Capturing a likeness can be one of the greatest challenges for an artist, yet it also can be incredibly rewarding. Careful observation, coupled with a thorough understanding of the form of the head, is the foundation of a successful portrait. Consideration must be given to how the light flows over the head and facial features, as well as the very different textures of hair, teeth, skin, and eyes.



Light and Wavy Carbon dust and a stump create a base of light, subtle tone. I add long, flowing lines, following the soft waves of the hair. The strands in the foreground stay very light to emphasize the color of the hair.


Dark and Straight First I outline the sculptured shape of this hairstyle and then apply a layer of carbon dust. Because the hair is so sleek, there is a strong band of highlights. I apply even tone with long, curved strokes and a 2B.


Dark and Wavy I draw the main, curving hair forms; layer in some carbon dust; and draw wavy lines with the point of a 2B pencil. I use a 4B for the darkest darks and lift out the lighter, highlighted strands with a kneaded eraser.


Light and Curly I out line the main masses of curls and some individual hairs. Then I use a sharp HB to shade. I lay in some carbon dust for the hair that is in shadow. Then I lift out some highlights with curved strokes.



Flannel I apply carbon dust using circular strokes. Then I layer in long strokes with a 2B and blend, keeping the highlights soft and subtle.


Woven These highlights aren’t sharp, but the tone is lighter where the light hits. I use crosshatching to shade, achieving a heavily woven texture.


Satin I draw the main folds, then apply a layer of carbon dust. I define the highlights with my eraser for shine, and I lift out for the stitches.


Lacework This fabric is matte, so the tonal transitions are very soft with no bright highlights. I make the dark holes with a sharp 2B.

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