
In this chapter, we covered architectural patterns, design patterns, software-inclined design patterns, and patterns that are currently distribute as cloud-dominated Software as a Service (SaaS) inclined markets, and they are trying to explore more patterns that can be easily achieved and implemented. We have given an overview of how to design your application around those patterns, and we have provided a good pictorial view, using mind maps that can be easily referred to during such discussion and implementation. We covered circuit breakers, rate limit, and throttling, which will help you build resilient services that can handle any distributed attacks and give a good experience to customers hosted on a multi-tenant environment. We covered circuit breakers thoroughly to give you an idea about how to implement them and how to use them in a situation where you are experiencing a heavy load or your backend-serving services are down. We have given tips for availability and reliability that you can use in your live project.

In the next chapter, we will be learning about reliability implementation techniques, which will include rust programming and ballerina programming.

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