Main( ) method, Methods, Methods, Methods, Console Applications, The static Keyword, Invoking Static Methods, Building a Server, Using SingleCall, Understanding Endpoints, Asynchronous I/O
asynchronous I/O and, Asynchronous I/O
building a server using, Building a Server
C++ programmers note, Methods
console applications and, Console Applications
endpoints and, Understanding Endpoints
Java programmers note, Methods
SingleCall, using, Using SingleCall
static keyword and, The static Keyword
makefile for a multimodule assembly, Building a Multimodule Assembly
managed providers for ADO.NET, Using OLE DB Managed Providers
manifests, Manifests, Building a Multimodule Assembly, Step 1: Create a strong name, Step 2: Put the shared assembly in the GAC
multimodule assembly (example), Building a Multimodule Assembly
shared assembly (example), Step 1: Create a strong name, Step 2: Put the shared assembly in the GAC
Marshal( ) method (RemotingServices), Understanding RegisterWellKnownServiceType, Understanding Endpoints
MarshalByRefObject, Specifying the marshaling method, Marshaling Across Context Boundaries, Building a Server
marshaling, Marshaling and Remoting, Marshaling and Remoting, Marshaling and Remoting, Marshaling Across App Domain Boundaries, Marshaling Across App Domain Boundaries, Understanding marshaling with proxies, Specifying the marshaling method, Specifying the marshaling method, Specifying the marshaling method, Specifying the marshaling method, Marshaling Across Context Boundaries, Remoting, Understanding Endpoints, Serialization
(see also remoting)
across app domain boundaries, Marshaling Across App Domain Boundaries, Understanding marshaling with proxies, Specifying the marshaling method, Specifying the marshaling method
example, Specifying the marshaling method
methods, specifying, Specifying the marshaling method
with proxies, Understanding marshaling with proxies
across context boundaries, Marshaling Across Context Boundaries
by value, Marshaling and Remoting, Specifying the marshaling method
by value or by reference, Marshaling Across App Domain Boundaries, Specifying the marshaling method
defined, Marshaling and Remoting
object without well-known endpoint, Understanding Endpoints
serialization and, Serialization
Match class, Using Regex Match Collections, Using Regex Groups, Using CaptureCollection
Groups collection, Using Regex Groups
MatchCollection class, Using Regex Match Collections
Math class, Cos( ) method, Late Binding
mathematical operators, Mathematical Operators
member access (-) operator, Pointers
member constants (Java), Interfaces
member functions, Methods
members, class, Classes and Objects, Using Static Members
instance members or static members, Using Static Members
MemberTypes parameter, Finding particular type members
MemberwiseClone( ) method, The Root of All Classes: Object
memory, direct access with pointers, The C# Language
MemoryStream class, Reading and Writing Data
Message property (Exception), Exception Objects
MessageBox static Show( ) method, Handling the Delete Button Event
metacharacters (regular expression), Regular Expressions
metadata, The C# Language, Metadata, Building a Multimodule Assembly, Attributes and Reflection, Attributes and Reflection
(see also attributes; reflection)
AssemblyInfo.cs file, Building a Multimodule Assembly
defined, Attributes and Reflection
Method attribute target, Attribute targets
MethodInfo object, Late Binding
methods, The C# Language, Methods, Methods, Console Applications, The static Keyword, Defining Classes, Access Modifiers, Method Arguments, Using Static Members, Using Static Members, Invoking Static Methods, Using Static Fields, Overloading Methods and Constructors, Creating Polymorphic Methods, Creating Polymorphic Methods, Abstract Classes, Abstract Classes, The Root of All Classes: Object, Accessing Interface Methods, Using Delegates to Specify Methods at Runtime, Using Anonymous Methods, Callback Methods, Application Domains, Specifying the marshaling method
abstract, Abstract Classes, Abstract Classes
example, Abstract Classes
access modifiers, Access Modifiers
anonymous, Using Anonymous Methods
Appdomain class, Application Domains
arguments, Method Arguments
callback, Callback Methods
class vs. global, Using Static Members
declaring, Methods
defined, Methods
defining and declaring, Defining Classes
interface, Accessing Interface Methods (see interfaces)
invocation through indirection, The C# Language
invoking with . (dot) operator, Console Applications
marshaling, specifying, Specifying the marshaling method
Object class, The Root of All Classes: Object
overloading, Overloading Methods and Constructors
polymorphic, Creating Polymorphic Methods
specifying at runtime, Using Delegates to Specify Methods at Runtime
static, The static Keyword, Using Static Members, Invoking Static Methods, Using Static Fields
accessing static fields, Using Static Fields
invoking, Invoking Static Methods
virtual, Creating Polymorphic Methods (see methods, polymorphic)
Microsoft, Case Sensitivity, Identifiers
code style guidelines, Case Sensitivity
naming conventions, Identifiers
Microsoft Intermediate Language files, Compilation and the MSIL (see MSIL files)
Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE), Getting Started with ADO.NET
mix-ins, Interfaces
Module attribute target, Attribute targets
modules, PE Files, Multimodule Assemblies
multimodule assemblies, Multimodule Assemblies (see multimodule assemblies)
modulus operator (%), The modulus operator (%) to return remainders, Calculate and reassign operators
%= (modulus assignment) operator, Calculate and reassign operators
Monitor class, Synchronization
monitors, synchronizing threads, Using Monitors, Using Monitors
Monitor object (example), Using Monitors
Mono compiler, Compiling and Running “Hello World”
Move( ) method, Working with Directories, Working with Files
(Directory class), Working with Directories
(File class), Working with Files
MoveFile( ) method, P/Invoke
MoveFirst( ) method, Tables, Records, and Columns
MoveTo( ) method, Working with Directories, Working with Files, P/Invoke
(DirectoryInfo class), Working with Directories
(FileInfo class), Working with Files
P/Invoke and, P/Invoke
mscorlib assembly, Manifests
MSDE (Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine), Getting Started with ADO.NET
MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) files, Compilation and the MSIL, Compiling and Running “Hello World”
compilation and, Compilation and the MSIL
JIT compilation and, Compiling and Running “Hello World”
Mult( ) method, Building a Web Service
multicast delegates, retrieving values from, Retrieving Values from Multicast Delegates
multicasting, Multicasting
multidimensional arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, Array Bounds
bounds of dimensions, Array Bounds
multimodule assemblies, Multimodule Assemblies, Multimodule Assemblies, Building a Multimodule Assembly, Building a Multimodule Assembly, Testing the assembly, Loading the assembly
building, Building a Multimodule Assembly, Building a Multimodule Assembly, Testing the assembly, Loading the assembly
loading the assembly, Loading the assembly
makefile, using, Building a Multimodule Assembly
testing, Testing the assembly
multiplication (*) operator, Simple arithmetical operators (+, -, *, /)
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