HTML tag conventions

When you render HTML tags in JSX markup, the expectation is that you'll use lowercase for the tag name. In fact, capitalizing the name of an HTML tag will fail. Tag names are case sensitive and non-HTML elements are capitalized. This way, it's easy to scan the markup and spot the built-in HTML elements versus everything else.

You can also pass HTML elements any of their standard properties. When you pass them something unexpected, a warning about the unknown property is logged. Here's an example that illustrates these ideas:

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';

// This renders as expected, except for the "foo"
// property, since this is not a recognized button
// property.
<button title="My Button" foo="bar">
My Button

// This fails with a "ReferenceError", because
// tag names are case-sensitive. This goes against
// the convention of using lower-case for HTML tag names.
render(<Button />, document.getElementById('root'));
Later on in the book, I'll cover property validation for the components that you make. This avoids silent misbehavior as seen with the foo property in this example.
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