
We have had enormous support from many colleagues, friends, and family in making this book a reality. We thank our wives, Katie Gray and Meg Vogel, for their continual support and for managing our chaotic kids so we could write our manuscript. We'd also like to thank the entire team at Alpha Architect, for dealing with the two of us while we drafted the initial manuscript. David Foulke provided invaluable comments and read the manuscript so many times his head is still spinning. Walter Haynes also played a pivotal role in making the manuscript a lot better. Yang Xu was immensely helpful on the research front, grinding numbers into the late hours of the night. Finally, to the rest of the Alpha Architect team—Tian Yao, Yang Xu, Tao Wang, Pat Cleary, Carl Kanner, and Xin Song—we are forever indebted! We'd also like to thank outside readers for their early comments and incredible insights. Andrew Miller, Larry Dunn, Matt Martelli, Pat O'Shaughnessy, Gary Antonacci, and a handful of anonymous readers made the book so much better than it would have been had we been working alone. Finally, we think our editor Julie Kerr for her invaluable feedback.

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