List of Tables

Chapter 2. Beginning a Restlet application

Table 2.1. Properties of Restlet inherited by Application

Table 2.2. Restlet applications offer several built-in services.

Table 2.3. Results of a routing example

Table 2.4. Shortcut methods in the Resource class

Table 2.5. Shortcut methods in the ServerResource class

Table 2.6. Special properties of ServerResource

Table 2.7. Shortcut methods in the ClientResource class

Table 2.8. Special properties of ClientResource

Table 2.9. Restlet provides annotations for defining resources

Chapter 3. Deploying a Restlet application

Table 3.1. Properties of the Connector, Client, and Server classes

Table 3.2. Characteristics of built-in connectors

Table 3.3. Characteristics of extension connectors

Table 3.4. Properties of the VirtualHost classes

Table 3.5. Restlet applications can use several built-in component services.

Chapter 4. Producing and consuming Restlet representations

Table 4.1. Variant properties

Table 4.2. RepresentationInfo properties

Table 4.3. Additional Representation properties

Table 4.4. A few examples of common standard media types

Chapter 5. Securing a Restlet application

Table 5.1. Parameters of the server context related to the use of HTTPS

Table 5.2. Provided implementations of the SslContextFactory interface

Table 5.3. Security schemes declared by the ChallengeScheme class

Chapter 7. Enhancing a Restlet application with recipes and best practices

Table 7.1. Directory class properties

Table 7.2. Common URI template variables

Chapter 8. Using Restlet with cloud platforms

Table 8.1. Description of cloud computing layers

Table 8.2. Restlet editions related to cloud computing

Table 8.3. Elements present in the template project of the Windows Azure Starter Kit for Java

Table 8.4. Examples of OData URIs to query data of services

Table 8.5. Needed extensions for generation in context of OData with XML-based Atom

Table 8.6. Parameters of the generator class

Table 8.7. Properties provided by the Query class

Table 8.8. Main launching parameters of the SDC agent application

Chapter 9. Using Restlet in browsers and mobile devices

Table 9.1. Modules usable with GWT

Table 9.2. ClientResource methods removed for the GWT edition

Table 9.3. Classes corresponding to supported JSON types

Table 9.4. Different parts of the Android platform

Table 9.5. Restlet extensions that can be used with Android

Appendix A. Overview of the Restlet Framework

Table A.1. Developed extensions by edition

Appendix D. Designing a RESTful web API

Table D.1. Four main HTTP methods and what the client is asking the server to do when using them

Table D.2. Examples of common status codes defined by HTTP

Appendix E. Mapping REST, HTTP, and the Restlet API

Table E.1. Mapping REST concepts to Restlet classes

Table E.2. Mapping HTTP concepts to Restlet classes

Table E.3. Mapping HTTP headers to Restlet properties

Table E.4. Server connectors

Table E.5. Client connectors

Table E.6. Converters that provide automatic serialization

Table E.7. Converters that provides automatic deserialization

Table E.8. Challenge schemes and their implementation

Table E.9. Types defined in the LocalReference class

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