Network security assessments with Nmap

Network Mapper (Nmap) is an open source network security scanning tool. It's widely used to do host, services, port system security audits, and also the SSL vulnerability. Identifying all the hosts, services, protocols, and communication ports on the network is the first step for network security assessment.

The installation of Nmap will depend on the OS.

The common network security assessment scenario and Nmap commands are listed in the following table:

Common network security assessments scenarios

Nmap command

Fast scan for listening ports

nmap -F --open -Pn

Scan for any missing HTTP security headers such as XSS-Protection

nmap -p80 --script
http-security-headers -Pn

DOS attack with HTTPS Slowloris

nmap -p80,443 --script
http-slowloris --max-parallelism 500 -Pn

Scanning for all TCP listening ports

nmap -p1-65535 --open-Pn

Scanning for all UDP listening ports

nmap -p1-65535 -sU --open-Pn

Scanning for common ports

Nmap -p21, 23,80, 137,138,
443, 445, 1433, 3306, 1521, 3389 --open pPn

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