as an example of first-normal form (1NF)

Second-normal form (2NF)

2NF requires first that the table is in 1NF , but also prevents having duplicated data that can be directly related to another column in the table. For example, in AdventureWorks we have the table HumanResources.Employee, which has a field ManagerId. Suppose we also had tracked the name of the manager as a field, in addition to tracking the ManagerId. If the ManagerId ever changed, then the ManagerName would also have to change. Another example would be a field FullName in that table that is just a combination of the FirstName and LastName Fields. In that case, if either the first or last name changes, FullName would also have to change. The following query shows what the table might look like in violation of 2NF:
  select hre.EmployeeId, Contact.FirstName, Contact.LastName, Contact.FirstName + ' ' + Contact.LastName as FullName
            , hre.ManagerId, manager.FirstName + ' ' + manager.LastName ManagerName
  from HumanResources.Employee hre
  inner join Person.Contact Contact on hre.ContactID = Contact.ContactID
  inner join HumanResources.Employee empManager on hre.ManagerID = empManager.EmployeeID
  inner join Person.Contact manager on manager.ContactID = empManager.ContactID
  where hre.ManagerID = 21
Figure 5-2 shows the results of executing the query.
Figure 5-2

What the Employee table could look like if it violated second-normal form (2NF)

There is another example in AdventureWorks where violation of 2NF is prevented. This is more common in our day-to-day work and very much like what we’ll build in our examples.

The table Person.StateProvince is set up well to be in 2NF. For example, the table has the primary key of StateProvinceID, and then, instead of repeating data like the name of the Country or the name of the Territory, those pieces of information are brought in through foreign-key relationships to the tables Person.CountryRegion and Sales.SalesTerritory, respectively.

By following this normalization, the Names of the Country and Territory can be derived, but they are not going to require extra fields being changed in the StateProvince table if for some reason the country name changes or the territory name changes. Figure 5-3 highlights an example of 2NF.
Figure 5-3

The Person.StateProvince table follows 2NF

Third-normal form (3NF)

3NF attempts to further break down 2NF into a unique group of columns (i.e., there are no transitive dependencies in the database) so that there is not any issue with compositional data becoming corrupted or incomputable due to changes in related data. For me, this can be a bit confusing, so it might help if you think in terms of auditing the database.

For example, in AdventureWorks, the Sales.SalesOrderHeader table has a column SubTotal and a column TaxAmt and then Freight and then TotalDue. Knowing that TotalDue is calculated from SubTotal, TaxAmt, and Freight, we have a couple of potential normalization problems, where either this table is in violation of 2NF (TotalDue changes if SubTotal, Tax, and/or Freight change for some reason) or we are in violation of 3NF. Since the TotalDue field is computed, the 2NF issues are mostly eliminated as the value automatically updates.

However, since that TaxAmt field is likely equal to the SubTotal multiplied by the TaxRate of the shipping address of the StateProvince where the customer lives and is likely calculated at the time of the order processing, then the problem becomes an auditing issue without 3NF.

Looking at the Sales.SalesTaxRate table, there is a column TaxRate and a foreign key to StateProvinceId. What happens if legislation changes in the StateProvince that raises the TaxRate for that region? In that case, the new TaxRate would be used on future orders, but the old one would have been used during the original calculation to create the TaxAmt. Because of this, the original TotalDue amount would appear as a different amount during an audit due to the change of the TaxRate. A violation of 3NF is shown in Figure 5-4.
Figure 5-4

A violation of 3NF happens when a field in one table is dependent on the value of another table, and that other table has a dependency on a third table. When that third table changes and results in changes to the related table, then the resulting dependency is also affected

If the Sales.SalesOrderHeader table was in proper 3NF, the tax rate would have been stored at the time of the placement of the order so that the total due column could be correctly calculated using the subtotal multiplied by the tax rate at the time of the order.

While understanding the differences between 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF goes well beyond our text, it is important to be aware of them when creating our entities. With this awareness, we can now start to create proper, normalized relationships .

Types of relationships

When working with relational data, we have three types of relationships that we can use. They are
  • One to one

  • One to many

  • Many to many

All three of the relationships have distinct purposes and are easily built out in code-first implementations. The way they are built is directly related to how the code is referenced from one model to another. What’s more, in the many-to-many relationship, we can either define the join table explicitly, or we can rely on the implicit creation of the table. In most cases, we’ll use a one-to-many or a many-to-many relationship, even if we have a one-to-one correlation as the result. However, we should know how a one-to-one relationship would work in case we ever need to set one up.

One-to-one relationships

One-to-one relationships are useful when there are two tables that are directly linked to each other but there is only one row in each table that is joined. The relationship is built with a primary key in one table and the foreign key in the other table and to be truly one-to-one should go in both directions (both tables are modified with a foreign key to relate to the only matching row in the other table).

One-to-one relationships generally provide additional attributes that are created to further define an object, which, when coupled, create a more detailed implementation of the object.

An example of a one-to-one relationship from AdventureWorks happens between the tables Sales.Customer and Sales.Individual, where each customer is given an ID and that ID is used to relate directly to an individual. This allows for a customer to have an account number as well as some demographics and be related indirectly to a contact in the system through the individual table. Figure 5-5 shows how the customer and individual tables form a one-to-one relationship.
Figure 5-5

The Sales.Customer and Sales.Individual tables are related in a one-to-one relationship

One-to-many relationships

A one-to-many relationship is likely the most common relationship we’ll encounter. Generally, one-to-many relationships rely on a key object that is then configured or further defined with options. One-to-many relationships are easily set up as drop-down lists or option lists when building out objects for making selections in the UI. For example, in AdventureWorks, Sales.SalesOrderHeader has a one-to-many relationship to Sales.SalesOrderDetail. For every Sales Order Header, we can have as many related details as we need to fulfill the order. A simpler example was already shown in Figure 5-3, where we had the Person.CountryRegion table having a one-to-many relationship with Person.StateProvinces and the Sales.SalesTerritory table also had a one-to-many relationship with StatesProvinces. Figure 5-6 illustrates how SalesOrderHeader to SalesOrderDetail is a one-to-many relationship.
Figure 5-6

An example of a one-to-many relationship in the AdventureWorks database

Many-to-many relationships

Many-to-many relationships are a bit more complex than the other two relationship types. In any many-to-many relationship, we are required to use a join table in order to relate entities to each other. This join table allows for a two-way relationship between the two entities. The first table can join and get all elements from the second table that match via the grouping in the join table, and the second table can do the same thing in reverse.

In a straightforward example, we might use many-to-many relationships for things like user preferences. We could look for any users that have set a single preference value, or we can look for all the preferences of a single user. This is very useful for correctly mapping data.

An example from AdventureWorks exists where the Person.Contact table is in a many-to-many relationship with the Sales.CreditCard table. This means that a single credit card could be used by multiple contacts, such as a couple of family members sharing a card, or a single contact could have multiple credit cards associated to them, such as would be the case for most individuals. We can perform queries in either direction and we can expect to get valid results. Figure 5-7 displays the many-to-many relationship between Contact and CreditCard via the ContactCreditCard join table.
Figure 5-7

The Contact to CreditCard relationship in AdventureWorks has the join table ContactCreditCard to form a many-to-many relationship

Some final thoughts about relationships and normalization

When working with any RDBMS, forming the correct relationships will be critical in order to effectively work with the data. By knowing the different types of normalization and relationships available to us, we can make sure to build out the best solutions as needed.

With the many different forms of normalization, we need to find the balance between what works and what works with efficiency. As the database developer, it will be our job to understand the trade-offs that will happen if we want to design a database to BCNF or 4NF, vs. the problems that might happen if we only use a 1NF strategy.

Activities for this chapter

The rest of the chapter is devoted to activities. For each of the activities, there will be a starter file set available. The activities will be designed in a way that you could easily work all or part of each of the activities. When opening a new starter pack, don’t forget that you will need to configure the database connection string and run the update-database command to get the database updated to the state it needs to be at the start of the activity.

Alternatively, if you have been working along with the text to this point, you could simply use your files as is, with the only real difference again being the name of the project.

Finally, as with the previous chapter, these activities are focused on the EFCore/EFvNext. Everything we’ll do in these activities could be done with an EF6 implementation, with the potential of a couple of minor syntax differences.

Activity 0501: Add length, range, and other constraints to the Item model

In this activity, we will again dive into the Item class to build out a better database structure. This will give us the chance to see how to apply some of the common data annotations in our models to constrain our database.

By the end of the activity, we’ll be able to set the minimum and maximum length of a string field, understand what it takes to make a field required, be able to set range limits, and apply default values for columns in our tables.

Step 1: Get started

To begin, open your solution, or get the files for Activity0501_ConstrainingTheDatabase_Starter.zip. Once open, make sure your database connection string is correct and update the database to make sure any pending migrations are applied.

Affecting the length of columns

In the next part of this activity, we will limit the length on all the columns currently sized to NVARCHAR(MAX).

Step 2: Add length constraints to the strings on the Item class

Before beginning step 2, let’s take a look at the table as it stands in the database. Right now, the fields Name, Description, and Notes are all NVARCHAR(MAX) length. Figure 5-8 shows the current database table with highlighted fields to illustrate the string length.
Figure 5-8

All string fields are currently NVARCHAR(MAX) length

In the real world, if we already have data in the tables, changing the length is likely to be a problem, because this could cause a loss of data if you decrease the length of the field. One way to prevent issues could be to quickly select the data from the table into a backup table using a query; then once the operation is completed, restore by selecting the data back into the table from the backup table. A great way to ensure you don’t have mistakes in such a scenario would be to script this process and ensure it works as expected.

In our case, we are not concerned with lost data, so we will proceed as such.

Before we add the constraints, let’s set some static constants in place, so we don’t have to use magic numbers in our code. In the InventoryModels project, create a file called InventoryModelConstants.cs and add the following code to the file:
        public const int MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH = 250;
        public const int MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 100;
        public const int MAX_NOTES_LENGTH = 2000;
Figure 5-9 shows where the file is placed and what it should look like.
Figure 5-9

The Length Constants in the Inventory Models Constants file

With the constants in place, open the Item.cs file for the Item model and add the following code above the Name property:

Adding the StringLength annotation attribute will require adding the using statement using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations to the top of the file.

Repeat the operation to add the following line of code above Description :
And add this line of code above Notes:
[StringLength(InventoryModelsConstants.MAX_NOTES_LENGTH, MinimumLength = 10)]

In this example, the minimum length is set to show that it can be done and how it works. In the real world, the minimum length would likely be left blank. Make a note that while the maximum length is enforced at the database level in schema, a minimum length will be enforceable only by the model state. Even after creating this, someone could come along and do a manual insert to the table with a Notes entry having a length less than 10. Because I would ultimately remove this limitation, I did not create a constant to map the minimum length of 10.

Figure 5-10 shows the reworked Item model with constraints applied.
Figure 5-10

Enforcing maximum length on the string properties

Step 3: Create the migration

With the length fields set, open the PMC and make sure to select the InventoryDatabaseCore project in the default project drop-down; then create a new migration with the add-migration "updateItem_enforceStringMaxLength" command. Upon completion, you should see output similar to what is shown in Figure 5-11.
Figure 5-11

Adding the migration to enforce maximum string length

As we can see, this operation “may result in the loss of data.” Even so, we can still apply the migration. This warning is to be expected, since we could be truncating strings if the current table has notes longer than 2000 characters, a Name longer than 100 characters, or a Description longer than 250 characters.

Take a look at the generated migration as shown in Figure 5-12.
Figure 5-12

The migration as generated to enforce string maximum lengths

Here we can see the columns will be altered to have a maxLength, but none of them have any limit on something like a minLength, even though we had specified that limitation in our annotation.

Step 4: Update the database

After reviewing the database migration, go ahead and run the update-database command to set the lengths as expected. After the command executes, check the Items table in the database to ensure that the correct lengths are now enforced. Reviewing the database should look similar to what is shown in Figure 5-13.
Figure 5-13

The database table with maximum length in place for the string properties

Creating a range on numeric fields

When working with the database, we’ll often have fields that should be further constrained to limit what values make sense. For example, we should never have a negative quantity, and we likely want to lock down the price on an item so that it is also not negative.

Step 5: Add range values to the quantity and price fields

Once again, we don’t want to use magic numbers, so let’s start with some constants in the InventoryModelsContants file. Add a constant for minimum and maximum quantity and price.
public const int MINIMUM_QUANTITY = 0;
public const int MAXIMUM_QUANTITY = 1000;
public const double MINIMUM_PRICE = 0.0;
public const double MAXIMUM_PRICE = 25000.0;

Next, add the constraints in the Item class.

Above the Quantity Field, add the constraint as follows:
[Range(InventoryModelsConstants.MINIMUM_QUANTITY, InventoryModelsConstants.MAXIMUM_QUANTITY)]
Above the PurchasePrice and CurrentOrFinalPrice, add the following code:
[Range(InventoryModelsConstants.MINIMUM_PRICE, InventoryModelsConstants.MAXIMUM_PRICE)]

Once again, we’ll see that these range values are not going to generate constraints on the table, but only constraints that our code would have to respect in the model state.

Step 6: Add the migration

Make sure to save and build, and then add the migration with the command add-migration "updateItem_setMinMaxValuesOnQuantityAndPrice".

Generating the migration backs up what we expected – that the constraint from these data annotations is only on the model state and not enforced in the database. Perhaps to our surprise, the migration generates with no code in it as shown in Figure 5-14.
Figure 5-14

Adding a range constraint generates a blank migration

Before we go rolling the migration back, however, there is something else we can do. We can apply a check constraint directly in the migration to set our ranges. To do this, simply add a couple of lines to the Up method to add the constraint using TSQL.
migrationBuilder.Sql(@"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT *
    WHERE CONSTRAINT_NAME="CK_Items_Quantity_Minimum")
        ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Items] ADD CONSTRAINT CK_Items_Quantity_Minimum CHECK (Quantity >= 0)
        WHERE CONSTRAINT_NAME="CK_Items_Quantity_Maximum")
        ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Items] ADD CONSTRAINT CK_Items_Quantity_Maximum CHECK (Quantity <= 1000)
Remember to also include a “rollback” statement to drop the constraint if it exists. Additionally, note that it is a good practice to ensure that your Down statements and Up statements are idempotent. In this manner, the migration can be run even if the objects do or don’t exist, without error.
migrationBuilder.Sql(@"IF EXISTS(SELECT *
    WHERE CONSTRAINT_NAME="CK_Items_Quantity_Minimum")
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Items] DROP CONSTRAINT CK_Items_Quantity_Minimum
migrationBuilder.Sql(@"IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT *
    WHERE CONSTRAINT_NAME="CK_Items_Quantity_Maximum")
    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Items] DROP CONSTRAINT CK_Items_Quantity_Maximum

Although it is not shown here, we could repeat these statements for the price columns to add the check constraints on price values.

Another note is that you can have more than one builder statement in a migration Up or Down method. For this reason, I split the Down method into two builder statements to show that this is possible. In effect, this is like using the “GO” statement between statements in a normal TSQL script, in that the first statement will complete before the second and consecutive statements start when split in this manner. With only one builder statement in the Up method, we could not use the GO statement and the entire statement is run in one transaction. For clarity, the reworked migration with constraint statements in the Up and Down method is shown in Figure 5-15.
Figure 5-15

Multiple or single migration builder statements allow scripts to be executed against the database using a migration

Step 7: Run the migration to add the check constraints to match the range limitations in our data annotations

After saving and building the project, run the command update-database . Once the command has completed, right-click and script the Items table for create in SSMS to view the constraints and field information. The result of scripting the table for create is shown in Figure 5-16.
Figure 5-16

The check constraints are now in place on the database table schema

Ensuring a field is a Key, making fields required, and setting default values on a column

As we’ve seen, a property called Id on the model acts implicitly as the primary key on the table. It is possible, however, to explicitly name a database field as a key. In fact, it is possible to have multiple fields as keys.

Step 8: Add the [Key] annotation to the Id field

In our code, we’ll keep the Id field as the key, but we’ll explicitly define it. In the FullAuditedModel.cs class, add the data annotation [Key] above the Id field (bring in the using statement once the Key annotation is added). Figure 5-17 shows what this should look like.
Figure 5-17

Setting a field as a Key is easily done with the [Key] annotation

Step 9: Making some fields required

In most cases, the ability to make a field required in the database is determined by the data type. If we want the field to be non-nullable, we use a non-nullable type. If we want it to be nullable, we use the question mark to indicate a nullable type.

However, some fields could be ambiguous, like strings. To ensure that a field always has a value when we are working with our data, even if it is a nullable type, we can use the [Required] data annotation. The required annotation will enforce the field to be required in the database as well as invalidate the model state if the field is left null (note: null and empty string are not the same thing!).

Since every item should have a name, let’s add the [Required] annotation attribute to the Name field in the Item.cs file as shown in Figure 5-18.
Figure 5-18

Making the Name field required

Feel free to make other fields required as you see fit.

Step 10: Adding a default value to a field

We’ve mentioned previously that there is a way to do a soft delete by adding an IsDeleted boolean value to the table. Once our table has data in it, however, we can only add fields as nullable, unless we enforce a default value.

Assuming that we want to make items able to be deleted without losing data, we can do this in our hierarchy. First, we create another interface in the InventoryModels project called ISoftDeletable, adding the property IsDeleted as a boolean:
public interface ISoftDeletable
    bool IsDeleted { get; set; }

We would then want to set the value to false and make the field required to avoid any confusion (is null deleted or not?).

Implement the interface on the FullAuditModel, and add the following data annotations:

The DefaultValue requires bringing in the using statement: using System.ComponentModel;

All of this is shown in Figure 5-19.
Figure 5-19

The FullAuditModel with the required annotation and default value set to false on the IsDeleted field

Step 11: Create the migration

With all of the data formatting in place, let’s create one last migration to lock down our database and create the changes we’ve requested. Run the command add-migration "updateItem_addSoftDeleteKeyAndRequiredName". The migration generated should look similar to what is shown in Figure 5-20.
Figure 5-20

The migration generated by the additional constraints for required fields and default values

In our generated migration, we note that the migration will in fact make Name non-nullable and will also add the IsDeleted attribute as non-nullable with a default value of false, as we would expect.

Step 12: Update the database and review

Save everything and build, and then run the update-database command. After running, open the table for review in SSMS. The table structure with fields, keys, and constraints is shown in Figure 5-21.
Figure 5-21

The Items table after applying constraints from activity 0501

We can now easily see how our constraints have been applied.

Key takeaways from activity 0501

This activity gave us a good look at how we can use annotations and migrations to modify our database. Some of the things we learned were
  • Can set the key for the table with the [Key] annotation.

  • Making fields required is possible with the [Required] annotation.

  • Use [StringLength] to set the maximum length of a string.

  • Use [DefaultValue(<value>)] to set the default value of a field.

  • Some of the annotations only apply to the model state. In these cases, we can create a script to run TSQL statements.

  • Use [Range] to set the minimum and maximum values of a field in the model state.

This concludes activity 0501.

Activity 0502: Setting up relationships

In this activity, we will create a one-to-one relationship and a one-to-many relationship. We’ll build out the relationships and the data structures in code, but we will not yet be implementing them in the UI (we will finish the implementations in the coming chapter on CRUD operations).

By the end of the activity, we’ll be able to define a one-to-one and a one-to-many relationship in code. We’ll also understand the difference between the two types of relationships and when it will be appropriate to use either.

Creating a one-to-many relationship

One of the most common relationships we’ll encounter is the one-to-many relationship. In this system, we’ll create a table to store Categories, and then we’ll create a one-to-many relationship so that we can create a few categories and then have many items in each category.

Step 1: Get set up

To get set up for this activity, grab the Activity0502_CreatingRelationships_Starter.zip file, extract and open the project, or feel free to continue working along in your current project. Once you have the files, make sure to build, set your connection string, and run the update-database command to ensure the table structure of your database is set up correctly. As always, please remember that if you get lost, don’t understand a concept, or need more clarity on what code is being introduced, you can find my solution in the *_final.zip files.

Step 2: Create the Categories table entity

In the InventoryModels project, add a new entity entitled Category in a file Category.cs. For the Category, we’ll use a FullAudited Entity and set an additional field for the Name of the category.
public class Category : FullAuditModel
    public string Name { get; set; }
Having this category entity in place, add the DBSet<Category> to the InventoryDbContext in the InventoryDatabaseCore file:
public DbSet<Category> Categories { get; set; }

This code should be placed directly below the DbSet<Item> Items { get; set; }.

With the context reference in place and the entity setup, we could create the migration; however, we have yet to create the one-to-many relation, so we should do that before adding the migration.

Step 3: Create the one-to-many relationship

To create a relationship in our code-first implementation, we need to reference the types that are related in the models involved in the relationship.

For this example, each of our Item objects should have one Category. Each of our categories can have many items. By saying this out loud, we can determine which types to place in each entity.

Since the Item only has one Category, we create a virtual reference to the single category. In the Item.cs file, add the lines:
        public virtual Category Category {get; set;}
        public int? CategoryId { get; set; }

We need to make the CategoryId nullable because the database may already have data at this point. With that data, we won’t be able to set the category id to map until we have some categories to map to. Therefore, we’ll allow null here to prevent the migration from failing. If you must make it required, you’ll need to back up your data, delete from the table, and then re-insert with valid category ids after running the migration. Again, the best way to do backup operations such as this would be to use a script that you write to ensure you don’t lose any data.

Note that it is also imperative that your Id field name matches exactly to the name of the virtual item. If these names are not the same, by convention an extra Id field would automatically be added to line up to your virtual Category field.

If for some reason your Category table has an Id field, but it’s named something like CategoryId instead of Id, you can explicitly set the name of the Id field by using the data annotation [ForeignKey("CategoryId")].

Additionally, we want to use the virtual keyword on any of our relationships so that EF can override and/or extend the properties to support lazy loading of the relational data.

Next, on the Category object, we need to create a list of items. Remember, any category can have many items – which indicates an ICollection<Item> should be available, preferably IQueryable and IEnumerable. For that reason, it is very common to just use a List object. By default, a List is an IEnumerable object. If the List needs to be queried, you’ll need to do a cast or use the LINQ expression .AsQueryable();. Add the following to your Category entity:
public virtual List<Item> Items { get; set; } = new List<Item>();

Make sure to set the List to a new list by default to avoid null reference exceptions on the list in the cases where the related items are not loaded into scope.

For clarity, the current code of the Category class is shown in Figure 5-22.
Figure 5-22

The Category with the list of related items to finish out the one-to-many relationship

Step 4: Create the migration

Make sure to save and build the solution. Since we have set the entities to relate to one another and have added Categories to the DBContext, let’s add the migration using the command add-migration "createCategoriesTableForItemCategories". After running the command, the output should be similar to what is shown in Figure 5-23.
Figure 5-23

The generated migration for creating Categories with relation to items

As you can see, there is a lot to unpack in this migration. First of all, we get the column for CategoryId added to the Items table and it is nullable, as we indicated. We can update these later and/or make it required for insert as we build out our solution.

The next part of the migration sets the table for the Categories. Note that there is nothing in this second part to indicate a relationship to the Items table. This is to be expected. Categories are independent of the Items.

The next statement is the index on the CategoryId field in the Items table. This is a common index we’ll want since we’ll likely sort or group by the CategoryId.

The final statement is the meat of the relationship. Note that the foreign key is added to Items related to Categories on Category.Id. Also notice the onDelete: ReferentialAction.Restrict. This action means that if we delete an item, it will not affect the categories table. However, a category will not be able to be deleted if any items exist that reference that category by id.

Step 5: Update the database

Now that we have the migration in place, we are ready to update the database. Run the command update-database , and then open SSMS and review the tables. The tables should have a relationship like the one shown in the diagram in Figure 5-24.
Figure 5-24

The database now has Categories and the relationship is one-to-many with Items

Creating a one-to-one relationship

In some instances, we will want to have a one-to-one relationship. For now, we’ll just use a contrived example to show how to do this. Assume that we want to assign a hexadecimal web color to each Category and that we want the color to be unique to the category. We’ll create a simple table to store the Color value and relate it directly to the Category in a one-to-one relationship.

Step 6: Create the Color entity

Create another entity in the Inventory Models project entitled CategoryColor by creating a new file called CategoryColor.cs in the project. This is going to be a simple entity with the default int Id and ColorValue as a string. Additionally, add a constant for the StringLength on the ColorValue field to be length 7.

Also, add the maximum color value length to the InventoryModelsContstants file: public const int MAX_COLORVALUE_LENGTH = 7;

Create the CategoryColor entity and implement IIdentityModel.cs. Add the ColorValue string property with the max length from the constants file, as well as the default Id property to implement the IIdentityModel interface.
public class CategoryColor : IIdentityModel
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string ColorValue { get; set; }

To complete the creation of the entity, add the CategoryColor DBSet in the InventoryDBContext file: public DbSet<CategoryColor> CategoryColors { get; set; }, following the DBSet<Category> Categories property. Make sure to add any using statements as needed so the code will compile as expected.

Step 7: Create the one-to-one relationship

As with the one-to-many relationship, we still need to create the relationship in code before creating the migration.Here, we’ll just add the direct one-to-one relationship by giving the color object one category and the category object one color.

In the CategoryColors entity, add the following code: public virtual Category Category { get; set; }

Then set the Key field to also be a foreign key to the Category (setting this makes it so that the table is related but does not store the CategoryId in the table):
[Key, ForeignKey("Category")]
public int Id { get; set; }
For clarity, review Figure 5-25 to see what the CategoryColor entity model should look like.
Figure 5-25

The CategoryColor entity with reference to Category for one-to-one relationship

Do not miss the ForeignKey constraint on the Id field.  If you miss adding this, then the one-to-one relationship will not map and work as expected.

Once that is in place, add the relationship to the Category class as expected:
        public virtual CategoryColor CategoryColor { get; set; }
        public int? CategoryColorId { get; set; }
For further clarity, review Figure 5-26.
Figure 5-26

The Category entity with reference to the color for one-to-one relationship

Step 8: Create the migration

Now that the entities are in the context and the relationships are modeled to build a one-to-one relationship, add the migration with the command add-migration "createCategoryColorAndRelateToCategory".

Once the migration is completed, it should look as follows in Figure 5-27.
Figure 5-27

The generated migration for building the Category to CategoryColor one-to-one relationship

Figure 5-28

The Categories and CategoryColors one-to-one relationship after database migrations are applied

Note that the table is created and the entities are related as expected. The main difference is the onDelete action is set to ReferentialAction.Cascade. This means that if one is deleted, so is the other. If you think about it, this makes sense as we said every color needs a category and every category needs a color, so deleting one should delete the other.

Step 9: Update the database

With the migration reviewed, save and build, and then run the update-database command to execute the changes. Once the database migration has completed, open the tables in SSMS to review. See Figure 5-28, which shows the one-to-one relationship between Categories and CategoryColors.

Key takeaways from activity 0502

In this activity, we learned how to build out a one-to-many relationship and also a one-to-one relationship. Important things to remember are
  • Build out the entities, and then build the relations in the entities using virtual objects.

  • If using a one-to-many, create a List of the related objects in the “one” table and a direct reference to the “one” object in the “many” object entity.

  • Set both key and foreign key on the Id of a table in a one-to-one relationship.

  • Cascading Delete can prevent delete if the entity has a related dependency with data.

  • Cascading Delete can wipe out an entry if the other part of the relationship is deleted.

  • Naming is done by convention, so use simple Id fields and then name the related field EntityId to easily map directly to the correct relational fields.

Activity 0503: Using a non-clustered unique index

This final activity for this chapter will be dual purposed in nature. First, we will examine what it takes to build out a many-to-many relationship. After setting up that relationship, we’ll also see what it takes to create a non-clustered index that is unique on the many-to-many relationship. The unique constraint is critical to make sure that we don’t have duplicate records in the database.

Soft delete or hard delete, either way, just make sure it works

A good thing to remember about this setup is that if we are using a soft-delete approach, we’ll need to make sure that any relationships are still intact if we delete and then restore an object. This could be accomplished by soft deleting the join entry or just leaving it alone but making sure the data is handled correctly in both directions.

If we use a hard-delete approach , then deleting one of the sides of the relationship should also delete the entry in the join table via a cascading-delete operation.

By the end of the activity, we’ll be able to define a many-to-many relationship in code, either implicitly or explicitly. We’ll also understand what it means to set up a unique constraint as a non-clustered index on our database using the code-first approach.

Step 1: Set up and getting started

As with other activities, please find the files Activity0503_ManyToManyWithUniqueNonClusteredIndex_Starter.zip or use your solution that you continue to build out as we go. Once you have the solution open, make sure to set any connection strings, build the project, and run the update-database command to make sure your database is up to date with no pending migrations.

Step 2: Add the Genre entity

As we’re tracking items, we likely have some inventory categories like movies and books, games, or other types of media. One common grouping that might exist across categories would be Genre. For example, we can have books and movies that are considered to be “Western” or “Sci-Fi.”

To set this up, create a new entity in the InventoryModels project for Genre as a FullAuditModel. Add a string Name property to describe the Genre, and constrain the Name field using constraints that already exist. Make sure to add any missing using statements so the code will compile. We’ll keep the Genre model pretty simple for purposes of demonstration and brevity.
public class Genre : FullAuditModel
    public string Name { get; set; }

Step 3: Add the migration and update the database

While we can likely create the Genre table, do the relationship mappings, and create the many-to-many relationship in one migration, I’m going to go ahead and create the table in a single migration first. The main reason I want to do this is just to keep my migration simple. The migration with the many-to-many relationship and join table will be a bit more complex, so I’d like to keep that migration separate from this table creation.

Make sure to add the public DbSet<Genre> Genres { get; set; } statement to the InventoryDbContext. The entry should follow the DbSet<CategoryColor> CategoryColors property.

Make sure to save and build the project, and then run the command add-migration "addGenreTable". Review the generated migration, which should look similar to the migration as shown in Figure 5-29.
Figure 5-29

The migration generated to add the Genre table

After reviewing the migration and making sure it is as expected, run the update-database command to add the table to the database. Review your database in SSMS to make sure the Genre table is in place as expected (see Figure 5-30).
Figure 5-30

The Genre table after creation

Step 4: Add the ItemGenre entity

To make a many-to-many relationship, we’ll use a join table called ItemGenres . This will track the Item.Id and Genre.Id fields to create a mapping of Items to Genres.

In EF6, if we did not want to explicitly create this table, adding the relationships directly as lists in each of the respective entities would implicitly create the table. In EFCore, it has so far been a requirement to directly define this object.

For the ability to both audit the join table and use the joins in code (rather than fully loading the entities to get join information), along with the fact that the migration likely won’t work as expected in EFCore or EFvNext without the join object, I recommend just building out this entity explicitly. In the end, the table will get created either way, so you may as well take control of it.

Create the ItemGenre entity in the Inventory Models project as a FullAuditModel. Add two fields for each side of the relationship, an ObjectTypeId and the List<ObjectType> ObjectTypes, to map (just as we have done previously in a one-to-many relationship).

By building this out, it becomes clear that the join table is nothing more than a one-to-many relationship from the join to each side of the many-to-many relationship:
public class ItemGenre : FullAuditModel
    public int ItemId { get; set; }
    public virtual Item Item { get; set; }
    public int GenreId { get; set; }
    public virtual Genre Genre { get; set; }

Step 5: Make sure to reference the join table in the Item and Genre entities

If we create the migration right now, we won’t get the join table as expected, because we did not yet set the list of entities to map in each of Item and Genre.

Starting with the Item class, create a public virtual List<ItemGenre> ItemGenres { get; set; } = new List<ItemGenre>(); property. Make sure to add the missing using statement for System.Collections.Generic so the code will compile.

Do the same thing in the Genre class, but name the property as GenreItems. Again, don’t forget to add any missing using statements.

For clarity, the Genre class is shown in Figure 5-31.
Figure 5-31

The Genre model with the navigation property for GenreItems

Step 6: Create the migration

Even though we have not added the ItemGenre directly to the DBContext, with the references in place on the left and right side (Item and Genre), the table should be created now as expected. Additionally, in case you missed it previously, make sure that you have added the DbSet<Genre> to the DBContext and have already generated the table for Genre prior to attempting to create this relationship.

After saving and building the solution, run the command add-migration "createdGenreAndItemGenreRelationship", then review the results. In your migration, you should see the table ItemGenre being created with the fields as expected, including an ItemId and GenreId. There should be constraints for the primary key, as well as two foreign keys set with ReferentialAction.Cascade onDelete. Finally, you should see two indexes, one for the ItemId field and one for the GenreId field.

After reviewing the migration, run the update-database command to set the table and relationships, and then review in SSMS. When created correctly, the table should look as shown in Figure 5-32.
Figure 5-32

The ItemGenre join table is generated to link the Genres and Items in a many-to-many relationship

And to see it more clearly, a database diagram of the three tables shows the relationships (see Figure 5-33).
Figure 5-33

The relationship as shown in a database diagram

Adding a unique, non-clustered index to the ItemGenre table to make sure that the joins are unique

To keep from having multiple rows in the database that map the same two Item and Genre entities into a relationship, we’ll create a new index that makes that combination unique. This is important so that we can make sure that when we perform a soft delete or restore from delete, we don’t just create duplicate rows.

As mentioned earlier in the chapter, in EF6 the first thing we could do is add the composite key in the join table. To do this, we could have added the [Key] attribute to the columns and set an order on the column to group them. This would create a composite key on the two columns. The problem with this approach is that it requires the composite key to be a primary key on the table. Already having the Id as the primary key would eliminate this approach. Just to show what it would have looked like in EF6, review Figure 5-34.
Figure 5-34

In EF6, creating a composite key only works if the created key can be the table’s primary key

Another way to do this in EF6 was to use the [Index] annotation.

Using the Index annotation would have looked something like what is shown in Figure 5-35.
Figure 5-35

Using the Index annotation is only available in EF6, not in EFCore

Using the Fluent API

Up to this point, we’ve not used the FluentAPI, so we don’t know a lot about it. That’s ok. For now, I’ll ask you to trust me and know that we will study the FluentAPI in more detail later in this book.

Step 7: Adding the unique index in the Fluent API

Before we add any code, let’s first look at the file InventoryDbContextModelSnapshot.cs. Make note of the first line: this is a generated file. Looking further into the file, we see a bunch of FluentAPI-like syntax. However, we know that with this being generated, adding code here is a terrible idea. We need to do something like what we see for the relationships that are defined, but we need to do it in a place where we can guarantee it will always be applied correctly. Some of the code that exists in the generated InventoryDbContextModelSnapshot file is shown in Figure 5-36. What’s very interesting about this generated code is this is the place where the code portion of the project lines up with the migrations. For example, you can easily see that the ItemGenre relationships are clearly defined in this file.
Figure 5-36

A simple look at the generated model snapshot shows how some relationships can be formed in a Fluent-API like syntax

Open the InventoryDbContext file and add the following code anywhere in the file. I chose to put the code after the constructors. This code allows us to override the OnModelCreating method.
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
    ///code here...
Next, update the inner text for the method to add the non-clustered index for ItemGenre relationships with the following code:
//unique, non-clustered index for ItemGenre relationships
            .HasIndex(ig => new { ig.ItemId, ig.GenreId })
For clarity, the new code is shown in its entirety in Figure 5-37.
Figure 5-37

The OnModelCreating method is used to implement custom FluentAPI declarations for further defining database schema

Step 8: Add the migration

Make sure to save and build the solution, and then run the command add-migration "createUniqueNonClusteredIndexForItemGenre". Review the migration as shown in Figure 5-38 to see what is being applied.
Figure 5-38

Adding the unique, non-clustered index

Step 9: Update the database and review the table

Now that we’ve seen the migration and can see how the index is added, we can run the command update-database. Once this is completed, let’s review our table definition in SSMS. As shown in Figure 5-39, during the review of our table indexes, we can easily see the index is now created as expected.
Figure 5-39

Reviewing the table reveals the created index is in place

Final thoughts on activity 0503

In this activity, we saw what it takes to create a many-to-many relationship using code-first migrations, and then we took our first look at using the FluentAPI to generate a unique, non-clustered index. Some of the key takeaways were
  • The many-to-many relationship uses a join table that consists of two one-to-many relationships.

  • We don’t want to add our join tables to the DBContext. Instead, we should force developers to work from one of the main data entities.

  • EF6 had a nice data annotation for creating an index. EFCore requires using the FluentAPI.

  • Creating a composite key is possible (two or more fields to create a unique identifier); however, the composite key must be the table’s primary key in order to be created.

Final thoughts for this chapter

In this chapter, we’ve learned how to build out a better database schema in a code-first database approach. Specifically, we’ve learned about
  • Limiting the length of fields

  • Setting constraints on the values of the fields

  • Setting default values on fields

  • Creating one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships

  • Adding unique indexes using the FluentAPI

At this point, we are in a really good place to start generating some solid database architectures and implementations. As the developer, it will be our job to know about these options that exist and how to work with them correctly to achieve the best overall results with our databases.

In the next chapter, we’ll take a deeper dive into working with real data in this system we’re building, so that we’ll not only have the tools to architect a solid solution but the skills to develop against the data using common Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) actions.

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