Delineating the containerization paradigm

Containers have emerged as the efficient runtime and resource for cloud applications (both cloud-enabled and native). Containers are comparatively lightweight, and hence hundreds of containers can be made to run on a physical or a virtual machine. There are other technical benefits such as horizontal scalability and portability. Containers almost guarantee the performance of physical machines. Near-time scalability is seeing the reality with the faster maturity and stability of the enigmatic containerization paradigm.

The ecosystem of containerization movement is growing rapidly, and hence containers are being positioned as the perfect way forward to attain the originally envisaged benefits of cloudification.

Containers are being positioned as the most appropriate resource and runtime to host and execute scores of microservices and their instances. The container monitoring, measurement, and management requirements are being sped up with the availability of several open source as well as commercial-grade monitoring and data analytics solutions. The container networking and storage aspects are seeing a lot of traction these days. To be more specific, there are a number of automated tools and viable approaches toward making containerization penetrative, participative, and pervasive.

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