Chapter 10. Getting Paid to Blog

The most important element in making your blog profitable is creating interesting content on your web site that someone might want to come and read. Once you’ve got that piece taken care of, you can work on placing ads on your site that your visitors might find useful enough to click, and by doing so, generate income for you.

Because of the connection between Google and Blogger, Blogger has several tools that facilitate placing Google ads on your blog. If those tools aren’t robust enough, you can go directly to the source at Google’s AdSense web site and customize the ads to your liking.

In addition, you can add just about any affiliate program’s ad codes to an HTML/JavaScript gadget on Blogger in order to include their ads on your blog as well.

About AdSense

AdSense, as Google’s web site explains, is part of Google’s advertising ecosystem. Here’s how it works. First, Google sells space, or “ad units”, to companies that want to advertise their products. Ad units currently come in 18 sizes and can be composed of text, images, or video, or some combination thereof. Google then categorizes the ads in terms of content.

Since it makes most sense to advertise a product to folks interested in that product, Google doesn’t place its clients’ ads randomly. Instead, when you sign up for the AdSense program, Google assesses your site and decides which of its clients’ ads are a good match for your content. It then feeds ads to your site that it considers to be of possible interest to your visitors, given the content on your page.

When one of your visitors clicks on a Google AdSense ad, Google gives you a commission.

Because Blogger and AdSense are sister programs under Google’s umbrella, there are special tools and shortcuts that make implementing AdSense on Blogger particularly easy. Nevertheless, you can always visit AdSense’s web site directly, where you will find additional options not offered through Blogger.

Set Up AdSense

Set Up AdSense
Set Up AdSense
  • Set Up AdSense Fill out all the electronic paperwork until you see that AdSense has been enabled for your blog (not shown).

Add an AdSense Gadget

Add an AdSense Gadget
Add an AdSense Gadget
Add an AdSense Gadget
  • Add an AdSense Gadget Repeat the process for each ad you want to insert (up to 3 on a page).

Adjust ad Placement

Adjust ad Placement
Adjust ad Placement

Add Inline Ads

Add Inline Ads
Add Inline Ads

Use the AdSense Site

Google’s AdSense site lets you customize your ads, create channels for tracking particular sites or ads, create search boxes, insert ads in feeds, and more.

Use the AdSense Site
Use the AdSense Site

Ad Units vs. Link Units

Ad Units vs. Link Units
Ad Units vs. Link Units
Ad Units vs. Link Units

Format and Colors

Format and Colors
Format and Colors

Track Ads with Channels

Think of an AdSense channel as the conduit by which traffic runs through your site to the advertiser. You can get earnings reports broken down by channel in order to see how your ads are working on a particular domain or subdomain (through a URL channel), or in a particular location (through a custom channel).

Track Ads with Channels
Track Ads with Channels
Track Ads with Channels

Name your Ad

Name your Ad

Place the Ad

Once you’ve gone through the whole process of creating an ad, the AdSense site will show you the code you need to place the ad.

Place the Ad
Place the Ad
Place the Ad
Place the Ad

Track your Earnings

  • Track your Earnings Once you’ve set up AdSense, clicking the Monetize tab will bring you to your Earnings report.

    Track your Earnings
    Track your Earnings

Other Affiliate Programs

Other Affiliate Programs
Other Affiliate Programs
Other Affiliate Programs
Other Affiliate Programs
Other Affiliate Programs

Extra Bits


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