Chapter 9. Containers and Kubernetes

Container deployments are becoming more common with technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes—you may even already be using them. In this chapter I will cover exporters that you can use with containers, and explain how to use Prometheus with Kubernetes.

All Prometheus components run happily in containers, with the sole exception of the Node exporter as noted in Chapter 7.


In the same way the Node exporter provides metrics about the machine, cAdvisor is an exporter that provides metrics about cgroups. Cgroups are a Linux kernel isolation feature that are usually used to implement containers on Linux, and are also used by runtime environments such as systemd.

You can run cAdvisor with Docker:

docker run 

Due to issues with incorrect usage of the Prometheus Go client library, you should avoid versions of cAdvisor before 0.28.3.

If you visit http://localhost:8080/metrics you will see a long list of metrics, as Figure 9-1 shows.

The container metrics are prefixed with container_, and you will notice that they all have an id label. The id labels starting with /docker/ are from Docker and its containers, and if you have /user.slice/ and /system.slice/, they come from systemd running on your machine. If you have other software using cgroups, its cgroups will also be listed.

cAdvisor /metrics
Figure 9-1. The start of a /metrics page from cAdvisor

These metrics can be scraped with a prometheus.yml such as:

 - job_name: cadvisor
    - targets:
      - localhost:8080


You will find three metrics for container CPU: container_cpu_usage_seconds_​total, container_cpu_system_seconds_total, and container_cpu_user_seconds_​total.

container_cpu_usage_seconds_total is split out by CPU, but not by mode. container_cpu_system_seconds_total and container_cpu_user_seconds_total are the user and system modes, respectively, similar to the Node exporter’s “CPU Collector”. These are all counters with which you can use the rate function.


With many containers and CPUs in one machine, you may find that the aggregate cardinality of metrics from cAdvisor becomes a performance issue. You can use a drop relabel action as discussed in “metric_relabel_configs” to drop less-valuable metrics at scrape time.


Similar to in the Node exporter, the memory usage metrics are less than perfectly clear and require digging through code and documentation to understand them.

container_memory_cache is the page cache used by the container, in bytes. container_memory_rss is the resident set size (RSS), in bytes. This is not the same RSS or physical memory used as a process would have, as it excludes the sizes of mapped files.1 container_memory_usage_bytes is the RSS and the page cache, and is what is limited by container_spec_memory_limit_bytes if the limit is nonzero. container_memory_working_set_bytes is calculated by subtracting the inactive file-backed memory (total_inactive_file from the kernel) from container_​memory_usage_bytes.

In practice, container_memory_working_set_bytes is the closest to RSS that is exposed, and you may also wish to keep an eye on container_memory_usage_bytes as it includes page cache.

In general, I would recommend relying on metrics such as process_resident_​memory_bytes from the process itself rather than metrics from the cgroups. If your applications do not expose Prometheus metrics, then cAdvisor is a good stopgap, and cAdvisor metrics are still important for debugging and profiling.


Cgroups are organised in a hierarchy, with the / cgroup at the root of the hierarchy. The metrics for each of your cgroups include the usage of the cgroups below it. This goes against the usual rule that within a metric the sum or average is meaningful, and is thus an example of the “Table Exception”.

In addition to the id label, cAdvisor adds in more labels about containers if it has them. For Docker containers there will always be the image and name labels, for the specific Docker image being run and Docker’s name for the container.

Any metadata labels Docker has for a container will also be included with a container_label_ prefix. Arbitrary labels like these from a scrape can break your monitoring, so you may wish to remove them with a labeldrop as shown in Example 9-1, and as I talked about in “labeldrop and labelkeep”.2

Example 9-1. Using labeldrop to drop container_label_ labels from cAdvisor
 - job_name: cadvisor
    - targets:
       - localhost:9090
    - regex: 'container_label_.*'
      action: labeldrop


Kubernetes is a popular platform for orchestrating containers. Like Prometheus, the Kubernetes project is part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Here I am going to cover running Prometheus on Kubernetes and working with its service discovery.

As Kubernetes is a large and fast-moving target, I am not going to cover it in exhaustive detail. If you would like more depth, I would suggest the book Kubernetes: Up and Running by Joe Beda, Brendan Burns, and Kelsey Hightower (O’Reilly).

Running in Kubernetes

To demonstrate using Prometheus with Kubernetes, I will use Minikube, a tool used to run a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a virtual machine.

Follow the steps in Example 9-2. I’m using a Linux amd64 machine with VirtualBox already installed. If you are running in a different environment, follow the Minikube installation documentation. Here I am using Minikube 0.24.1 and Kubernetes 1.8.0.

Example 9-2. Downloading and running Minikube
hostname $ wget
hostname $ mv minikube-linux-amd64 minikube
hostname $ chmod +x minikube
hostname $ ./minikube start
Starting local Kubernetes v1.8.0 cluster...
Starting VM...
Getting VM IP address...
Moving files into cluster...
Setting up certs...
Connecting to cluster...
Setting up kubeconfig...
Starting cluster components...
Kubectl is now configured to use the cluster.
Loading cached images from config file.

minikube dashboard --url will provide you with a URL for the Kubernetes Dashboard, from which you can inspect your Kubernetes cluster.

You will also need to install kubectl, which is a command-line tool used to interact with Kubernetes clusters. Example 9-3 shows how to install it and confirm that it can talk to your Kubernetes cluster.

Example 9-3. Downloading and tesing kubectl
hostname $ wget
hostname $ chmod +x kubectl
hostname $ ./kubectl get services
kubernetes   ClusterIP    <none>        443/TCP   44s

Example 9-4 shows how to get an example Prometheus running on Minikube. prometheus-deployment.yml contains permissions so that your Prometheus can access resources such as pods and nodes in the cluster, a configMap is created to hold the Prometheus configuration file, a deployment to run Prometheus, and a service to make it easier for you to access the Prometheus UI. The final command, the ./minikube service, will provide you with a URL where you can access the Prometheus UI.

Example 9-4. Setting up permissions and running Prometheus on Kubernetes
hostname $./kubectl apply -f prometheus-deployment.yml
hostname $./minikube service prometheus --url

The target status page should look like Figure 9-2. You can find prometheus-deployment.yml on GitHub.

Target status page of Prometheus
Figure 9-2. Targets of the example Prometheus running on Kubernetes

This is a basic Kubernetes setup to demonstrate the core ideas behind monitoring on Kubernetes, and it is not intended for you to use directly in production; for example, all data is lost every time Prometheus restarts.

Service Discovery

There are currently five different types of Kubernetes service discoveries you can use with Prometheus, namely node, endpoints, service, pod, and ingress. Prometheus uses the Kubernetes API to discover targets.


Node service discovery is used to discover the nodes comprising the Kubernetes cluster, and you will use it to monitor the infrastructure around Kubernetes. The Kubelet is the name of the agent that runs on each node, and you should scrape it as part of monitoring the health of the Kubernetes cluster (Example 9-5).

Example 9-5. prometheus.yml fragment to scrape the Kubelet
- job_name: 'kubelet'
   - role: node
  scheme: https
    ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
    insecure_skip_verify: true

Example 9-5 shows the configuration being used by Prometheus to scrape the Kubelet. I’m going to break down the scrape config:

job_name: 'kubelet'

A default job label is provided, and as there are no relabel_configs, kubelet will be the job label:3

- role: node

A single Kubernetes service discovery is provided with the node role. The node role discovers one target for each of your Kubelets. As Prometheus is running inside the cluster, the defaults for the Kubernetes service discovery are already set up to authenticate with the Kubernetes API.

scheme: https
  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
  insecure_skip_verify: true

The Kubelet serves its /metrics over HTTPS, so we must specify the scheme. Kubernetes clusters usually have their own certificate authority that are used to sign their TLS certs, and the ca_file provides that for the scrape. Unfortunately Minikube doesn’t get this quite right, so insecure_skip_verify is required to bypass security checks.

The returned target points at the Kubelet, and authentication/authorisation is turned off in this Minikube setup, so no further configuration is needed.


The tls_config in the scrape config contains TLS settings for the scrape. kubernetes_sd_configs also has a tls_config that contains TLS settings for when service discovery talks to the Kubernetes API.

The metadata available includes node annotations and labels, as you can see in Figure 9-3. You could use this metadata with relabel_configs to add labels to distinguish interesting subsets of nodes, such as those with different hardware.

One discovered target on the service discovery status page
Figure 9-3. The Kubelet on the service discovery status page of Prometheus

The Kubelet’s own /metrics only contain metrics about the Kubelet itself, not container-level information. The Kubelet has an embedded cAdvisor on its /metrics/cadvisor endpoint. Scraping the embedded cAdvisor only requires adding a metrics_path to the scrape config used with the Kubelet, as shown in Example 9-6. The embedded cAdvisor includes labels for the Kubernetes namespace and pod_name.

Example 9-6. prometheus.yml fragment to scrape the Kubelet’s embedded cAdvisor
- job_name: 'cadvisor'
   - role: node
  scheme: https
    ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
    insecure_skip_verify: true
  metrics_path: /metrics/cadvisor

Node service discovery can be used for anything you want to monitor that runs on each machine in a Kubernetes cluster. If the Node exporter was running on your Minikube node you could scrape it by relabelling the port, for example.


Node service discovery is useful for monitoring the infrastructure of and under Kubernetes, but not much use for monitoring your applications running on Kubernetes.

There are several ways that you can organise your applications on Kubernetes, and no single clear standard has emerged yet. But you are likely using services, which is how applications on Kubernetes find each other.

While there is a service role, it is not what you usually want. The service role returns a single target for each port4 of your services. Services are basically load balancers, and scraping targets through load balancers is not wise as Prometheus can scrape a different application instance each time. However, the service role can be useful for blackbox monitoring, to check if the service is responding at all.


Prometheus should be configured to have a target for each application instance, and the endpoints role provides just that. Services are backed by pods. Pods are a group of tightly coupled containers that share network and storage. For each Kubernetes service port, the endpoints service discovery role returns a target for each pod backing that service. Additionally, any other ports of the pods will be returned as targets.

That’s a bit of a mouthful, so let’s look at an example. One of the services that is running in your Minikube is the kubernetes service, which are the Kubernetes API servers. Example 9-7 is a scrape config that will discover and scrape the API servers.

Example 9-7. prometheus.yml fragment used to scrape the Kubernetes API servers
- job_name: 'k8apiserver'
   - role: endpoints
  scheme: https
    ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
    insecure_skip_verify: true
  bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/
   - source_labels:
      - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
      - __meta_kubernetes_service_name
      - __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name
     action: keep
     regex: default;kubernetes;https

Breaking down this scrape config:

job_name: 'k8apiserver'

The job label is going to be k8apiserver, as there’s no target relabelling to change it:

- role: endpoints

There is a single Kubernetes service discovery using the endpoints role, which will return a target for every port of every pod backing each of your services:

scheme: https
  ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
  insecure_skip_verify: true
bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/

As with the Kubelet, the API servers are served over HTTPS. In addition, authentication is required, which is provided by the bearer_token_file:

- source_labels:
    - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
    - __meta_kubernetes_service_name
    - __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name
  action: keep
  regex: default;kubernetes;https

This relabel configuration will only return targets that are in the default namespace, and are part of a service called kubernetes with a port called https.

You can see the resulting target in Figure 9-4. The API server is special, so there isn’t much metadata. All the other potential targets were dropped.

One discovered target on the service discovery status page
Figure 9-4. The API server on the service discovery status page of Prometheus

While you will want to scrape the API servers, most of the time you’ll be focused on your applications. Example 9-8 shows how you can automatically scrape the pods for all of your services.

Example 9-8. prometheus.yml fragment to scrape pods backing all Kubernetes services, except the API servers
 - job_name: 'k8services'
    - role: endpoints
    - source_labels:
       - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
       - __meta_kubernetes_service_name
      regex: default;kubernetes
      action: drop
    - source_labels:
       - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
      regex: default
      action: keep
    - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
      target_label: job

Once again I’ll break it down:

job_name: 'k8services'
 - role: endpoints

As with the previous example, this is providing a job name and the Kubernetes endpoints role, but this does not end up as the job label due to later relabelling.

There are no HTTPS settings, as I know the targets are all plain HTTP. There is no bearer_token_file, as no authentication is required, and sending a bearer token to all of your services could allow them to impersonate you:5

- source_labels:
    - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
    - __meta_kubernetes_service_name
  regex: default;kubernetes
  action: drop
- source_labels:
    - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
  regex: default
  action: keep

I excluded the API server, as there is already another scrape config handling it. I also only looked at the default namespace, which is where I am launching applications:6

- source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
  target_label: job

This relabel action takes the Kubernetes service name and uses it as the job label. The job_name I provided for the scrape config is only a default, and does not apply.

In this way you can have your Prometheus automatically pick up new services and start scraping them with a useful job label. In this case that’s just Prometheus itself, as shown in Figure 9-5.

One discovered target on the service discovery status page
Figure 9-5. Prometheus has automatically discovered itself using endpoint service discovery

You could go a step further and use relabelling to add additional labels from service or pod metadata, or even set __scheme__ or __metrics_path__ based on a Kubernetes annotation, as shown in Example 9-9. These would look for,, and service annotations,7 and use them if present.

Example 9-9. Relabelling using Kubernetes service annotations to optionally configure the scheme, path, and port of targets
 - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
   regex: (.+)
   target_label: __scheme__
 - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
   regex: (.+)
   target_label: __metrics_path__
 - source_labels:
    - __address__
    - __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port
   regex: ([^:]+)(:d+)?;(d+)
   replacement: ${1}:${3}
   target_label: __address__

This is limited to monitoring only one port per service. You could have another scrape config using the annotation, and so on for however many ports you need.


Discovering endpoints is great for monitoring the primary processes backing your services, but it won’t discover pods that are not part of services.

The pod role discovers pods. It will return a target for each port of every one of your pods. As it works off pods, service metadata such as labels and annotations are not available as pods do not know which services they are members of. But you will have access to all pod metadata. How you use this boils down to a question of what conventions you want to use. The Kubernetes ecosystem is rapidly evolving, and there is no one standard yet.

You could create a convention that all pods must be part of a service, and then use the endpoint role in service discovery. You could have a convention that all pods have a label indicating the (single) Kubernetes service they are a part of, and use the pod role for service discovery. As all ports have names, you could base a convention off that and have ports named with a prefix of prom-http be scraped with HTTP, and prom-https be scraped with HTTPS.

One of the components that comes with Minikube is kube-dns, which provides DNS services. Its pod has multiple ports, including a port named metrics that serves Prometheus metrics. Example 9-10 shows how you could discover this port and use the name of the container as the job label, as Figure 9-6 shows.

Example 9-10. prometheus.yml to discover all pod ports with the name metrics and to use the container name as the job label
- job_name: 'k8pods'
   - role: pod
   - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name]
     regex: metrics
     action: keep
   - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name]
     target_label: job
Two discovered targets on the service discovery status page
Figure 9-6. Two targets discovered using pod service discovery

Another approach to managing what to monitor is the Prometheus Operator, which uses the custom resource definition feature of Kubernetes. The Operator also manages running Prometheus and the Alertmanager for you.


An ingress is a way for a Kubernetes service to be exposed outside the cluster. As it is a layer on top of services, similar to the service role the ingress role is also basically a load balancer. If multiple pods backed the service and thus ingress, this would cause you problems when scraping with Prometheus. Accordingly, you should only use this role for blackbox monitoring.


Using Kubernetes service discovery you can have Prometheus scrape your applications and Kubernetes infrastructure, but this will not include metrics about what Kubernetes knows about your services, pods, deployments, and other resources. This is because applications such as the Kubelet and Kubernetes API servers should expose information about their own performance, not dump their internal data structures.8

Instead, you would obtain such metrics from another endpoint,9 or if that doesn’t exist, have an exporter that extracts the relevant information. For Kubernetes, kube-state-metrics is that exporter.

To run kube-state-metrics you should follow the steps in Example 9-11 and then visit the /metrics on the returned URL in your browser. You can find kube-state-metrics.yml on GitHub.

Example 9-11. Running kube-state-metrics
hostname $./kubectl apply -f kube-state-metrics.yml
hostname $./minikube service kube-state-metrics --url

Some useful metrics include kube_deployment_spec_replicas for the intended number of metrics in a deployment, kube_node_status_condition for node problems, and kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total for pod restarts.


This kube-state-metrics will be automatically scraped by Prometheus due to the scrape config in Example 9-8.

kube-state-metrics features several examples of “Enum” and “Info” metrics, such as kube_node_status_condition and kube_pod_info, respectively.

Now that you have an idea about how to use Prometheus in container environments, let’s look at some of the common exporters you will run into.

1 Mapped files include both mmap and any libraries used by a process. This is exposed by the kernel as file_​mapped but is not used by cAdvisor, thus the standard RSS is not available from cAdvisor.

2 The behaviour of cAdvisor is the main reason the labeldrop and labelkeep relabel actions were added.

3 I don’t use node as the job label, as that’s typically used for the Node exporter.

4 A service can have multiple ports.

5 This is also the case with basic auth, but not for a challenge-response mechanism like TLS client certificate authentication.

6 And to not cause confusion with Example 9-10, as kube-dns is in the kube-system namespace.

7 Foward slashes are not valid in label names, so they are sanitised to underscores.

8 Put another way, a database exporter does not dump the contents of the database as metrics.

9 Such as the Kubelet exposing cAdvisor’s metrics on another endpoint.

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