PABLO CIBRARO is a regional CTO at Tellago Inc. and is an internationally recognized expert with more than 10 years of experience in architecting and implementing large distributed systems with Microsoft technologies. He has spent the past few years working directly with various Microsoft teams on building sample applications and writing guidance for building service-oriented applications with Web Services, Web Services Enhancements (WSE), and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). He also focuses on technologies that enable developers to build large-scale systems such as WCF, WF, Dublin, OSLO, and Windows Azure.

KURT CLAEYS is a .NET Solution Architect and trainer with more than 15 years practical experience in software development in many different areas. He was born and works in Belgium, where he is currently focused on service-oriented architectures and enterprise application integration implementations based on Windows Communication Foundation, BizTalk, and Azure AppFabric. After working in VB and ASP since 1995, he started working with .NET in general in 2002 and he got hooked to WCF in 2005. Kurt is now working for multiple financial companies and governmental institutes in Brussels as an architect, lead developer, and/or coach. As an MCT and MCSD, he's delivering both public and in-house training on .NET 3.5/4.0 and Azure, and he was Technical Learning Guide and Instructor Led Lab presenter at TechEd North America and TechEd Europe. His passion for technology is also expressed by speaking at numerous community and Microsoft events worldwide in the area of WCF and Azure. He's been awarded MVP Connected System Developer in 2008 for his community work. Kurt is also the competence leader for a unit of 150 .NET developers at ORDINA Belgium, where he's responsible for internal mentoring of co-workers on the implementation of WCF, BizTalk, and Azure AppFabric. When not behind a PC running Visual Studio 2010 or in front of a classroom, he enjoys spending time with wife and kids at home or traveling around the world. You can reach Kurt on www.devitect.net.

FABIO COZZOLINO is a Software Architect, Analyst and Developer, currently working at FimeSan, a CompuGroup Company, with a special involvement in the development of e-health platforms and solutions. He frequently participates as a speaker at events and user group meetings in the south of Italy, typically focusing his talks on topics like WCF and Windows Azure. He is also active in the community as the leader of DotNetSide, an Italian .NET User Group. Fabio currently writes numerous articles for the most popular Italian programming magazine and has published the Italian Windows Communication Foundation handbook, based on the first version of WCF. Thanks to his sustained and high quality activities within the communities, in 2010 he was awarded MVP for the Connected System Developer category. In 2004 Fabio achieved the MCAD (Microsoft Certified Application Developer) certification on .NET. Fabio has two blogs: http://dotnetside.org/blogs/fabio (Italian) and http://weblogs.asp.net/fabio (English). You can also follow Fabio on Twitter: http://twitter.com/fabiocozzolino.

JOHANN GRABNER lives in Graz, Austria, and has been in the software development and database business for almost fifteen years. Starting as a student of economics in 1991, he also began developing database applications. After these early experiences he enthusiastically started working as a Microsoft certified freelance trainer in the software development and database programming field in 1997, achieving all the necessary certifications like MCPD, MCITP, MCDBA, MCAD, MCSD, MCSD.Net, MCT, MCSE, OCP, and SCJP. Johann carried out several large software development and education projects for Austrian and international companies from different fields of business using Microsoft .NET technologies. He delivers consulting, coaching, and implementation services in the areas of service-oriented software development and database and SharePoint programming. Johann has been an MVP Connected System Developer since 2008. He has been a speaker and technical learning guide at various conferences, including Austria.NET, TechEd North America, and TechEd Europe, in addition to being the ASP.NET and VB.NET Proctor and Webcast presenter for several European countries. Johann also is regular speaker at the .NET Usergroup South Austria.

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