About the Reviewers

Oscar Campos is a senior Python developer in Dublin, Ireland. He has great experience working with Python and many free software projects and contributions as well. He is the author of SublimePySide the Sublime Text plugin to work with PySide. You can take a look at his free software projects on his Github site on https://github.com/DamnWidget. He works for for Dedsert Ltd. an online gambling startup company located in south Dublin.

Dr. Jibo He is an avid developer using Python, PySide, and Qt. He has over seven years' experience using Python for his scientific research and entrepreneur careers. He has used PySide to develop important usability and search engine optimization software for the company UESEO LLC. He is honored to be the reviewer of this book, and expects more developers using PySide. He has also worked on PsychoPy/Python for Social Scientists and MATLAB for Social Scientists.

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