Table of Contents


Brief Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Praise for React Quickly




About This Book

About the Author

About the Cover

1. React foundation

Chapter 1. Meeting React

1.1. What is React?

1.2. The problem that React solves

1.3. Benefits of using React

1.3.1. Simplicity

1.3.2. Speed and testability

1.3.3. Ecosystem and community

1.4. Disadvantages of React

1.5. How React can fit into your web applications

1.5.1. React libraries and rendering targets

1.5.2. Single-page applications and React

1.5.3. The React stack

1.6. Your first React code: Hello World

1.7. Quiz

1.8. Summary

1.9. Quiz answers

Chapter 2. Baby steps with React

2.1. Nesting elements

2.2. Creating component classes

2.3. Working with properties

2.4. Quiz

2.5. Summary

2.6. Quiz answers

Chapter 3. Introduction to JSX

3.1. What is JSX, and what are its benefits?

3.2. Understanding JSX

3.2.1. Creating elements with JSX

3.2.2. Working with JSX in components

3.2.3. Outputting variables in JSX

3.2.4. Working with properties in JSX

3.2.5. Creating React component methods

3.2.6. if/else in JSX

3.2.7. Comments in JSX

3.3. Setting up a JSX transpiler with Babel

3.4. React and JSX gotchas

3.4.1. Special characters

3.4.2. data-attributes

3.4.3. style attribute

3.4.4. class and for

3.4.5. Boolean attribute values

3.5. Quiz

3.6. Summary

3.7. Quiz answers

Chapter 4. Making React interactive with states

4.1. What are React component states?

4.2. Working with states

4.2.1. Accessing states

4.2.2. Setting the initial state

4.2.3. Updating states

4.3. States and properties

4.4. Stateless components

4.5. Stateful vs. stateless components

4.6. Quiz

4.7. Summary

4.8. Quiz answers

Chapter 5. React component lifecycle events

5.1. A bird’s-eye view of React component lifecycle events

5.2. Categories of events

5.3. Implementing an event

5.4. Executing all events together

5.5. Mounting events

5.5.1. componentWillMount()

5.5.2. componentDidMount()

5.6. Updating events

5.6.1. componentWillReceiveProps(newProps)

5.6.2. shouldComponentUpdate()

5.6.3. componentWillUpdate()

5.6.4. componentDidUpdate()

5.7. Unmounting event

5.7.1. componentWillUnmount()

5.8. A simple example

5.9. Quiz

5.10. Summary

5.11. Quiz answers

Chapter 6. Handling events in React

6.1. Working with DOM events in React

6.1.1. Capture and bubbling phases

6.1.2. React events under the hood

6.1.3. Working with the React SyntheticEvent event object

6.1.4. Using events and state

6.1.5. Passing event handlers as properties

6.1.6. Exchanging data between components

6.2. Responding to DOM events not supported by React

6.3. Integrating React with other libraries: jQuery UI events

6.3.1. Integrating buttons

6.3.2. Integrating labels

6.4. Quiz

6.5. Summary

6.6. Quiz answers

Chapter 7. Working with forms in React

7.1. The recommended way to work with forms in React

7.1.1. Defining a form and its events in React

7.1.2. Defining form elements

7.1.3. Capturing form changes

7.1.4. Account field example

7.2. Alternative ways to work with forms

7.2.1. Uncontrolled elements with change capturing

7.2.2. Uncontrolled elements without capturing changes

7.2.3. Using references to access values

7.2.4. Default values

7.3. Quiz

7.4. Summary

7.5. Quiz answers

Chapter 8. Scaling React components

8.1. Default properties in components

8.2. React property types and validation

8.3. Rendering children

8.4. Creating React higher-order components for code reuse

8.4.1. Using displayName: distinguishing child components from their parent

8.4.2. Using the spread operator: passing all of your attributes

8.4.3. Using higher-order components

8.5. Best practices: presentational vs. container components

8.6. Quiz

8.7. Summary

8.8. Quiz answers

Chapter 9. Project: Menu component

9.1. Project structure and scaffolding

9.2. Building the menu without JSX

9.2.1. The Menu component

9.2.2. The Link component

9.2.3. Getting it running

9.3. Building the menu in JSX

9.3.1. Refactoring the Menu component

9.3.2. Refactoring the Link component

9.3.3. Running the JSX project

9.4. Homework

9.5. Summary

Chapter 10. Project: Tooltip component

10.1. Project structure and scaffolding

10.2. The Tooltip component

10.2.1. The toggle() function

10.2.2. The render() function

10.3. Getting it running

10.4. Homework

10.5. Summary

Chapter 11. Project: Timer component

11.1. Project structure and scaffolding

11.2. App architecture

11.3. The TimerWrapper component

11.4. The Timer component

11.5. The Button component

11.6. Getting it running

11.7. Homework

11.8. Summary

2. React architecture

Chapter 12. The Webpack build tool

12.1. What does Webpack do?

12.2. Adding Webpack to a project

12.2.1. Installing Webpack and its dependencies

12.2.2. Configuring Webpack

12.3. Modularizing your code

12.4. Running Webpack and testing the build

12.5. Hot module replacement

12.5.1. Configuring HMR

12.5.2. Hot module replacement in action

12.6. Quiz

12.7. Summary

12.8. Quiz answers

Chapter 13. React routing

13.1. Implementing a router from scratch

13.1.1. Setting up the project

13.1.2. Creating the route mapping in app.jsx

13.1.3. Creating the Router component in router.jsx

13.2. React Router

13.2.1. React Router’s JSX style

13.2.2. Hash history

13.2.3. Browser history

13.2.4. React Router development setup with Webpack

13.2.5. Creating a layout component

13.3. React Router features

13.3.1. Accessing router with the withRouter higher-order component

13.3.2. Navigating programmatically

13.3.3. URL parameters and other route data

13.3.4. Passing properties in React Router

13.4. Routing with Backbone

13.5. Quiz

13.6. Summary

13.7. Quiz answers

Chapter 14. Working with data using Redux

14.1. React support for unidirectional data flow

14.2. Understanding the Flux data architecture

14.3. Using the Redux data library

14.3.1. Redux Netflix clone

14.3.2. Dependencies and configs

14.3.3. Enabling Redux

14.3.4. Routes

14.3.5. Combining reducers

14.3.6. Reducer for movies

14.3.7. Actions

14.3.8. Action creators

14.3.9. Connecting components to the store

14.3.10. Dispatching an action

14.3.11. Passing action creators into component properties

14.3.12. Running the Netflix clone

14.3.13. Redux wrap-up

14.4. Quiz

14.5. Summary

14.6. Quiz answers

Chapter 15. Working with data using GraphQL

15.1. GraphQL

15.2. Adding a server to the Netflix clone

15.2.1. Installing GraphQL on a server

15.2.2. Data structure

15.2.3. GraphQL schema

15.2.4. Querying the API and saving the response into the store

15.2.5. Showing the list of movies

15.2.6. GraphQL wrap-up

15.3. Quiz

15.4. Summary

15.5. Quiz answers

Chapter 16. Unit testing React with Jest

16.1. Types of testing

16.2. Why Jest (vs. Mocha or others)?

16.3. Unit testing with Jest

16.3.1. Writing unit tests in Jest

16.3.2. Jest assertions

16.4. UI testing React with Jest and TestUtils

16.4.1. Finding elements with TestUtils

16.4.2. UI-testing the password widget

16.4.3. Shallow rendering

16.5. TestUtils wrap-up

16.6. Quiz

16.7. Summary

16.8. Quiz answers

Chapter 17. React on Node and Universal JavaScript

17.1. Why React on the server? And what is Universal JavaScript?

17.1.1. Proper page indexing

17.1.2. Better performance with faster loading times

17.1.3. Better code maintainability

17.1.4. Universal JavaScript with React and Node

17.2. React on Node

17.3. React and Express: rendering on the server side from components

17.3.1. Rendering simple text on the server side

17.3.2. Rendering an HTML page

17.4. Universal JavaScript with Express and React

17.4.1. Project structure and configuration

17.4.2. Setting up the server

17.4.3. Server-side layout templates with Handlebars

17.4.4. Composing React components on the server

17.4.5. Client-side React code

17.4.6. Setting up Webpack

17.4.7. Running the app

17.5. Quiz

17.6. Summary

17.7. Quiz answers

Chapter 18. Project: Building a bookstore with React Router

18.1. Project structure and Webpack configuration

18.2. The host HTML file

18.3. Creating components

18.3.1. Main file: app.jsx

18.3.2. The Cart component

18.3.3. The Checkout component

18.3.4. The Modal component

18.3.5. The Product component

18.4. Launching the project

18.5. Homework

18.6. Summary

Chapter 19. Project: Checking passwords with Jest

19.1. Project structure and Webpack configuration

19.2. The host HTML file

19.3. Implementing a strong password module

19.3.1. The tests

19.3.2. The code

19.4. Implementing the Password component

19.4.1. The tests

19.4.2. The code

19.5. Putting it into action

19.6. Homework

19.7. Summary

Chapter 20. Project: Implementing autocomplete with Jest, Express, and MongoDB

20.1. Project structure and Webpack configuration

20.2. Implementing the web server

20.2.1. Defining the RESTful APIs

20.2.2. Rendering React on the server

20.3. Adding the browser script

20.4. Creating the server template

20.5. Implementing the Autocomplete component

20.5.1. The tests for Autocomplete

20.5.2. The code for the Autocomplete component

20.6. Putting it all together

20.7. Homework

20.8. Summary

Appendix A. Installing applications used in this book

Installing React

Installing Node.js

Installing Express

Installing Bootstrap

Installing Browserify

Installing MongoDB

Using Babel to compile JSX and ES6

Node.js and ES6

Standalone browser Babel

Appendix B. React cheatsheet



React DOM




Server-side rendering





Advanced components

Options (ES5)




Lifecycle events

Sequence of lifecycle events (inspired by

Special properties


Custom validation

Component properties and methods



React add-ons

React components

Appendix C. Express.js cheatsheet

Installing Express.js





HTTP verbs and routes


Request-header shortcuts


Handler signatures

Stylus and Jade



Connect middleware

Other popular middleware


Appendix D. MongoDB and Mongoose cheatsheet


MongoDB console

Installing Mongoose

Mongoose basic usage

Mongoose schema

Create, read, update, delete (CRUD) Mongoose example

Mongoose model methods

Mongoose document methods

Appendix E. ES6 for success

Default parameters

Template literals

Multiline strings

Destructuring assignment

Enhanced object literals

Arrow functions


Block-scoped constructs: let and const



Using ES6 today with Babel

Other ES6 features

 React Cheatsheet


List of Figures

List of Tables

List of Listings

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