Example 4.2. Creating a Customized Table of Descriptive Statistics


Create a table of descriptive statistics. Obtain the statistics through use of standard SAS procedures, and then write the results in a customized style.



                                   Table  2.14
                             Baseline Demographics
          Number of Patients                94    

            Male                         41 (44%) 
          46 (43%)
            Female                       53 (56%) 
          60 (57%)

          Age (years)
             Mean (SEM)                 52.1 (1
.96)        53.9 (1.74)
            25th - 75th                 33.7 -  67
.3       37.7 -  69.1
             Min - Max                  21.0 -  84
.7       20.5 -  84.8
            No. Missing                      0    

            Non-White                    37 (39%) 
          33 (31%)
            White                        57 (61%) 
          73 (69%)

          Height (inches)
             Mean (SEM)                 65.4 (0
.54)        65.4 (0.54)
            25th - 75th                 61.5 -  69
.9       60.5 -  70.0
             Min - Max                  55.3 -  74
.8       55.2 -  74.7
            No. Missing                      0    

          Weight (lbs)
            Mean (SEM)                188.2 (5.07)
      191.1 (4.43)
            25th - 75th                140.9 - 225
.8      159.2 - 223.7
             Min - Max                 110.5 - 275
.6      110.4 - 277.0
            No. Missing                      0    

Example Features

Preparatory StepsPROC FREQ PROC MEANS with NOPRINT and NWAY options
Featured StepDATA step
Featured Step Statements and OptionsFILE statement: N= option (example uses N=PS, which is valid when sending output to the LISTING destination) PUT statement with column and formatted output when sending output to the LISTING destination
Formatting FeaturesFILE statement: HEADER= and NOTITLES options when sending output to the LISTING destination
A Closer LookCreating a Format for Percentages with the PICTURE Statement in PROC FORMAT

Computing Descriptive Statistics

Concatenating SAS Data Sets

Positioning the Output Line Pointer to a Specific Column by Calculating the Column Position

Positioning the Output Line Pointer to a Specific Row by Calculating the Row Position

Supplying Heading Information for All Pages
ODS Enhanced Version of This ExampleExample 6.12
Other Examples That Use This Data SetExample 6.12

Example Overview

This report compares the demographic data of subjects assigned to two treatment groups in a clinical trial. It mixes frequencies and statistics within the content of the report. The required structure of the table cannot be achieved with PROC TABULATE or PROC REPORT.

The FREQ and MEANS procedures summarize the data and output the results to data sets. There are six sections in the report, and the program creates an output data set from either PROC FREQ or PROC MEANS for each section. A DATA step concatenates these data sets, uses conditional processing to write rows in the report, and produces the report’s headings.

Each observation in the DEMOG data set corresponds to all the measurements on one patient in one treatment group.

The sole destination of this example is intended to be the LISTING destination. The PUT statements in the DATA step write output to specific row and column positions. The same output sent to a nonlisting destination would not look properly formatted. Example 6.12 uses ODS features to construct a similar report that is sent to a nonlisting destination.

This example works with data sets produced by PROC FREQ and PROC MEANS. You can also save your output in data sets produced by ODS output objects. Example 4.3 creates a customized report from data sets produced by ODS output objects.


proc format;

Define an informat to use in controlling column placement of information.
  invalue colplc 'Active'=45

  value racefmt  0='Non-White'
  value gendrfmt 0='Male'
  value tmtdgfmt 0='Active'

Create a PICTURE format for percentages.
  picture percen (round)     .='  ( %)' (noedit)
          other='0009%)' (prefix='('),

Compute the frequency counts for the first two sections of the report. Do not print the tables. Save the results for each section in its own data set.
proc freq data=demog;
  tables tmtdg / out=t1 noprint;

Save the percentage of the column frequency, the percentage of the row frequency, and the percentage of the two-way table frequency in the output data set.
  tables tmtdg*gender / out=t2 outpct

Do not print the frequency table.

Compute the statistics for the third section of the report. Do not print the results. With the NWAY option, save only the statistics for the two TMTDG groups, not the overall statistics. (The NWAY option limits the output statistics to the observations with the highest _TYPE_ value.)
proc means data=demog noprint nway;

Specify the variable whose values define the categories for which to compute statistics.
  class tmtdg;

  var age;

Save the statistics in a data set. Specify the keywords of each of the statistics that should be saved and specify the variable names to assign to the statistics in the output data set.
  output out=t3 min=min max=max mean=mean q3=q3 q1=q1
         nmiss=nmiss stderr=stderr;

Compute the frequency counts for the fourth section of the report. Do not print the table. Save the results in a data set. Include the percentage of the column frequency, the percentage of the row frequency, and the percentage of the two-way table frequency in the output data set. (All three PROC FREQ TABLES statements could be submitted from one PROC FREQ step, but this example presents them separately so that the output data sets are created in the same sequence as they appear in the report.)
proc freq data=demog;
  tables tmtdg*race / out=t4 outpct noprint;

Execute PROC MEANS two more times to compute statistics for the last two parts of the table. Write PROC MEANS steps that are similar to the preceding one.
proc means data=demog noprint nway;
  class tmtdg;
  var height;
  output out=t5 min=min max=max mean=mean q3=q3
         q1=q1 nmiss=nmiss stderr=stderr;

proc means data=demog noprint;
  class tmtdg;
  var weight;
  output out=t6 min=min max=max mean=mean q3=q3
         q1=q1 nmiss=nmiss stderr=stderr;

Process the output data sets that have already been created and do not create a new data set.
data _null_;

Send the output to an external file. Replace the text external-file with the name of the destination file.
  file 'external-file'

Specify that the external file contain carriage control characters.

Specify the number of lines to make available to the output pointer in the current iteration of the DATA step. In this example, set that number to the value assigned to the SAS PAGESIZE option, which is represented by PS.

Suppress printing of the current title lines during execution of the DATA step.

Identify a group of SAS statements by statement label that you want to execute each time SAS begins a new output page.

Concatenate the six descriptive statistics data sets. For each data set, create a variable that indicates whether the data set contributed data to the current observation.
  set t1(in=in1) t2(in=in2) t3(in=in3)
      t4(in=in4) t5(in=in5) t6(in=in6);

Create a variable to use in conditional processing. Use INDS to track how many times the DATA step has read from the current data set.

Assign a value to COL and use it later to position text under column headings.

Execute this block when the DATA step is reading from data set T1.
  if in1 then do;

Write the first row of the report when reading from data set T1.
    if inds=1 then put #row
          @13 'Number of Patients' @(col+2) count;

Execute this block when processing all observations from data set T1 other than the first. Reset the value of INDS to 0 so that its value can be used on the next iteration of the DATA step when it reads from another data set for the first time. ROW is incremented by two so that the next PUT statement can write the next line of the report two lines below the first.
    else do;
      put #row @(col) count;

Execute this block when the DATA step is reading from either data set T2 or data set T4. Because these data sets are so similar, the same lines of code process them.
  else if in2 or in4 then do;

Write descriptive labels when processing the first observation of either data set T2 or data set T4.
   if inds=1 then do;
     if in2 then put #row @13 'Gender';
     else do;
       put #row @13 'Race';

Execute this block when processing observations from data set T2. Calculate the row and column positions.
   if in2 then put #(row+gender) @15 gender gendrfmt.
                   @(col-1) count pct_row percen5.;

Execute this block when processing observations from data set T4.
   else put #(row+race) @15 race racefmt.
            @(col-1) count pct_row percen5.;

Reset INDS after processing the last observation contributed from T2 or T4.
   if inds=4 then inds=0;

Execute this block when processing observations from data set T3, data set T5, or data set T6.
 else if in3 or in5 or in6 then do;

Write labelling information when processing the first observation from data set T3, data set T5, or data set T6.
   if inds=1 then do;
     if in3 or in5 then row+3;
     else row+5;
     if in3 then put #row @13 'Age (years)';
     else if in5 then put #row @13 'Height (inches)';
     else put #row @13 'Weight (lbs)';

Write the rows of the report that are contributed by observations from data sets T3 and T5.
   if in3 or in5 then put
     #row @16 'Mean (SEM)' @(col-2) mean 4.1
          @(col+3) '(' stdmean 4.2 ')'
     #(row+1) @15 '25th - 75th'
          @(col-2) q1 4.1 ' -  ' q3 4.1
     #(row+2) @16 'Min - Max'
          @(col-2) min 4.1 ' -  ' max 4.1
     #(row+3) @15 'No. Missing' @(col+3) nmiss 1.;

Write the rows of the report that are contributed by observations from data set T6. This code is very similar to the code for writing rows while reading from T3 and T5, but subtle differences in alignment make it necessary to code these rows separately.
  else put
    #row @16 'Mean (SEM)' @(col-3) mean 5.1
         @(col+3) '(' stdmean 4.2 ')'
    #(row+1) @15 '25th - 75th'
         @(col-3) q1 5.1 ' - ' q3 5.1
    #(row+2) @16 'Min - Max'
         @(col-3) min 5.1 ' - ' max 5.1
    #(row+3) @15 'No. Missing' @(col+3) nmiss 1.;

  if (in3 or in5) and inds=2 then inds=0;

When processing the last observation from T6, which is at the end of the report, write a horizontal line.
   if in6 and inds=2 then put #(row+4) @13 60*'-';

Return to the top of the DATA step before executing the statements labelled by REPORTTOP.

Supply heading information for all pages.
   put #2  @67 'Client'
       #3  @65 'Protocol'
       #4  @63 'Population'
       #6  @38 'Table  2.14'
       #8  @32 'Baseline Demographics'
       #9  @13 60*'-'
       #10 @45 'Active' @62 'Placebo'
       #11 @13 60*'-';

A Closer Look

Creating a Format for Percentages with the PICTURE Statement in PROC FORMAT

The PERCEN. format writes percentage values according to the templates, or pictures, in the PICTURE statement. The ROUND option rounds off values to the closest integer. If a value ends in 0.5, it is rounded up.

  picture percen (round)  .='  ( %)' (noedit)
                     other ='0009%)'
                   (prefix ='('),

The first picture, which is for missing values, writes parentheses with a percent sign, but no number. The NOEDIT option means that the PICTURE format writes the characters between quotes exactly as they appear in the statement for the specified value or values.

For the picture for all nonmissing values, the string “0009” specifies placeholders for the formatted value. The PREFIX= option writes the open parenthesis before the first digit. The prefix character counts as one of the positions in the picture. The remaining three positions in the picture, represented by the second and the third 0 and the 9, are reserved for the percentage value. The placeholder of 0 specifies that no leading zero is written in that position. That is, if the value that is being formatted is less than 10, the left parenthesis will be put in the position of the third 0 in the picture.

Computing Descriptive Statistics

PROC MEANS provides data summarization tools that compute descriptive statistics for variables across all observations and within groups of observations. The program in this example executes three simple PROC MEANS steps. Each execution computes a few statistics on one analysis variable for groups defined by the values of one classification variable. The results are saved in output data sets.

The OUTPUT statement tells SAS to save specific statistics in an output data set. Specify each keyword for a statistic that you want to save and follow the keyword with an equal sign and the variable name that you want to assign to the statistic in the output data set. In this example, the variable names are the same as the keyword names.

The class variable TMTDG has two values, and each of the three output data sets produced by the three PROC MEANS steps has two observations, one for each value of TMTDG. The first observation in each output data set contains the statistics for the active group and the second observation contains the statistics for the placebo group.

PROC MEANS supports many variations on the form of the OUTPUT statement for computing statistics, providing variable names, and identifying specific observations. Saving these seven statistics is just a small sampling of what you can do with the OUTPUT statement in PROC MEANS. See Example 3.2 for more detail on using PROC MEANS.

Concatenating SAS Data Sets

The SET statement reads one observation on each iteration of the DATA step. It reads all the observations from the first data set, then the second, and so on, until it has read all observations from all six data sets:

     set t1(in=in1) t2(in=in2) t3(in=in3) t4(in=in4)
         t5(in=in5) t6(in=in6);

The IN= data set option creates a variable that indicates whether the data set contributed to the current observation (1=true and 0=false). The values of the variables IN1 through IN6 are used in conditional processing to write different rows in the report.

Figure 4.2 identifies rows and columns in the report and shows which of the six data sets contributes to each row. Note the similar structure of the data on gender and race from data sets T2 and T4 and the similar structure of the data on age, height, and weight from data sets T3, T5, and T6. Because these sections of the report are so similar, the same code can be used to produce the rows describing GENDER and RACE, and the same code can be used to produce the rows on AGE, HEIGHT, and WEIGHT.

Figure 4.2. Identifying the Rows and Columns in the Report

Positioning the Output Line Pointer to a Specific Column by Calculating the Column Position

This program is written to send output to the LISTING destination. Therefore, it can direct output to specific columns on the report page.

This program uses the variable COL to position the pointer when centering text under “Active” and “Placebo” in the report. The value of COL is derived by applying the informat COLPLC to the variable TMTDG.

proc format;
  invalue colplc 'Active'=45

The INPUT function reads the value of TMTDG, applies the informat COLPLC to the values of TMTDG, returns the value 45 or 63, and assigns one of these numeric values to COL.


All data written in the “Active” column is centered on column 45, and data in the “Placebo” column is centered on column 63. Many PUT statements in this program use the value of COL to correctly position text in these columns. Here are some examples:

put...@(col-1) count pct_row percen5.;

put...@(col-2) mean 4.1

put...@(col+3) '(' stderr 4.2 ')'

Using this indirect method to determine where to place a value has two advantages:

It puts the literal value in one location so that if you need to move that column in the report, you can make one change and yet keep the data aligned.
It uses one variable value for two purposes: to place the data in the correct treatment column (“Active” or “Placebo”) and to center the data under the column headings.

Positioning the Output Line Pointer to a Specific Row by Calculating the Row Position

The following lines of code write the rows on gender data when reading from data set T2 (IN2 is true) and the rows on race data when reading from T4. (Because this code is part of a larger DO group that reads only from data sets T2 or T4, the ELSE block processes data only from T4.)

if in2 then put 2 #(row+gender) @15 gender gendrfmt.
               1 @(col-1) count pct_row percen5.;
else put 2 #(row+race) @15 race racefmt.
        1 @(col-1) count pct_row percen5.;
if inds=4 then inds=0; 3

The use of the variable COL to position the pointer based on the value “Active” (45) or “Placebo” (63) is discussed in the previous section.

Similar to the way COL is used in conjunction with the current values of TMTDG, the values of ROW, GENDER, and RACE are used to position the pointer on the correct row based on the current value of GENDER or RACE. For example, when the observation contains data on “Male,” the true value of GENDER is 0, so those values are written on the row equal to the current value of the variable ROW. When the observation contains data on “Female,” the true value of GENDER is 1, so those values are written one row after the row for “Male.”

There are only four observations in each of the two data sets. When INDS equals 4, the DATA step reads the last observation in the data set currently being processed. It resets INDS to zero because the next observation that the DATA step processes will be from a new data set.

Supplying Heading Information for All Pages

To print headings at the top of each new page of a report:

specify a label with the HEADER= option in a FILE statement
place a RETURN statement before the statement label
place a colon after the label
place the statements that construct the heading after the statement label
place a RETURN statement at the end of these statements.

Here is the code that creates the heading for this report, followed by an explanation:

file 'external-file' print n=ps notitles header=reporttop; 1

return; 2

reporttop: 3
  put #2  @67 'Client' 4
      #3  @65 'Protocol'
      #4  @63 'Population'
      #6  @38 'Table  2.14'
      #8  @32 'Baseline Demographics'
      #9  @13 60*'-'
      #10 @45 'Active' @62 'Placebo'
      #11 @13 60*'-';
  row=12; 5
  return; 6

The FILE statement specifies REPORTTOP as the statement label.

The RETURN statement that precedes the label is necessary to prevent the statements following the label from executing with each iteration of the DATA step.

The statement label is followed by a colon.

The PUT statement produces the heading on this single-page report by writing data on eight lines.

The assignment statement assigns a value of 12 to ROW after the heading is written. That value is used to position the next line of text in the report, which corresponds to the first line of the results.

The RETURN statement signals the end of the section labeled REPORTTOP.

Where to Go from Here

Concatenating data sets. See “Combining SAS Data Sets: Basic Concepts” and “Combining SAS Data Sets: Methods” in the “Reading, Combining, and Modifying SAS Data Sets” section of SAS 9.1 Language Reference: Concepts, and “SET Statement” in the “Statements” section of SAS 9.1 Language Reference: Dictionary.

Description of how SAS processes a DATA step. See “DATA Step Processing” in the “Data Step Concepts” section of SAS 9.1 Language Reference: Concepts.

FILE statement syntax, usage information, and additional examples. See “FILE Statement” in the “Statements” section of SAS 9.1 Language Reference: Dictionary.

The IN= data set option used on the SET statement. See “SET Statement” in the “Statements” section of SAS 9.1 Language Reference: Dictionary.

INPUT function syntax, usage informaton, and additional examples. See “INPUT Function” in the “Functions and CALL Routines” section of SAS 9.1 Language Reference: Concepts.

More Examples of Writing a Report with a DATA Step. See “Writing a Report with a DATA Step” in the “DATA Step Processing” section of SAS 9.1 Language Reference: Concepts.

PROC FORMAT reference, usage information, and additional examples. See “The FORMAT Procedure” in Base SAS 9.1 Procedures Guide.

PROC FREQ reference, usage information, and additional examples. See “The FREQ Procedure” in Base SAS 9.1 Procedures Guide.

PROC MEANS reference, usage information, and additional examples. See “The MEANS Procedure” in Base SAS 9.1 Procedures Guide.

PUT statement syntax, usage information, and additional examples. See “PUT Statement,” “PUT Statement, Column,” “PUT Statement, Formatted,” and “PUT Statement, List” in the “Statements” section of SAS 9.1 Language Reference: Dictionary.

SET statement syntax, usage information, and additional examples. See “SET Statement” in the “Statements” section of SAS 9.1 Language Reference: Dictionary.

Working with Formats. See “Formats and Informats” in “SAS Language Elements” in the “SAS System Concepts” section of SAS 9.1 Language Reference: Concepts, and “Formats” in Base SAS 9.1 Language Reference: Dictionary.

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