
Achiever leader type


branding and
challenging accepted ideas
client corridor approach
client experience

Advisory services:

overview of
portfolio management and investment advice service level
war for talent and

Affirmation, personal

Age as factor:

client profile changes
war for talent

Aggregation of wealth:

levels of

Alchemist leader type

American Express

Ammann, Simon

Asia-Pacific. See also specific countries

challenges for industry
client profile changes
geographic origin criterion
war for talent

Assets under management metric

Assurance dimension

Attracting clients. See Client attraction

Austria, regulatory environment

Automated teller machines

Automotive industry

Balanced scorecard approach

Baltic Supramax Freight Index

Bank for International Settlements

Bank Julius Baer. See Julius Baer

Bank of England

Bank Sarasin

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

Baumann & Cie

Behavioural branding. See also Branding

Behavioural segmentation. See also Client segmentation

Benchmarking, definition and use. See also Performance measurement and management

BIC ballpoint pen

Bigger means better model

Bilateral tax agreements

Board’s commitment to client experience


Bonuses. See Compensation of employees

Booking centres

Bordier & Cie

Brand Emotional Loyalty Pyramid


alternative channels
client bonds with
client corridor approach
client experience definition
discipline and consistency in
DNA of brands
framework of book
functions of
global brands
how premium brands thrive
importance of
leadership as brand
of livestock
origins of
recruitment and
value considerations

Brazil, geographic origin criterion

BRIC countries, war for talent

Brochures, client experience and

Build-to-order products


in organisational structures
of wealth

Bureaucratic structure type

Business case, presentation of

Business manager to group manager transition

Business models. See also Organisational structures

challenges for industry
changes in industry
framework of book
performance measurement and management

Capital standards. See also Regulatory environment

CEOs. See also Leadership

performance measurement and management
skills for

Chandler, Alfred

Change, leading. See also Leadership

Changes in industry:

business model evolution
global financial centres
overview of
wealth management in transition

Channel Islands

Chekhov, Anton


geographic origin criterion
global financial centres
hierarchical management
war for talent

Client attraction:

branding and
channels and tools for
early warning signals

Client corridor approach

Client diversity. See also Client segmentation

Client expectations:

branding and
challenges for industry
client experience phases
leadership lessons
service excellence and

Client experience. See also Branding; Service excellence

bonding and
corridor approach and
definition of
delightful experiences
early warning signals
evolution of
framework of book
luxury hotel industry
mega-trends driving
phase of
social and political change and
strategy for
support functions and
technology and
use of term

Client lifetime value

Client portfolios. See Portfolios

Client profiles. See also Client segmentation

drivers of private banking
investment profiling process

Client referrals. See Referrals

Client relationship, in three-pillar approach

Client relationship management (CRM). See also Relationship managers

client experience evolution
as retention tool
three-pillar approach and

Client retention:

bonding and
client lifetime value and
tools for

Client satisfaction:

client lifetime value and
creating delightful experiences
service value cycle

Client segmentation:

arguments for
behavioural segmentation
benefits of
criteria overview
current practices
definition of
dynamic approach
framework of book
geographic origin criterion
level of wealth criterion
making sense of diversity
source of wealth criterion
Wealth Life Cycle

Clients measure

Coase, Ronald


Coleman, Norm

Command-and-control reporting structure

Communication, leadership and

Communications gap

Compensation of employees:

attracting talent
performance measurement and management
retaining talent

Competence information



Competition. See also War for talent

booking centres and
branding and
client experience and
drivers of private banking
performance measurement and management
three-pillar approach and

Compliance considerations. See Regulatory environment; Tax environment

Computer technology. See Internet; Technology

Confidentiality considerations. See Privacy considerations

Consistency, in branding

Core competencies

Corporate infrastructure, in three-pillar approach. See also Organisational structures

Corporate social responsibility

Corridor approach

Cost considerations. See Financial considerations

Credit card example

Credit services, description of

Credit Suisse

Crises as catalysts

CRM. See Client relationship management

Culture, organisational. See Organisational culture

Curiosity, leadership and

Custody and execution service level

Custody services, description of

Customized solutions. See Tailored solutions

Decentralised model

Decision-making styles and skills

Decision tree

Degrees of separation concept

Delegation, leadership and

Delegator category

Delightful experiences

Demographic factors:

client profile changes
leadership and
segmentation and
war for talent

Design gap

Detractors, in performance measurement

Developing countries, war for talent and. See also specific countries

Diplomat leader type

Discipline, in branding

Discretionary mandates

Diversity of clients. See also Client segmentation

Diversity of workforce

DJ UBS Commodity Index

DNA of brands

Dodd, Chris

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

Double-taxation treaties

Drivers of client experience

Drivers of private banking:

changes in industry
client profile as
competition as
framework of book
markets as
overview of
regulatory environment as

Drivers of service excellence:

culture as
processes as
staff as
tools as

Drucker, Peter

Dynamic approach to segmentation


E. Gutzwiller & Cie

Education of employees. See Learning and growth measure; War for talent

EFG Private Bank

Emerging markets:

challenges for industry
client profile changes
war for talent

Empathy dimension

Employee considerations. See Staff considerations

Enablers, regulation and

Energy, leadership and

Europe. See also specific countries

geographic origin criterion
war for talent

European Union (EU). See also specific countries

hedge funds overview
international vs. national interests
legislation overview
national regulators
wealth services overview

European Union Savings Tax Directive

Excellence, definition of

Excellence, service. See Service excellence

Exchange-traded commodities

Exchange-traded funds

Exchange-traded notes

Execution orders, pace of

Execution services

Expectation phase

Expert leader type


Farmers, relationship managers as

Ferguson, Niall

Financial Action Task Force

Financial considerations. See also Performance measurement and management; Tax environment

branding and value
challenges for industry
client experience and
client lifetime value
employee compensation
grants for young people
leadership and
net new money indicator
three-pillar approach and
unbundling and
war for talent and

Financial crisis of 2008:

challenges for industry
changes in industry
framework for excellence
market considerations
organisational structures and
performance measurement and management
regulatory environment and
tailored solutions and
war for talent and

Financial engineering services, description of

Financial instruments, definition of

Financial Modernization Act

Financial performance measure

Financial Services Authority

Financial Stability Board

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act

Forms, client experience and

Foundation information

Framework for excellence:

components outline
present status
processes, people, and plans
vision and mission statements
where and how

France, regulatory environment

Frank, Barney

Front-centered web model

Front functions, in three-pillar approach

Functional manager to business manager transition


overview of
performance measurement and management
selection criteria
selection services

Funds of funds

Galvin, Paul

Generational shifts, client profile changes. See also Age as factor

Geographical regions, benchmarks linked to

Geographic origin criterion


income tax data
regulatory environment
“War on Privacy”

Gerstner, Lou

Ghandi, Mahatma

Glass-Steagall Act

Global brands, challenges of. See also Branding

Global financial centres, changes in industry. See also specific countries


challenges for industry
client experience and

Global standardisation, client experience and

Global wealth, total

Goldsmith, Marshall

Gonet & Cie

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

Greece, IMF assistance

Group manager to leader transition

Hagel, John

Hang Seng Index

Hedge funds

Heirs. See Inherited wealth

Hierarchy of human needs

High-net-worth individuals (HNWI):

client segmentation
definition of
generational shifts
income tax data
market volatility
war for talent
wealth aggregation
wealth services overview

Hiring employees. See War for talent

Hong Kong:

booking centres
global financial centres
regulatory environment

Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Hotel industry

Human needs, pyramid of

Human resources life cycle

Human resources toolkit. See also War for talent

performance matrix
record keeping
retaining and rewarding
sourcing and selecting
supporting and developing
termination and retirement

Hunters, relationship managers as

Hybrid model

IB-dominated model

IBM/Ogilvy study

Income taxes. See Tax environment

India, geographic origin criterion

Individualist leader type

Inherited wealth:

client relationship and
client segmentation and
wealth services overview

Innovation (product), in three-pillar approach

Integrated model

Interaction costs

Interaction phase

Intermediary channels

Internal business processes measure

Internal clients, description of

Internal Revenue Service

International Monetary Fund

International regulatory bodies, overview of. See also specific entities

International vs. national interests


client experience
war for talent

Interview guide

Investment advice services. See Advisory services

Investment process of funds

Investment profiles. See Client profiles

Ireland, global financial centres

Italy, regulatory environment

Japan, geographic origin criterion

Job descriptions

Job satisfaction, drivers of service excellence

Julius Baer:

client experience
decision-making styles
helping heirs
investment profiling process
leadership lessons
performance measurement and management
product management

Kaplan, Robert

Kellerman, Barbara

Key performance indicators. See Performance measurement and management; SERVQUAL gap method

Kim, W. Chan

King, Martin Luther

Knowledge gap

Kotter, John

Kraft, branding

Landolt & Cie

La Roche & Co Banquiers

Lassman, Anthony

Latin America, geographic origin criterion. See also specific countries

Leadership. See also Performance measurement and management

bad leader types
as brand
change, leading
client expectations and
framework of book
leaders vs. managers
lessons on
organisational culture
organisational structures
pipeline for
relevance of
service excellence
study of
training for
war for talent

Learning and growth measure

Legal considerations. See Regulatory environment; Tax environment

Lehman Brothers

Level of wealth criterion

Levin, Carl

Lombard Odier & Cie

Lower-net-worth individuals (LNWI)


client experience evolution
service value cycle
staff attraction

Lucerne Festival

Luxury hotel industry

Management by objective principles

Management of funds

Managers vs. leaders

Manager to leader transitions

Managing performance. See Performance measurement and management

Mandates, discretionary

Mandela, Nelson

Margins, tracking

Marketing. See also Advertising; Branding

client corridor approach
client experience

Market potential, definition of

Market purity, definition of

Markets, emerging. See Emerging markets

Markets in Financial Instruments Directive

Market volatility:

challenges for industry
drivers of private banking
tailored solutions

Maslow, Abraham

Mauborgne, Reneé

Measuring performance and service. See Performance measurement and management; SERVQUAL gap method

Meier, Thomas

Middle East, geographic origin criterion

Milgram, Stanley

Mirabaud & Cie

Mirabaud, Pierre

Mission statement

Moinard, Bruno

Monetary Authority of Singapore

Money laundering

Mortgage industry

Motivation, leadership and


Mourgue d’Algue & Cie

Mutual funds

National regulators, overview of. See also specific entities

National vs. international interests

Nespresso® boutique

Net new money indicator

Net promoter scale

Networking, relationship managers and

New vs. old money. See also Inherited wealth

North America. See also United States

geographic origin criterion
war for talent

Norton, David

Nota Bene

Obama, Barack

Offshore clients, definition of

Old vs. new money. See also Inherited wealth

Online communications. See Internet; Technology

Onshore clients, definition of

Operational models. See Business models

Opportunist leader type

Organisational channels

Organisational culture:

drivers of service excellence
leadership and
war for talent

Organisational structures:

bundling and unbundling
categories of
cost considerations and unbundling
decision tree for
design of
drivers of service excellence
evolution of
forms and trends in
framework of book
leadership and
performance measurement and management
referrals management problem
three-pillar approach
universal vs. power play

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

Organisation of funds

Outsourcing. See also Unbundling

Participator category

Performance cycle overview

Performance measurement and management. See also Service excellence

choosing what to measure
defining the metrics
dimensions of
evolution of
feedback loop
framework for excellence
framework of book
HR toolkit
key performance indicators
from models to strategy to metrics
past as focus
performance cycle overview
private banking practices

Performance of funds

Performance reports

Personal affirmation

Personal competencies

Personalities of brands

Pfeffer, Jeffrey

Philanthropy services, description of

Philip Morris

Physical premises

Pictet & Cie

Political change, client experience and

Polo (brand)

Polo (sport)


definition of
portfolio-based advisory services
portfolio management and investment advice service level
time to build

Post-bureaucratic structure type

Pre-bureaucratic structure type

Premium brands. See Branding

Printed materials, client experience and

Privacy considerations:

business model evolution
challenges for industry
client experience evolution
organisational structures
“War on Privacy”

Private banking, definition of

Private equity investments, description of

Processes as drivers of service excellence

Product engineering services, description of

Product innovation, in three-pillar approach

Productivity information

Product performance. See Performance measurement and management

Products and services. See also Service excellence; Tailored solutions

basic products overview
cost considerations
evolution of
financial products definition
funds overview
nature of services
overview of
product management example
in three-pillar approach
trends and war for talent

Product specialists, front functions and

Profiles. See Client profiles

Profitability of assets metric

Promoters, in performance measurement

Pruning strategy

Public relations, client experience and

Pure-play model:

description of
universal structure vs.

Push vs. pull forces

Pyramid of human needs

Qualified Intermediary agreement

Quality checks, instituting

Radio example

Rahn & Bodmer Co.

RATER system

Rating of funds

Real estate services, description of

Recruiting employees. See War for talent

Redeployment of employees


clients measure and
referrals management

Reflection phase

Regulatory environment. See also Tax environment

addressing concerns
bilateral tax agreements
booking centre competition
challenges for industry
changes in industry
double-taxation treaties
drivers of private banking
employee compensation and
framework of book
impact of
international regulatory bodies
international vs. national interests
key regulatory bodies and legislation
legislation overview
national regulators
number of pages in legislation
organisational structures and
support functions and
Swiss industry overview
tailored solutions and
threats and enablers
trends in
“War on Privacy”
waves of regulation

Reichmuth & Co.

Reiter, Mark

Relationship managers (RMs). See also Performance measurement and management; War for talent

business case presentation by
client attraction
client retention
client segmentation
front functions and
key personal competencies
number of clients served by
as psychologist
SERVQUAL example
tailored solutions
tools and service excellence

Reliability dimension

Relocation planning services, description of

Reports, performance. See also Performance measurement and management

Research, selection, and product engineering service level

Research services, description of

Resource-allocation information

Resource potential (of client)

Responsiveness dimension

Retaining clients. See Client retention

Retaining employees. See War for talent

Retirement of employees

Retirement planning services, description of

Return on assets metric

Rewarding employees. See also Compensation of employees

performance measurement and management
war for talent

Ricketts, Kristina

Risk management, tailored solutions and

Risk matrix


RMs. See Relationship managers

Rooke, David

Rules and regulations. See Regulatory environment; Tax environment


geographic origin criterion
hierarchical management

Salaries. See Compensation of employees

Sales targets

Segmentation. See Client segmentation

Selection services, description of

Selector category


Self-directed clients

Service excellence:

challenges for industry
client corridor and
definition of
drivers of
framework of book
internal clients
leadership lessons
measurement of
nature of services
performance measurement and management
service value cycle
staff attraction and
sustainable excellence

Service performance gap

Services and products. See Products and services

Service value cycle

SERVQUAL gap method:

analysing results
client corridor and
conducting a survey
defining general objectives
defining specific measures
implementing measures
instituting quality checks
performance measurement and management
types of gaps

Shadow banking system

Silo mentality


booking centres
challenges for industry
global financial centres
leadership lessons
regulatory environment

Singapore International Airlines

Singer, Marc

Six degrees of separation concept

Smallwood, Norm

SMART objectives

SMI (index)

Social change, client experience and

Social networking. See also Internet

Source of wealth criterion

S&P 500 Index


Staff considerations. See also Performance measurement and management; Service excellence

client contacts and experience
drivers of service excellence
employee life cycle
employee needs proposition
internal client definition
survey involvement

Statements, client experience and

Steinbrück, Peter

Stock and stock options

Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act

Strategic planning, performance management and

Strategist leader type

Structured products, overview of. See also Products and services

Structure follows strategy concept

Structures, organisational. See Organisational structures

Succession planning services, description of

Support functions:

in three-pillar approach
war for talent

Sustainability, branding and

Sustainable excellence, description of

Swiss Bank Corporation. See UBS

Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority


bilateral tax agreements
booking centres and
challenges for industry
changes in industry
as financial powerhouse
global financial centres
globalisation effects
international vs. national interests
national regulators
organisational structures
overview of book
tax reporting and disclosure
“War on Privacy”

Tailored solutions:

changing environment and
client needs and
crises as catalysts
financial products overview
framework of book
funds selection criteria
role in wealth creation
volatility and

Tangibles dimension

Tax environment. See also Regulatory environment

bilateral tax agreements
double-taxation treaties
income tax data
information sharing
international vs. national interests
IRS role
legislation overview
number of pages in legislation
“War on Privacy”

Tax Shelter and Tax Haven Reform Act

Teamwork, leadership and

Technology. See also Internet

client experience
performance measurement and management
relationship manager database
service excellence

Telephone contacts

Television advertising. See also Advertising

Termination of employees

Threats, regulation and

Three-pillar approach:

in corporations
pillar 1
pillar 2
pillar 3
in private banking

Tools as drivers of service excellence

Torbert, William

Total wealth, definition of


Training of employees. See Learning and growth measure; War for talent

Training of leaders

Transactional vs. transformational approach

Transaction-based advisory services, description of

Transaction costs

Transformational leadership. See also Leadership

Travel arrangements example

Travers, Jeffrey


branding and
drivers of service excellence
leadership and
war for talent and



Ulrich, Dave

Ultra-high-net-worth (UHNWI) individuals:

client segmentation
definition of
wealth services overview


Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities funds

Union Bank of Switzerland. See UBS

United Kingdom:

global financial centres
regulatory environment

United States:

income tax data
legislation overview
number of pages in legislation
regulatory environment
tax reporting and disclosure

Universal model:

description of
pure-play structure vs.

Unknown Masters campaign

Urgency, change and

Value considerations. See Financial considerations

Values of brand

Very high-net-worth individuals:

client segmentation
definition of

Vesting periods


of brand
in leaders

Vision statement

VIX Volatility Index

Walbert, Gwen

War for talent:

attracting talent
branding and
demand for talent
framework of book
measuring success
retaining and rewarding
sourcing and selecting
supporting and developing
termination and retirement
turnover rates
use of term
weapons to win the war
why the war continues

“War on Privacy”

Wealth aggregation:

levels of

Wealth bands

Wealth creation, tailored solutions and

Wealth engineering and management service level

Wealth Life Cycle

Wealth management, use of term

Wealth pyramid

Wealth services. See also Products and services

levels of
summary of
tailored solutions and

Wealth waves

Websites. See Internet

Wegelin & Co., history of

We Will Not Rest campaign

Widmer, Alex

Will execution services, description of

Wolfsberg complex

Working environment, drivers of service excellence

World Economic Forum programme

World per capita GDP, expansion of

Wyman, Oliver

Young people, grants for

Zaleznik, Abraham

Zimmermann, Alain

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