Design pattern for performance

Performance can be measured using the responsiveness of your system on any given period of time. These are the following design principles for the efficiency described in AWS WAF:

  • Democratize advanced technologies
  • Go global in minutes
  • Use Serverless architectures
  • Experiment more often
  • Mechanical sympathy

Here are some more detailed explanations of the mentioned design principles:

  • Democratize advanced technologies: It's better to take complex technology from external vendors or as a service instead of reinventing the wheel at your end, because it's hard to implement complex technologies in a short duration, and other competitors can get an edge if you are unable to implement them in-house.
  • Go global in minutes: The cloud helps you to reach out to a wider community in a short duration of time or even in minutes.
  • Use Serverless architectures: In the cloud, Serverless architectures remove the need for you to run and maintain servers to carry out traditional compute activities. For example, storage services can act as static websites, removing the need for web servers, and event services can host your code for you. This removes the operational burden of managing these servers and can also lower transactional costs because these managed services operate at a cloud scale.
  • Experiment more often: The cloud helps you to experiment more, as more often you can try different designs and architectures.
  • Mechanical sympathy: It gives you a more aligned approach about how you would like to implement your design.
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