Topic models at scale

For the final Spark example, we will do a simple topic modelling using MLLib (the Spark machine learning library) on our corpus.

We will use nouns as the features for our documents. First we will import the required classes:

from pyspark.mllib.clustering import LDA, LDAModel 
from pyspark.mllib.linalg import Vectors 

We will build the vocabulary from the noun word count RDD:

vocabulary = w: w[0]).collect() 

Next, we need to transform the chunks corpus into a list of nouns per document:

doc_nouns = chunks  
    .map(lambda chunks: filter( 
            lambda chunk: chunk.part_of_speech == 'NP', 
    .filter(lambda chunks: len(chunks) > 0)  
    .map(lambda chunks: list(chain.from_iterable(map( 
            lambda chunk: chunk.words, 
    .map(lambda words: filter( 
            lambda word: match_noun_like_pos(word.part_of_speech), 
    .filter(lambda words: len(words) > 0)  
    .map(lambda words: map( 
            lambda word: word.string.lower(), 

Next, we need to transform the doc_nouns RDD into a vector representation, where the size of the vector is the size of the vocabulary, each index corresponds to the vocabulary item's index.

So, if we have the vocabulary: [paris, tokyo, world], and we have the sentence: Hello World! This is Paris Calling!, the sentence would have the following vector representation: [1, 0, 1]

def get_vector_representation(nouns, vocab): 
    return  Vectors.dense(map( 
        lambda word: 1.0 if word in nouns else 0.0, 
doc_vecs = doc_nouns  
    .map(lambda nouns: get_vector_representation(set(nouns), vocabulary))  
    .zipWithIndex().map(lambda x: [x[1], x[0]]) 
The zipWithIndex will create unique ID numbers of each document. The ID will be their index value in the RDD.

Next we train the LDA Model:

   ldaModel = LDA.train(doc_vecs, k=3) 

Let's see the features for each topic:

print("Learned topics (as distributions over vocab of " + str(ldaModel.vocabSize()) + " words):") 
topics = ldaModel.topicsMatrix() 
for topic in range(3): 
    print("Topic " + str(topic) + ":") 
    topic_words = sorted(map( 
        lambda d: (topics[d[0]][topic], d[1]), 
    ), reverse=True) 
    for word in topic_words[:10]: 
        print("{}: {}".format(word[1], word[0])) 
    print '-----------' 

That should give you the following output:

    Learned topics (as distributions over vocab of 2279 words):
    Topic 0:
    state: 27.6350480347
    city: 18.9516713343
    mr.: 17.5439356649
    president: 16.8568307883
    year: 15.4074257761
    committee: 14.0324129502
    administration: 13.9553862346
    bill: 12.960995307
    election: 11.6073234867
    house: 11.5578186886
    Topic 1:
    state: 26.203168362
    administration: 18.269679186
    year: 16.2404114273
    president: 16.0424256301
    city: 14.5047677994
    bill: 13.728963992
    committee: 13.6235523038
    mr.: 13.6074814177
    tax: 12.0525070432
    states: 11.6004234735
    Topic 2:
    state: 27.1617836034
    city: 17.5435608663
    president: 16.1007435816
    mr.: 15.8485829174
    administration: 15.7749345795
    states: 14.7379675751
    year: 13.3521627966
    house: 12.5135762168
    election: 12.140906292
    united: 11.8705878794

That's it! We have created three clusters using the LDA and nouns extracted from our list of sentences plus this process was completely distributed and scalable!

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