
Numbers & Symbols

3D graphics, 314

3D shaders, 315


Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA), 5

addColorStop function, 41

addElement, 225

addEventListener() method, 21

addToPoint function, 57

Almost Standards mode, 9

animation, canvas, 37, 58, 59, 60, 61

Apple Safari, 21

arc function, 38

arcTo function, 38

Asyncore, 169


activation, 94, 95

Audio API, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 104, 105, 106

codecs, 84, 85

containers, 83, 84

controls, 90

streaming, 85

unsupported, 85

working with, 94, 95

audio APIs, 316

audio element

background noise in a page, 103, 104

browser support for, 86, 87, 88

declaring, 89

playback controls, 91, 92, 94

source, 90, 91

understanding, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94

autobuffer attribute, 93

autocomplete attribute, 201

autofocus attribute, 201, 202

autoplay attribute, 92, 93, 104

background patterns, 43, 44

beginPath function, 29, 32

bezierCurveTo function, 38

Broadcast server, 168, 170

Broadcast.html, 182, 170, 175

Browser database storage

future of, 286, 287, 288, 291

browser support

for HTML5, 313

for WebSocket API, 176

Browser support

for cookies, 263

for HTML5, 313

for Web SQL Database, 286, 290

for Web Storage, 264

for Web Storage API, 264, 265


canPlayType() function, 92

Canvas API, 23

about, 24

accessibility issues, 26

adding a canvas to a page, 27, 28, 29

animations, 37

applying transformations to drawings, 30, 32

background patterns, 43, 44

browser support for, 26, 27

building application with, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61

canvas security, 54

concept of, 23

coordinates, 24, 25

creating diagonal line on, 28, 29

CSS, 26

drawing curves, 37, 38, 39

drawing operations supported by, 24

fallback content for, 25, 26

gradients, 41, 42

history of, 23

ID attribute, 27

inserting images, 39, 40

overview, 23, 24, 25, 26

paths, working with, 32, 33, 34

scaling canvas objects, 44, 45, 46

using fill styles, 35, 36, 37

using shadows, 50, 51

using stroke styles, 34, 35

using text, 48, 49, 50

using transformations, 46, 47, 48

vs. SVG, 23

when not to use, 25

working with pixel adata, 52, 53, 54

canvas element, 314

adding, 96

updating content, 98

Canvas image data, 254

Carakan engine, 21

Cell phone geolocation data, 110

Chakra engine, 21

Chapter 1, Overview of HTML5, 22

Character set, 8

chat widgets, 136, 142, 143

checkValidity function, 207


Storage panel, 273

clear() function, 271

clearWatch() function, 120

clipping features, 37

closePath function, 33

Comet applications, 160

Communication API

MessageEvent interface and, 140

postMessage API. See postMessage API

XMLHttpRequest Level 2. See XMLHttpRequest Level 2

context.createImageData function, 53

context.getImageData function, 52, 53

context.putImageData function, 53

context.rotate(angle) function, 46

context.scale function, 45

control functions, 92

control points, 38

controls attribute, 90, 91, 93

Cookies, 263, 264

createImageData function, 53

Cross Document Messaging, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146

browser support for, 139

using postMessage API, 139, 140, See also postMessage API

Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), 147, 148

Cross-origin communication. See XMLHttpRequest Level 2, postMessage API

cross-origin resource sharing, 86

cross-origin XMLHttpRequests, 147, 149

cross-site scripting error, 138

Cross-window communication, 292, 293

CSS Pseudoclasses, 214, 215

currentSrc attribute, 93

currentTime attribute, 93, 100

custom validity errors, 206

customError constraint, 206

customError validation constraint, 213


dashboard widgets, 23


sharing across windows, 292, 293

data property, 136

Data storage. See Web Storage API, 275

Database storage

future of browser, 286, 287, 288, 291

datalis%) element, 211

datalist element, 202

dataReturned function, 185

dataReturned() function, 186, 281

Device element, 316

Devices, 316

diagonal line on a canvas, 28, 29

diagonal lines using translation, 30, 31, 32

Disk space quota, 271

dispatchEvent() method, 21

displayLocation() routine, 279

distance function, 277

distance() utility method, 279


document.getElementById(), 278

drawPoint function, 57

dropEffect, 225

duration attribute, 93


EchoHandler, 170

ECMAScript 5 standard, 20

ECMAScript engine, 21

effectAllowed, 225

Embedded content type, 9

enableHighAccuracy attribute, 118

ended attribute, 93

error attribute, 93

Error messages

user-friendly, 184

Event building process, 221

Event capture process, 221

Event handlers

for gestures, 318

to display content of storage event, 273

event handlers for invalid events, 208, 209, 212

Event listeners

adding, to WebSocket, 178

evt.preventDefault(), 208

executeSql(), 288

executeSQL(), 288

External input, 138


File racerBroadcast.html, 282, 283, 284

fill styles, 35, 36, 37

fillRect convenience function, 36, 37

fillText function, 48

Flash video, 88

Flow content type, 9

form controls, 193

form%) element, 193

Forms API, 193, 200

autocomplete attribute, 201

autofocus attribute, 201, 202

CSS Pseudoclasses, 214, 215

datalist element, 202

form validation

checking, 204, 205, 206, 207

passwords, 213, 214

turning off, 209

validation feedback, 207, 208, 209

validation fields and functions, 207

list attribute, 202

max attribute, 203

min attribute, 203

placeholder attribute, 200

required attribute, 203

spellcheck attribute, 202

step attribute, 203

valueAsNumber function, 203

framebusting, 157

frameHeight variable, 97

frameWidth variable, 97

full-screen video, 86

functional forms, 194


Geolocation API, 107

browser support for, 111

building application with, 120, 121, 122

code sample, 126, 128, 129

processing geolocation data, 123, 124, 125, 126

writing HTML display, 122, 123

checking for browser support, 114

Google Maps and, 131, 132

location information, 107

cell phone data, 110

GPS data, 109

IP address-based, 109

latitude and longitude coordinates, 107, 108

sources of, 108, 109

user-defined data, 111

location tracker application and, 185, 186

position requests, 115

one-shot, 115, 116, 117, 119

repeated, 119, 120

privacy, 112

dealing with location information, 114

privacy protection mechanism, 113

request attributes, optional, 118, 119

status bar, 130, 131

uses of, 107

Wi-Fi–based geolocation data, 110

Gestures, 318

getColor function, 57

getContext function, 31

getContext() function, 314

getCurrentPosition() function, 131

getElementById() function, 17

getElementsByName() function, 17

getElementsByTagName() function, 17

getImageData function, 52, 53, 54

getItem(key) function, 270

GL Shading Language (GLSL), 315

glass pane, 58

Google Chrome, 21

Google Maps, 131, 132

GPS geolocation data, 109

gradients, 41, 42


handleLocationError() function, 117

handleLocationError() Function, 117

Heading content type, 10

heads-up displays (HUDs), 314

heatmaps, 55, 56, 57, 58

height attribute, 95

Hickson, Ian, 161

HTML5, 1

3D shaders, 315

API selector, 18, 19

formal specification, 19

JavaScript methods, 17

JavaScript Methods, 17

QuerySelector methods, 17

audio data API, 316

browser support for, 313

candidate recommendation date, 2

design principles

compatibility and paving, cow paths, 3

interoperability simplification, 4, 5

presentation and content separation, 4

security, 4

universal Access, 5

utility and the priority of constituencies, 3, 4

device elements, 316

DOCTYPE and character set, 8, 9

DOM Level 3, 21

future of begin, 313

future of end, 321

gesture events, 318

history of, 1, 2

HTML definition, 313

JavaScript logging and debugging, 19, 20

location-aware applications and WebSockets, 22

markup elements, 9, 10

organizations, 3

orientation event, 317

overview end, 22

peer-to-peer networking, 320

plugin–free paradigm

APIs, 7

applications, 7

features, 6

Microsoft Paint, user interface, 7

Modernizr—a JavaScript library, 7

native functionality, 6

problems, 5

specification, 6

semantic markup, 16

CSS3 features, HTML5 page, 12, 13, 15, 16

HTML5 page, CSS styles, 11

Internet Explorer, 16

sectioning content type, 10

three dimensions, 314

touch events, 319

touchscreen device events, 317

video, 320

Web browser JavaScript engines, 21, 22

WebGL, 314

window.JSON, 20

HTML5 drag-and-drop, 217

clean up process, 233

data retrieval, 220

data transfer, 219

demo, styles for, 227

dispaly customization, 239, 240

drag source, 218

draggable member names and ages, 226, 227

dragleave and dragenter, 231

dragover Handler, 231

dragstart handler, 230

drop handler, 232, 233

drop list target, 227

drop target, 218

dropzone, 234, 235

event flow, 222, 224

drag, 223

drag participation, 224

dragend fire, 223

dragenter, 223

dragleave, 223

dragover, 223

dragstart, 222

drop, 223

transfer and control, 224, 225

event handler registration, 228

events, 221

feedback, 219

file handling, 235

dataTransfer object, 235

dragover and dragleave handler, 238

file drop demo, 237

file drop drag, 237

fileDrag.html, 236

items, 235

W3C file API, 235

MIME types, 219, 220

negotiation, data flavors, 220, 221

notification, 229

propagation and prevention, 221, 222

racers sorted, 226

successful interaction, 219

variable declaration, 228

web, 218

Web, 217

HTML5 Forms

browser support, 194, 195

building application, 214

building application with, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213

functional behavior, 194

new attributes and functions, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204

new elements in, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199

overview, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198

vs. XForms, 194

HTML5 offline web applications, 295

about:cache page, Firefox, 296

application cache API

.appcache extension, 299

browser support, 297

cache manifest file contents, 298

client and server configuration, 303

common events, 301

Content-type: text/cache-manifest, 299

FALLBACK entries, 300

manifest attribute, html element, 298

manifest file, 299, 300

mime.types, 299

navigator.onLine property, 298

NETWORK specification, 300

online status, 298, 299

process, manifest file, 301, 302

SimpleHTTPServer module, 299

six Cache States, 300

update() method, 301

window.applicationCache object, 300

window.applicationCache.status, 300

window.navigator object, 298

application cache entries, 297

application caching, 295

application resources, 306

applicationCache support, 309

browser support, 297

browser-only devices, 295

cache manifest file, 296

geolocation API, 303

geolocation tracking code, 310

HTML structure and CSS, UI, 306

intermittent connectivity, 295

offline event handling, 311

offline JavaScript, 307, 308, 309

offline storage, 296

Python –m SimpleHTTPServer 9999

chrome developer tools, 304, 305

Firefox, 303, 304

offline mode, 305, 306

text/cache-manifest content type, 305

storage code, 310

universal connectivity, 295

update button handler, 309

HTML5 Web SQL Database

browser support for, 286, 290

HTTP request header, 165

HTTP request headers, 160

HTTP response header, 165

HTTP response headers, 160

HTTP/1.1 101 WebSocket Protocol Handshake, 168

ID attribute, 27

iframes, 136

communication between, 137

communication between HTML page and, 136


image data, 254

imageData objects, 255, 255

images inserting into a canvas, 39, 40

images processing, 254

Indexed Database, 287

Indexed databases, 286

Inkscape, 81

Interaction handling, 317

Interactive content type, 10

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 3

IP address-based geolocation data, 109

IP geolocation, 303


JägerMonkey engine, 21

JavaScript engine, 21

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

object storage, 291, 292

JSON object storage, 291, 292

JSON.parse() function, 291

Just-in-time (JIT) compilation engine, 21


Kaazing WebSocket Gateway, 168

key attribute, 272

key(index) function, 270


length attribute, 270

lineCap property, 35

lineTo function, 29, 33

lineTo(x, y) function, 32

list attribute, 202, 211

load() function, 92

loadData() function, 291

loadDemo function, 56, 58, 176, 185

loadDemo() function, 123, 125, 126, 281

localStorage object, 264, 269

Location tracker, 182, 183

Long-polling, 160

loop attribute, 93, 104


max attribute, 203

maximumAge attribute, 118

maxLength constraint, 212

media controls, 91, 92, 94

media elements. See video element, See audio element

media source files, 90, 91

media streaming, 85

Message processor function, 278

MessageEvent interface, 140

messageHandler function, 246

Metadata content type, 10

Microsoft Internet Explorer, 21

mime.types file, 299

min attribute, 203

mod_pywebsocket, 168

modifications, 30

mouseover video playback, 105, 106

moveTo function, 29

moveTo(x, y) function, 32


audio data API, 317

Mozilla Firefox, 21

Multipurpose Internet Mail Exchange (MIME), 219, 220

muted attribute, 93


Nitro engine, 21

noValidate attribute, 209


ocket.onmessage callback, 281

oldValue attribute, 272

onchange handler, 197

One-shot position requests, 115, 116, 117, 119

onload handler, 40

onmessage handler, 185

onmessage method, 163

onopen handler, 185

ontouchcancel event handler, 319

ontouchend event handler, 319

ontouchmove event handler, 319

ontouchstart event handler, 319

openDatabase() function, 287

OpenGL ES 2, 315

OpenGL shaders, 315


Storage panel, 274

Opera browser, 21

Orientation event, 317, 318

Origin header, 147

origin property, 136

origin security, 138

origin-clean canvas, 54


comparing against white list, 140

concept of, 138, 147

serialization of, 138


Page load routine, 279

parse() function, 20

password validation, 213, 214

path routines, 46

paths, working with, 32, 33, 34

pattern attribute, 205, 206

patternMismatch constraint, 205

pause() function, 92

paused attribute, 93

Peer-to-peer (P2P) networking, 320

Phrasing content type, 10

pixel data, 52, 53, 54

placeholder attribute, 200

play() function, 92, 95

plugins, 87

Polling, 160

Position information utility function, 277

poster attribute, 95

postMessage API, 135, 244, 255

browser support, 139

building application using, 139, 140, 141, 142

application in action, 146

chat widget page, 142, 143

code, 143, 144, 145

portal page, 142

cross-site scripting attacks, 137

event listener for message events, 136

iframe, 136, 137

iframes, 137

origin security, 138

receiving messages, 140

secuity rules, 138

sending messages, 139

using, 139, 140

preventDefault, 221, 222

preventDefault(), 213

Priority of Constituencies, 3, 4

progress element, 198

putImageData function, 53

Python WebSocket echo server, 168


quadratic curves, 37, 39

quadraticCurveTo function, 38

Quake II, 314

Quake II game, 315

querySelector() function, 17

querySelectorAll() function, 17

Quirks mode, 9

QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR error, 270, 271


radial gradient, 42

range control, 197

range elements, 197

range input type, 197

rangeOverflow constraint, 206

rangeUnderflow constraint, 206

read-only media attributes, 93

readyState attribute, 150

readyState property, 150

readystatechange event, 149, 150

Real-time web

history of, 159, 160, 161

removeItem(key) function, 271

Repeated position requests, 119, 120

requestAnimationFrame function, 61

required attribute, 203, 205, 211

reset function, 56

reusable code, 30



Storage panel, 274

saveData() function, 292

Scalable vector graphics (SVG), 63

2D graphics creation, 66

addition, page, 67

basic shapes, 67, 68

closeup images, 66

content definition, 69

elements transformation, 68, 69

elements, ChromeWeb Inspector, 64, 65

Happy Trails!, 64

history, 63

interactive application, 74

AddTree function, 75

CSS style, 76, 77

removeTree function, 76

trails-dynamic.html code, 77, 78, 79

updateTrees function, 75, 76

markup document, 64

new file creation, 80, 81

paths, 71, 72

patterns and gradients, 70

text selection, 72

tools, 80

trails-static.html, 73, 74

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), 23

scale function, 45

scaling canvas objects, 44, 45, 46

scriptable media attributes, 93

Sectioning content type, 10

security, canvas, 54

send method, 163

sendMyLocation() function, 186

server validation, 204

sessionStorage object, 264, 266, 267, 268, 269, 279, 280

setDragImage, 225

setItem(key, value) function, 270

shadowBlur property, 50

shadowColor property, 50

shadowOffsetX property, 50

shadowOffsetY property, 50

shadows, 50, 51

shape routines, 46

SimpleHTTPServer module, 299

slow-script warnings, 241

socket.onmessage handler, 187

socket.onopen callback, 281

spellcheck attribute, 202

split() routine, 278

split() utility, 187

SquirrelFish Extreme engine, 21

src attribute, 90, 91

Standards (or no-quirks) mode, 9

startTime attribute, 93

startVideo function, 98, 99

Status bar, 130, 131

step attribute, 203

stepMismatch constraint, 206

stopPropagation, 221, 222

stopPropagation(), 213

stopTimeline function, 101

Storage interface, 269

storage.key(), 280

storageArea, 272

StorageEvent interface, 272

StorageEvent object, 272

storageLog.html page, 292, 293

Streaming, 160

stringify() function, 20

stroke styles, 34, 35

strokeStyle property, 43

strokeText function, 48

structured data, 156

successCallback function, 115


Tamarin technology, 21

TCPConnection, 161

Theora video codec, 85

timeout attribute, 118

toggleSound() function, 95

tooLong constraint, 206

Touch API, 319

Touch events, 319, 320

Touchscreen device events, 317

transaction.executeSql() function, 288

translate method, 31

Tree Canopy, 71

two-dimensional context, 28

typeMismatch constraint, 205, 211


update() method, 301

updateFrame function, 97, 98

updateInterval variable, 97

updateLocation function, 186

updateLocation() function, 116, 117

User-defined geolocation data, 111


V8 engine, 21

validationMessage attribute, 207

ValidityState object, 204, 205, 213

valueAsNumber function, 203

valueMissing constraint, 205

Vector Markup Language (VML), 23


accessibility, 88, 89

attributes, 95

codecs, 84, 85

containers, 83, 84

Flash, 88

full-screen, 86

streaming, 85

unsupported, 85

Video API, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 104, 105, 106

video element

adding, 96

adding variables, 97

browser support for, 86, 87, 88

creating video timeline browser, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101

declaring, 89

mouseover video playback, 105, 106

playback controls, 91, 92, 94

source, 90, 91

startVideo function, adding, 98, 99

stopTimeline function, adding, 101

timeline code, 101

understanding, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94

updateFrame function, adding, 97, 98

using input, handling, 99, 100

working with, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101

videoHeight attribute, 95

videoWidth attribute, 95

volume attribute, 93

Vorbis audio codec, 85


watchPosition() function, 120, 121, 131

Web 2.0, 1

Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), 5

Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG), 3

Web Hypertext Application Working Group (WHATWG), 1

Web SQL Database, 286, 287, 288, 289, 291

Web Storage API, 263


plugging data leaks, 268


checking for browser support, 264, 265, 280

communicating updates, 272, 273

local vs. session storage, 269

plugging data leaks, 267

setting and retrieving values, 266, 267

attributes and functions, 269, 270, 271

benefits of, 285

browser support, 263, 264

browser treatment of, 273, 275

building application with begin, 275

building application with end, 286

cross-window communication, 292, 293

database. See Browser database storage

indexed database, 289, 290

JSON object storage, 291, 292

storage values, 273, 275

vs. cookies, 263, 264

Web Video Text Tracks (WebVTT), 88, 89

Web Workers API, 241, 242

browser support for, 242

building application with, 250, 251

application in action, 256, 257

coding blur.html application page, 253

coding blur.js helper script, 252

coding blurWorker.js Web Worker script, 254

communicating with Web Workers, 254, 255

example code, 257, 261

checking for browser support, 242, 243

coding JavaScript file, 246

communicating with web workers, 244, 245

creating Web Workers, 243

inline workers, 243

shared workers, 243

example code, 248, 249

handling errors, 246

loading and executing JavaScript, 244

stopping Web Workers, 247

timers, 248

within Web Workers, 247

WebGL, 314, 315

WebSocket, 281

Websocket API

definition, webSocket, 161

real-time and HTTP

complexity applications, 160

long-polling, 160

polling, 160

request and response headers, 160

streaming, 160

web server, 159

transport protocol, 161

WebSocket API, 3, 159


adding event listeners, 178

sending messages, 179, 180, 182

browser support for, 176

building application

adding Geolocation code, 185

adding WebSocket code, 185

coding HTML file, 183, 185

location tracker, 182, 183

tracker HTML code, 188, 189, 190

building application

adding Geolocation code, 186

echo server, 167, 168, 169


broadcast server, 170 code, 175

components, 169

EchoHandler, 170

masking, 169

server communication, 176, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175

WebSocketConnection, 170

handshake, 161, 162

interface, 163

network traffic and latency

half-duplex polling solution, 166, 167

HTTP request header, 164, 165

HTTP response header, 165

network overhead, 165

polling, 164, 165

reduction, 166

vs. polling solution, 166

XMLHTTPRequest, 164

protocol, 161, 162


creating WebSocket object and connecting to WebSocket server, 177

using begin, 176

WebSocket interface, 163

WebSocket server implementations, 168

WebSocketConnection, 170

WebSocketConnection instance, 169

width attribute, 95

Wi-Fi geolocation data, 110

willValidate attribute, 207

window object, 269

window.openDatabase() function, 287

window.orientation property, 317

window.WebSocket command, 176

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 1, 3

X, Y

XForms, 194

XMLHttpRequest, 146, 164

XMLHttpRequest Level 2

application in action, 156

browser support, 150

client-side vs. server-side aggregation, 148

code for application, 154

cross-origin communication, 147, 149

progress events, 149, 150

using, 150

binary data, 152

building application, 152, 153, 154

making cross-origin requests, 151

progress events, 151


Z-order, 47

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