
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


! (not) operator, Use of Logical Operators with Conditionals
!= (not equal) operator, Relational Operators
# (pound sign), in preprocessor directives, Preprocessor Directives
#define statement, Defining Identifiers
#elif statement, #if, #elif, #else, and #endif
#else statement, Defining Identifiers, #if, #elif, #else, and #endif
#endif statement, Defining Identifiers, #if, #elif, #else, and #endif
#endregion statement, #region
#if statement, Defining Identifiers
#region statement, #region
#undef statement, Undefining Identifiers
% (modulus) operator, The modulus operator (%) to return remainders
%= (modulus assignment) operator, Calculate and reassign operators
& (ampersand), Operator Precedence
& (logical AND) operator, Operator Precedence
& (logical AND) operator, Pointers
as an address-of C++ operator, Pointers
&& (AND) operator, Use of Logical Operators with Conditionals, Operator Precedence
( ) (parentheses), Operator Precedence, Regular Expressions, Using Regex Groups
grouping in regular expressions, Using Regex Groups
nesting for proper order of operations, Operator Precedence
regular expression metacharacters, Regular Expressions
(slash), XML Documentation Comments
///, in XML comment style, XML Documentation Comments
* (dereference operator), Pointers
* (multiplication) operator, Simple arithmetical operators (+, -, *, /)
*= (multiplication assignment) operator, Calculate and reassign operators
+ (addition) operator, Simple arithmetical operators (+, -, *, /), Using the operator Keyword
overloading, Using the operator Keyword
++ (increment) operator, Calculate and reassign operators
+= (addition assignment) operator, Calculate and reassign operators
, (comma), in array declarations, Rectangular arrays
- (subtraction) operator, Simple arithmetical operators (+, -, *, /)
-- (decrement) operator, Calculate and reassign operators
-= (subtraction assignment) operator, Calculate and reassign operators
-> (member access) operator, Pointers, Pointers
. (dot) operator, Console Applications, The Dot Operator (.), The Dot Operator (.)
for member access and namespaces, The Dot Operator (.)
invoking a method, Console Applications
. (member access) operator, Console Applications
writing text to the monitor, Console Applications
.aspx file extension, Understanding Web Forms
storing UI pages, Understanding Web Forms
.gif files, Assemblies and Versioning
.NET, Examining the Code, Programming .NET and COM, Importing a Control in .NET, Importing the COM .DLL to .NET, Importing the Type Library, Creating a Test Program, Using Late Binding and Reflection, Exporting .NET Components, Creating a Type Library, P/Invoke
components, exporting, Exporting .NET Components
controls, importing, Importing a Control in .NET
exporting components, Creating a Type Library
type library, creating, Creating a Type Library
importing COM DLL to, Importing the COM .DLL to .NET, Importing the Type Library, Creating a Test Program, Using Late Binding and Reflection
late binding and reflection, using, Using Late Binding and Reflection
test program, creating, Creating a Test Program
type library, Importing the Type Library
P/Invoke (platform invoke facility), P/Invoke
programming, Programming .NET and COM
secure coding, information on, Examining the Code
.NET Framework, The .NET Framework, The .NET Framework, Streams
architecture, The .NET Framework
streams and, Streams
.NET platform, The .NET Platform
.NET web services, Programming ASP.NET Applications and Web Services, Creating the Proxy
proxy, creating, Creating the Proxy
.wsdl file, Creating the Web Services Client
/ (division) operator, Simple arithmetical operators (+, -, *, /)
/ (slash), Comments, Comments
/* ... */ (C-Style comments), Comments
//, using for C# comments, Comments
/= (division assignment) operator, Calculate and reassign operators
:: (scope resolution) operator, C++, Namespaces
; (semicolon), Classes, Objects, and Types, Statements, Defining Classes
C# class definitions and, Defining Classes
C++ programmers note, Classes, Objects, and Types
ending C# statements, Statements
< (less than) operator, Relational Operators
<% and %>, indicating code between, Code-Behind Files
<< >> (shift) operator, Operator Precedence
<= less than or equals operator, Relational Operators
= (assignment) operator, The Assignment Operator (=)
== (equals) operator, Nested if statements, Relational Operators, The Equality Operator, Manipulating Strings
assignment operator (=) vs., Nested if statements
overloading, The Equality Operator
testing string equality, Manipulating Strings
> (greater than) operator, Relational Operators
>= (greater than or equals) operator, Relational Operators
? (conditional) operator, Clicking the target TreeView
?: (ternary) operator, Operator Precedence, The Ternary Operator
@ (at) symbol in verbatim string literals, Creating Strings, Using Regex Match Collections, Creating a DirectoryInfo Object
DirectoryInfo object, creating, Creating a DirectoryInfo Object
[] (brackets), Creating Polymorphic Methods, Declaring Arrays, Accessing Array Elements, Jagged arrays, Indexers, Manipulating Strings
accessing array members, Jagged arrays
array declarations, Declaring Arrays
[] (index) operator, Creating Polymorphic Methods, Accessing Array Elements, Indexers, Manipulating Strings
C#, overloading not supported, Indexers
finding particular character in a string, Manipulating Strings
\\ (backslash) escape character, Creating Strings
^ (caret), Regular Expressions
in regular expressions, Regular Expressions
^ (logical XOR) operator, Operator Precedence
{ } (braces), Classes, Objects, and Types, if...else statements, The for loop
class properties and behaviors, defining, Classes, Objects, and Types
surrounding statement blocks, if...else statements
whitespace and, The for loop
| (vertical bar), Use of Logical Operators with Conditionals, Operator Precedence, Regular Expressions
regular expression metacharacter, Regular Expressions
| (logical OR) operator, Operator Precedence
|| (logical OR) operator, Use of Logical Operators with Conditionals
|| (conditional OR) operator, Operator Precedence
~ (tilde), in destructor declarations, The C# Destructor
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