IAsyncResult interface, Asynchronous I/O
ICalc interface, Building a Server, Building the Client
ICloneable interface, The ICloneable Interface
ICloneable objects, strings and, Strings
ICollection interface, Collection Interfaces, Collection Interfaces
IComparable interface, Collection Interfaces, Constraints, Implementing IComparable, Strings
implementing, Implementing IComparable
strings and, Strings
IComparer interface, Collection Interfaces, Implementing IComparer, Implementing IComparer, Sorting the list of selected files
implementing, Implementing IComparer, Implementing IComparer
constraints, Implementing IComparer
IConvertible classes, Strings
IDataReader interface, Tables, Records, and Columns
IDE (Integrated Development Environment), Developing “Hello World”
identifiers, Identifiers, Defining Identifiers, Undefining Identifiers
defining, Defining Identifiers
undefining, Undefining Identifiers
IDeserializationCallback interface, Handling Transient Data
IDictionary interface, Collection Interfaces, IDictionary<K,V>
IDisposable interface, Destructors Versus Dispose
IDL (Interface Definition Language), The C# Language
IEnumerable interface, The IEnumerable<T> Interface, Queues, Strings
strings and, Strings
IEnumerator interface, Collection Interfaces, Queues
if statements, Nested if statements, switch statements: an alternative to nested ifs
nested, Nested if statements, switch statements: an alternative to nested ifs
switch statement as alternative, switch statements: an alternative to nested ifs
if...else statements, if...else statements
Iformatter interface, Using a Formatter
IL files, Compilation and the MSIL (see MSIL files)
ILDasm, Manifests
IList interface, Collection Interfaces
IMessage interface, Understanding marshaling with proxies
immutability of strings, Strings
implements relationship, Interfaces
implicit conversions, Converting built-in types, Boxing Is Implicit, Conversion Operators
boxing, Boxing Is Implicit
importing, Importing a Control in .NET, Importing COM Components, Coding the COMTestForm Program, Importing the COM .DLL to .NET, Importing the Type Library, Creating a Test Program, Using Late Binding and Reflection
COM components, Importing COM Components, Coding the COMTestForm Program, Importing the COM .DLL to .NET, Importing the Type Library, Creating a Test Program, Using Late Binding and Reflection
coding COMTestForm (example), Coding the COMTestForm Program
COM DLL to .NET, Importing the COM .DLL to .NET
late binding and reflection, Using Late Binding and Reflection
test program, creating, Creating a Test Program
type library to .NET, Importing the Type Library
controls in .NET, Importing a Control in .NET
in statements, Statements
increment and decrement operators, Increment and Decrement Operators
Increment( ) method (Interlocked), Using Interlocked
index operator, Accessing Array Elements
indexer property, declaring, Indexers
indexers, Indexers, Indexers, Indexers, Indexers, Indexers, Indexers, Indexers and Assignment, Indexing on Other Values
assignment and, Indexers and Assignment
defined, Indexers
get( ) method and, Indexers
overloading an index, Indexing on Other Values
set( ) method and, Indexers
syntax, Indexers
this keyword, Indexers
IndexOf( ) method, Arrays, List<T>, Manipulating Strings
(List), List<T>
(String), Manipulating Strings
(System.Array), Arrays
indirection, The C# Language
inheritance, The C# Language, Inheritance, Implementing Inheritance, Sealed Class, The Root of All Classes: Object, The Root of All Classes: Object, Structs, Using CaptureCollection
C and C++ programmers note, The Root of All Classes: Object
C# class, The C# Language
implementing, Implementing Inheritance
not supported by structs, Structs
from Object class, The Root of All Classes: Object
preventing with sealed classes, Sealed Class
regular expressions, Using CaptureCollection
Initialize( ) method (System.Array), Arrays
initializers, Initializers
inner class, Nesting Classes
inner exceptions, rethrowing (example), Rethrowing Exceptions
inner join (SQL), SQL
InnerException property (Exception), Rethrowing Exceptions
input/output (I/O), Console Applications, Displaying the Output, Implementing the Grid, Streams, Reading and Writing Data, Buffered Streams, Asynchronous I/O, Network I/O, Network I/O
(see also streams)
asynchronous, Streams, Asynchronous I/O, Network I/O
displaying output, web services client, Displaying the Output, Implementing the Grid
code-behind file, Implementing the Grid
network I/O, Network I/O
principal classes, .NET Framework, Reading and Writing Data
standard output, Console Applications
InputStream class, Read( ) method, Binary Files
Insert( ) method, List<T>, Manipulating Strings, Manipulating Strings, Manipulating Dynamic Strings
(List), List<T>
(String), Manipulating Strings, Manipulating Strings
(StringBuilder), Manipulating Dynamic Strings
InsertRange( ) method (List class), List<T>
instance members, Using Static Members
instance methods, delegates and, Delegates and Instance Methods
instanceof (Java), The is Operator
instances, Classes, Objects, and Types, Defining Classes, Using Static Fields
counting with static fields, Using Static Fields
difference between classes and, Defining Classes
int type, Choosing a built-in type
integers, Choosing a built-in type, Simple arithmetical operators (+, -, *, /), Conversion Operators
converting fractions to/from, Conversion Operators
division of, Simple arithmetical operators (+, -, *, /)
sizes of (short, int, or long), Choosing a built-in type
Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Developing “Hello World”
Intellisense, Autocomplete feature, Case Sensitivity
Interface attribute target, Attribute targets
Interface Definition Language (IDL), The C# Language
interface keyword, Defining and Implementing an Interface
interfaces, The C# Language, Property Access Modifiers, Interfaces, Interfaces, Interfaces, Interfaces, Defining and Implementing an Interface, Defining and Implementing an Interface, Defining and Implementing an Interface, Implementing More Than One Interface, Extending Interfaces, Combining Interfaces, Combining Interfaces, Accessing Interface Methods, Accessing Interface Methods, Accessing Interface Methods, Casting to an Interface, The is Operator, The as Operator, Interface Versus Abstract Class, Overriding Interface Implementations, Explicit Interface Implementation, Selectively Exposing Interface Methods, Member Hiding, Accessing Sealed Classes and Value Types, Collection Interfaces, Specifying a Server with an Interface, Specifying a Server with an Interface
abstract classes vs., Interfaces, Interface Versus Abstract Class
access modifiers and, Property Access Modifiers
collection, Collection Interfaces (see collections, interfaces)
combining, Combining Interfaces
creating an instance of, Accessing Interface Methods
defined, Interfaces
defining, Defining and Implementing an Interface
explicit implementation, Explicit Interface Implementation, Selectively Exposing Interface Methods, Member Hiding, Accessing Sealed Classes and Value Types
accessing sealed classes and value types, Accessing Sealed Classes and Value Types
hiding members, Member Hiding
methods, selectively exposing, Selectively Exposing Interface Methods
extending, Extending Interfaces
extending and combining (example), Combining Interfaces
implementing (simple example), Defining and Implementing an Interface
implementing multiple, Implementing More Than One Interface
implementing servers through, Specifying a Server with an Interface
instantiating directly, Accessing Interface Methods
member constants, Interfaces
methods, accessing, Accessing Interface Methods, Casting to an Interface, The is Operator, The as Operator
as operator, The as Operator
casting to an interface, Casting to an Interface
is operator, The is Operator
overriding implementations, Overriding Interface Implementations
purpose of, Defining and Implementing an Interface
servers, specifying, Specifying a Server with an Interface
Interlock class, Synchronization
Interlocked class, Using Interlocked
internal access modifier, Access Modifiers
internal keyword, Controlling Access
internal protected keyword, Controlling Access
InternalErrorException, Rethrowing Exceptions
Internet Information Server (IIS), Application Domains
Internet, invoking web services methods over, Web Services
Interrupt( ) method (Thread), Killing Threads
interrupting threads, Killing Threads
intrinsic types, Using the Visual Studio .NET Debugger, Types, Types
(see also built-in types)
IP addresses, Network I/O
is operator, The is Operator, The is Operator Versus the as Operator
vs. as operator, The is Operator Versus the as Operator
is-a relationship, Specialization and Generalization, Interfaces
implements relationship vs., Interfaces
IsBackground property (Thread), Killing Threads
IsFixedSize property (System.Array), Arrays
isolated storage, Isolated Storage, Isolated Storage, Isolated Storage
reading from, Isolated Storage
writing to, Isolated Storage
IsReadOnly property (System.Array), Arrays
IsSynchronized property (System.Array), Arrays
Item element for collection classes, List<T>
Item objects, Creating the desktop application, Searching by Category
Item property (IDictionary), IDictionary<K,V>
Item( ) method, List<T>, Dictionaries
(Dictionary), Dictionaries
(List), List<T>
ItemLookup object, Creating the desktop application
ItemLookupRequest objects, Creating the desktop application
ItemSearch object, Searching by Category
ItemSearchRequest objects, Searching by Category
ItemSearchResponse object, Searching by Category
Item_Bound method (DataGrid), Handling the RowDataBound Event
iteration statements, Statements, Iteration Statements, The goto statement, The while loop, The do...while loop, The for loop, The foreach statement, The continue and break statements
continue and break statements, The continue and break statements
doÉwhile loop, The do...while loop
for loop, The for loop
foreach, The foreach statement
goto, The goto statement
while loop, The while loop
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