Beyond the Basics

Chapters 8 through 11 explore more sophisticated topics than those covered in the earlier chapters. Chapter 8 shows you how to use a few different types of sensors to make your creation react to its environment, and shows you where to go next if you want your project to be able to move on its own.

Chapter 9 summarizes the 3D-printing process and gives pointers on where to learn about it in detail. Chapter 10 shows you what can go wrong (and did, for us) when an overly-ambitious first project tries to do too much at once.

Finally, in Chapter 11, you will find two bigger projects that come at wearable tech from opposite directions. The first is a big sewing project (the dress on the cover) that uses electroluminescent (EL) ribbon to light up the boundaries between fabric blocks, but requires no coding and minimal circuit design. The other project requires more circuit design and a substantial piece of code, but minimal sewing. It takes an off-the-shelf hat and adds a sewn circuit to make it light up red if you shake your head no and green if you nod yes. Thus you can pick a substantial project based on where you feel most secure.

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