Step 3 – fully automating the ZAP API

The whole scanning process can be fully automated in one script file. Here, we use the Windows BAT script as an example. The fully automated ZAP security testing script for the Hackazon website is named AutoZAP.BAT:

echo start the ZAP in daemon mode

ZAP.exe -daemon

echo the status of ZAP

CURL http://localhsot:8090

echo spider scan for the web site

CURL "http://localhost:8090/JSON/spider/action/scan/?zapapiformat=JSON&formMethod=GET&url="

echo Active Scan for the website

CURL "http://localhost:8090/JSON/ascan/action/scan/?zapapiformat=JSON&formMethod=GET&url="

echo Wait for 20 sec to complete the ActiveScan before generating the testing report

echo The timeout is for Windows command. For running in Linux, please change it to sleep.

timeout 20

echo List the security assessments results (alerts), and output the report to ZAP_Report.HTML

CURL "http://localhost:8090/JSON/ascan/view/status/"

CURL "http://localhost:8090/HTML/core/view/alerts/"

CURL "" > ZAP_Report.HTML

echo shutdown the ZAP

CURL “http://localhost:8090/JSON/core/action/shutdown/?zapapiformat=JSON&formMethod=GET”

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