Built-in HTML tags

When we render JSX, element tags are referencing React components. Since it would be tedious to have to create components for HTML elements, React comes with HTML components. We can render any HTML tag in our JSX, and the output will be just as we'd expect. Now, let's try rendering some of these tags:

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';

// The render() function will only complain if the browser doesn't
// recognize the tag
<button />
<code />
<input />
<label />
<p />
<pre />
<select />
<table />
<ul />

Don't worry about the rendered output for this example; it doesn't make sense. All we're doing here is making sure that we can render arbitrary HTML tags, and they render as expected.

You may have noticed the surrounding <div> tag, grouping together all of the other tags as its children. This is because React needs a root component to render. Later in the chapter, you'll learn how to render adjacent elements without wrapping them in a parent element.
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