Test your knowledge

  1. The create-react-native-app tool was created by Facebook
    1. Yes, create-react-native-app has been there from day one
    2. No, this is a community-supported tool that follows in the footsteps of create-react-app
  2. Why should you install create-react-native-app globally?
    1. Because there is no way to install it locally
    2. You shouldn't. Only install it locally
    3. Because this is a tool for generating project boilerplate and isn't actually part of the project
    4. Everything should be installed globally.
  3. What's the role of the Expo app on mobile devices?
    1. It's a library that enhances React Native apps
    2. It's a tool that helps developers run their apps on mobile devices during development with very little overhead
    3. It's a tool that natively builds the project and installs it on the target device for you
  4. The React Native packager is able to simulate both iOS and Android devices
    1. It doesn't do this, but it communicates with iOS and Android simulators in order to run the app
    2. Yes, simulators are included as part of React Native
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